View Full Version : Daily headaches: How do you guys deal with it?

05-03-2014, 02:43 PM
Is there a way to decrease them or make them go away?

On the bright side, I have significantly improved my hypochondria over the past few months and I am 95% sure it's not a brain tumor or anything serious because:

1) I did an eye exam yesterday because of those headaches and I read somewhere that 90% of brain tumors are detected through eye exams
2) One side of my body doesn`t feel weak (which is one of the main symptoms)
3) I didn`t have a seizure of any sort
4) I don`t have problems with my balance
5) My headaches aren`t increasing with intensity with time and they`re usually very mild (but last long)

What I`m worried about:
1) My headaches are there pretty much everyday
2) I get nauseated easily (especially after eating) but I don`t vomit and it goes away after about 30 minutes.
3) At this moment, there isn`t much stressing me. School is over and I`m going to the Dominican Republic in 3 days. (What is causing this?)

Is there anyway to relieve these headaches? Will exercise and yoga actually help reduce its frequency?

05-03-2014, 02:52 PM
Anxiety, worrying and stress are big causes of headaches.
I would suggest something such as meditation to help you relax. I have just started doing this every night from an app on my phone. It has helped me relax a great deal.
Also make sure you are drinking plenty water as dehydration is a massive cause of headaches.
Plus try looking at your diet as if I have to much dairy it can cause me migraines

05-03-2014, 02:58 PM
I would recommend quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and pops or sodas, a lot of caffeine in it, energy drinks, higher intake of greens and fresh fruit, forgot about the cans, Vitamin B complex:))

05-03-2014, 03:00 PM
I never drank, I smoked shisha 3 months ago before my anxiety attacks but then I obviously stopped, I don`t drink energy drinks that much ( and I didn`t even think about touching them after my panic attacks) , I do drink coffee here and there but I`m not obsessed about it anymore

05-03-2014, 03:03 PM
Anxiety, worrying and stress are big causes of headaches.
I would suggest something such as meditation to help you relax. I have just started doing this every night from an app on my phone. It has helped me relax a great deal.
Also make sure you are drinking plenty water as dehydration is a massive cause of headaches.
Plus try looking at your diet as if I have to much dairy it can cause me migraines

I had panic attacks before because of hypochondria ,but my hypochondria is fading away. I am also not that stressed right now because I just finished school and I don`t have to deal with it until september. Is it possible that I can get them without having any stressor?

05-03-2014, 03:11 PM
Yeah of course it's possible.

Are you sleeping well enough and drinking plenty water?
Whats the weather like where you are could it be hay fever or your sinuses causing them?

My ten year old son suffered migraines so bad where he was ill for days. We looked at what he was eating and drinking and cut down on his dairy products and make sure he drinks loads. It's very rare he has one now. His doctor wanted to put him on medication for them but I wasn't keen on doing that as I don't like giving him medication unless he really needs it.
He hasn't many stresses in his life.

05-03-2014, 03:15 PM
Hannah you are right, drinking water is very often the answer.

05-03-2014, 03:24 PM
It's the first thing I do now if I feel a headache coming on now Dahlia. I grab some water sit down and sip it. It's some of the great advice I've found on here and it really helps me :-)

05-03-2014, 04:42 PM
I actually just had a huge bottle of water with coffee and it made my headache better lol! But I guess it was more the water than the coffee

05-03-2014, 04:47 PM
Haha probably I must admit though I love my daily coffee though. I'm pleased your headache has eased a little for you :-)

05-03-2014, 05:30 PM
I do have water too, before taking pain killer. I drink so much coffee a day, that I need at least two liters of water :( of course there is not time for it, but the fruit and veggies is water too:)