View Full Version : Hello to all again

04-19-2014, 04:56 AM
hey guys. long time since my last post. proud to say im waaay better.got my life back, and the last days i have really overcome my Dr and Dp also any anxiety symptom. I write to express my gratitude to the boys and girls here that have helped me so many times. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. i hope good days come for each one of you out there. Also anyone who has derealization or depersonalization or sleep anxiety can write me anytime here [email protected] would be more than open to answer. there is hope.stay positive .

04-19-2014, 05:29 AM
Hi Cimi,

That's so great to hear that you are doing so well!

Makes what we do here so worth while. Thank you for stopping in and sharing!

I wish you continued happy days!