View Full Version : I have a fear of People!!

04-16-2014, 06:52 PM
Hi, I'm not sure if this is related to my Anxiety or not but I've noticed in the last month I'm becoming really nervous when I get around people, it's like as if I've forgotten how to be able to communicate with most people. I also get really nervous and edgy because there are a lot of chavs where I live, and I always think their going to say things to me, I think this because of what happened during when I had problems getting bullied.

Even if I just see gangs of people, I get really edgy and nervous and I always think they are talking about me or making fun of me behind my back, I don't know why I think this?? I had two girls yesterday walk past me just staring at me, and I was convincing myself that they were probably making fun of my appearance. There are also certain places where I won't go where I know there will be a lot of people, I'll usually try to hide, I don't know why I'm getting like this, could somebody please help?? Thanks, hope everyone's doing well :)

04-16-2014, 07:57 PM
It could be anxiety. Remember other people are busy thinking about themselves, their lives, what they need to do. They don't have time to worry about you. If it's really bad, you could talk to a doctor about taking something. If that is a picture of you, then you look pretty good. I hope you feel better soon.

Patti Treadwell Unruh
04-16-2014, 08:15 PM
Hi there Friend - I'm a Mom of 2 - both now in their 30's - and like me, both have always been social butterflies - but I'm not like that much anymore after battling anxiety and depression now for at least 35 years. I totally understand and relate to how you're feeling. It sounds like you are having some new paranoia around people - and this is a common problem with Social Anxiety which can develop at any time during your battles with any type of Anxiety Syndrome. You are definitely not alone. Thousands of anxiety sufferers go through this phase at one time or another, especially if there is a history of being bullied like you said. Your self-esteem is running low and that's totally understandable, but you appear to be a nice looking guy from your picture so you need to realize that most of it is only being conjured up in your own mind. Are you on any meds for your anxiety? Have you participated in any type of counseling? Group therapy?

04-17-2014, 01:20 PM
I can relate. Groups of people make me particularly nervous. I always feel like people are saying negative things about me, even if only in their heads. In my mind, they're thinking, "God, she's ugly" or "why is she so awkward? What a loser." I have pretty low self-esteem and I know this paranoia stems from my own negative self-talk. Sorry I'm no help whatsoever, but I just want you to know that I really do understand.

04-17-2014, 11:01 PM
Me too. Is there a practical solution?