View Full Version : Flu

05-03-2014, 04:06 AM
This started Saturday when my family had a cough and sore throats.
Wednesday, I started having symptoms of a severe sore throat and cough and my head was pounding. Now today my cough is causing discomfort in my chest... Is this supposed to happen or is my anxiety flaring up and causing me to worry over nothing?

05-03-2014, 05:10 AM
Sounds like common cold, flu or virus. Lots if fluids, maybe some Tylenol and be kind to yourself. Don't let that darned anxiety creep in and make it worse than it is.

We are having a cold wet spring and people are getting sick all over the place. Keeping up on my vitamins, eating properly and staying away from those who insist on going to work when they are sick.

Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.
