View Full Version : Very cool Depression/Anxiety saying....

04-30-2014, 07:40 AM
I really like this - depression/anxiety could be interchangeable in this paragraph.


05-06-2014, 07:40 AM
thanks for sharing this. it is written with chilling frankness, it sent a shrill up my spine

Irish Sammie
05-06-2014, 08:54 AM
Cool? it is not. It's poetic but in no way helpful. The paragraph in itself is depressing and to shed light on that is to just wallow in it's negative aspect. Post some positive statements :)

05-06-2014, 09:57 AM
I found it very eerie and true.

I'm sorry - I didn't realize every thread had to be high fives and hugs; if someone can't read a quote without just taking it for what it is - a brutally truthful quote/poem, IMO, on living with depression/anxiety; then you'll never get over it...

05-06-2014, 10:22 AM
I think it's a great quote its very true :-)

Thanks for sharing

05-06-2014, 10:34 AM
For me, it's good to have a friend with no mental problems, but boy does she have physical ones and sometimes that seems worse.
She has terrible pain, migraine headaches, POTS,no sleep, and nothing in her body works right. It's awful! She just lays on the couch some days unable to do anything.

05-06-2014, 10:43 AM
I'm glad a few like it - I know it's a bit morbid, but it definitely hits the nail on the head when you think of the personal hell many feel when suffering from anxiety or depression.

Very true Anne - living like that can really hurt overall quality of life; but like I've (well, actually Robert De Niro said it in Taxi Driver) always said "you're only as healthy as you feel." Quality of life is much complicated than simply going to the doctors and getting a clean bill of health - mental health is just as import as the physical.

Irish Sammie
05-06-2014, 10:57 AM
I never said everything has to be high fives and hugs, that's you over exaggerating. There's relatability, then there is wallowing. That's like saying to get over drug abuse, you need to take more drugs. It's counter productive. That's my opinion.

05-06-2014, 11:50 AM
I never said everything has to be high fives and hugs, that's you over exaggerating. There's relatability, then there is wallowing. That's like saying to get over drug abuse, you need to take more drugs. It's counter productive. That's my opinion.

Yup, your opinion...

How is it "wallowing?" It's just very good descriptive writing pertaining to a dark point/experience in many peoples lives - I'm not advocating getting it tattooed to your forearm.

Me over exaggerating? You're the one making it seem like this is a pic of someone depressed, holding a gun to their head! If all someone can do is look at pictures of puppies and bunnies, then good luck to them.

Maybe some just have more of an appreciation of artistic expression, rather than simply stripping it down to "depressing" and "negative."

The drug abuse line is a really bad analogy in this case.

05-06-2014, 11:53 AM
u4ea is right not every thread is uplifting, it does not have to be.... People chose not to post in the gloomy ones. We have a lot of sadness here.... I like the poem , very much so..;)

05-06-2014, 11:56 AM
I thought reading it reminded me where I had been and it makes me appreciate how far on this journey I have come.
I also think that anyone who hasn't suffered anxiety, depression ever it might give them a tiny insight into how hard a struggle it can be.

05-06-2014, 01:06 PM
Ty. I am learning to embrace my solitude. It makes me feel very connected to the earth and gives me a sense of gratitude that I could never otherwise find. How I view others is not based on the depth of my loneliness, but more due to the disrespect and hypocrisy I see inflicted on the land and each other. I believe such negative attitudes to be more cancerous than those poor souls that take action to self medicate and or moreover, I would suggest it's our own denial that binds us like so, rather than that poorly misunderstood expanse of space that would otherwise have so much to offers us.

05-06-2014, 01:11 PM
Thanks everyone - I wasn't trying to post something negative or ruin the mood, or day for people : )

"I" just found the quote, quite good, a bit morbid, but good and I thought I'd share.

05-06-2014, 02:14 PM
Not at all - please do share more like that! My use of the term negative had absolutely nothing to do with this awesome share. Again ... we could do with more unraveling of such things. Thanks Heaps for the share.

05-07-2014, 01:43 PM
I liked it, its the truth and we have to live with the truth, it was actually re assuring to see it written down knowing im not alone with thinking sad things like that, not that its sad but yano...depression etc :)

05-08-2014, 01:11 AM
Well I will highly disagree with this saying. It isn't true. And it doesn't have practical usage. It will not help you overcome your depression.

For me depression was a chance, not a curse. A chance to realize that something wrong was with my character, with my way of think. If I didn't have depression, I wouldn't have a chance to work with it, to discover my shortcomings to improve myself (and I was really confused person). By this improvement I overcame depression, panic attacks, anxiety. And now I am quite happy person! A curse? No of course! A chance!

05-08-2014, 01:38 AM
By analyzing my own experience and by having much conversation with people, who have depression, I discovered, that for some of them depression is like a poisoned spear, sticked in their body. But sometimes the poison becomes sweet for them.

Of course people don't really enjoy being depressed, I don't want to say that. But they take some hidden pleasure from the hypertrophied sense of self-pity. You think: "I am really bad, I am in hell, other people didn't experience that, they don't know how it feels, too much suffering for me, I have been chosen to suffer etc." And you like thinking like it, though you don't admit it to yourself!

That is the problem of this quote. It fuels the sense of self-pity, the sense of how bad your fate is. It says: "you are punished! you are in hell!" What's so bad about this? Is it so bad to feel pleasure even from such feelings as self-pity while you are depressed? Actually, yes. While the poison is sweet, it is harder for you to remove spear from your body.

I had conversations with many depressed people. And it seems that some hidden part of them don't want to get rid of depression. Because it is strongly attached to their ego, maybe to their feeling of uniqueness of their fate. If depression will be removed, they think that they will some part of their ego. And they fear that.

That is my opinion. I didn't want to offence anybody. Please judge my sayings not in a way "they are true or false", "they are pleasant to hear or no" but more like "can they help you to overcome depression and or not".