View Full Version : Dealing with this type of Anxiety...

05-04-2014, 01:25 PM
I am a busy and a very positive 23 guy. I am studying IT, have my own small business, and work as a full-time reduced hours employee for a company managed by my family.

My work mates are jealous about the way I am able to tackle problems, staying calm and not panicking. It's not the first time I spend some time trying to calm them throughout the day, making them laugh and putting funny videos while everyone is banging their head to the wall. This puts a positive attitude, but that's not my problem.

Work challenges do not usually cause me any issues. It's processes during my life that are OUT of the Ordinary. Anything I'll have to do that is out of routine, gets me nervous and this is badly affecting my lifestyle. Following are a couple of examples:

- One day I had to meet my director (who is also my cousin, and I know I'm not having any issues with him) for a meeting with another company. Long story short... panic.
- One day I had to take my car to the mechanic... panic.
- I also had to meet someone from the school for a new course I'm taking (information session)... panic.
- Graduation... panic.
- Doing a presentation... panic.

These even happen when I'm with my fiancee, so I'm pretty comfortable with her. Symptoms usually start almost half a day before the event, thoughts and whatever causes anxiety. Around 3 - 4 hours before the event, I get stomach ache and symptoms of diarrhea. I get to visit the bathroom 3 times in an hour. This most of the time passes as soon as the even is over. During the event... I may get dizzy. I also notice that heart beats are more powerful, and faster. Wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything. Waiting for the event is the worst part. Mornings are also worst than something in the afternoon and evenings. Knowing there's not bathroom around makes it even worst. Having coffee also makes it worst, in fact I'm trying to have tea instead and starting to have a cod liver capsule every morning.

I have to do a presentation in around a month's time... it's a simple one-to-one presentation with my lecturer where I have to explain what I did in a project then I'm getting assessed. I'm already worried about this, even though I don't have to because I know it's going to be OK and I'm going to at least pass cause I know what I'm doing... but still leaving negative affect on me.

Now I know it's everything in my head, however I am able to comfort others but not able to deal with these symptoms. I know I lack a healthy lifestyle (lack of exercise and lack of healthy diet... although my weight is perfect).

Any help would be appreciated.

05-04-2014, 05:44 PM
Hi Danf,
Sounds like you having some type of anxiety there and you have come to a good place. First thing I would do is read through a couple of the threads. Read anxiety the symptoms and anything that sounds like it may pertain to you. Ask questions when you have one.

05-04-2014, 09:36 PM
Well, exercise and eating right would go a long way towards helping. But in the meantime, do you have anything you can take to calm you down in these situations? Maybe you can learn meditation. My doctor didn't want me to get addicted to Xanax so he gave me a mild tranquilizer called Tranxene to take in emergency situations only.