View Full Version : Meds not working

04-23-2014, 12:02 AM
I should be a really happy person with a great girlfriend and a good life. However, I am not. My anxiety is horrible and at 42 have battled it my whole life. Currently taking zoloft and trying busporine which makes me really dizzy and almost make the anxiety worse. I have been on meds most of my life but I can never seem to cure the anxiety. I have had a few times for a few years where it was pretty good but it always comes back and for no reason. It is becoming soo frusturating and really starting to cause problems in my relationship. I just dont know what to do anymore as the doctor will just always try you on a new med. I workout alot and that helps but only for a few hours. My grandpa suffered from horrible depression and I fear no matter what I do I may never feel like a normal person should.

04-23-2014, 12:19 AM
I'm currently on Zoloft... Slowly switching to Lexapro. The Zoloft never really worked for me. I've always had to rely on. Klonopin far more than I would like to. My doctor recently prescribed Buspirone for me as well. I took it for two weeks and had to stop. I was in a constant zombie-like state. Never wanted to get out of bed, and when I did, I was completely silent and did not want to interact with anyone. Needless to say, I'm not taking it anymore.
Look into cognitive behavioral therapy and herbal/natural medications (St. John's, etc.)
I understand your frustration, believe me.
Hope you get some relief soon. :)