View Full Version : Hypnotherapy... anyone tried this for anxiety?

04-16-2014, 06:35 AM
Hello :)

Has anyone tried hypnotherapy before? Does it work?

Next week i am having hypnotherapy for my anxiety. I've been to speak to a few Councillors who let me down. I'm currently taking 20mg of Citalopram, yet my anxiety attacks are getting worse. My doctor referred me to a hypnotherapist who i've already had a consultation with. She seems lovely but the thought of being put in a trance scares me. It was scary enough talking to her about why i get these attacks. Is it worth putting myself through this again and making myself ill when nothing may never come from it?

04-16-2014, 07:59 AM
Ashlee Stump tried it, she said she found it very helpful

If you don't like the idea, there are plenty of other therapies.

Perhaps finding out what happens to you when you have these panic attacks might give us a better idea of whether you'd benefit from hypnosis, or whether another method of therapy would be more helpful.

I know you don't like talking about them, but perhaps there's something in that?

How long have you been suffering?

Welcome to the forum by the way :)

04-16-2014, 09:43 AM
I suggest you try it. I think it's a great tool. You'll not be out of control, or lose all inhibitions. It will help. Like I said, one tool of many. Let us know how it goes. Most people are hypnotized daily anyway, except they self hypnotize themselves with old mental conditioning, negativity etc. This is the same stuff. This time though it will be a positive approach and instill calmness in you.


04-16-2014, 11:48 AM
Thank you for the welcome :)

This hypnotherapist also does CBT & councilling, she has taught me what happens to the subconscious mind etc. Talking about it is hard as I always get myself in state which sets off a panic attack. My anxiety was brought on after having post traumatic stress from watching my aunt die, and having other family members pass away within a couple of months. My last councillor who I opened up to let me down... She didn't answer my emails or calls... Like she'd given up on me.

I've had anxiety attacks for only a year, but apparently I've had it for a long time. I just didn't know about it.

Yeah I know, we go into trance all the time... And I have heard it is relaxing. But I'm scared that if it doesn't work then I have nothing else to help me. Maybe it will help if I hear other people's stories and what helps them control it? Xx

04-16-2014, 12:43 PM
You are very welcome - for the welcome Miss Yazzy!

Well that isn't nice of your councillor, is it. That's just plain unprofessional.

I can only say I'm real sorry you had to go through that, and for your losses. I've met a few people whose anxiety was brought upon by loss off family members like that. Sounds truly horrible. That sucks.

I remember my anxiety came about because of a similar type of thing. My cousin developed paranoid schizophrenia. That really got inside my head and screwed some things up. No surprise I also developed fear of mental illness and drugs.

Hypnotherapy could help you. After reading a little of your story. It sounds like something that may be able to get up inside your subconscious and plant a few good seeds.

I haven't heard of too many people here having it. The one I know of recently is Ashlee. She's in the Uk. Young girl. Wrote a post on it, gave it rave reviews.

I guess it's a testament to it that she isn't online much at the moment! You could search her screen name Ashlee13x and read some of her posts. There may be some others that read this post and share an experience.

Alternatively, a bunch of us are on Facebook. Some amazing people. You're welcome to join in, meet her there. Meet others who have gone through different therapies. Everybody is super friendly.


04-16-2014, 01:32 PM
Hi Yazzy,


I been using a hypnotherapy program for anxiety and panic attacks for a couple of months now. I can say that for me it has worked amazingly well.

One of the important things going into hypnotherapy is believing that it will help you. If you go into it thinking that it is crap and won't do anything then it's not going to do much for you.

Give it a try , keep an open mind, and if you don't see immediate results keep at it, for at least 3 weeks. One day when you least expect it you will realize that things are actually getting better !

Good luck!

04-16-2014, 01:42 PM
Thank you Jessed03. I will check out Ashleys forums :)

How are you coping now? What are you doing to control yours?

I am glad its working for you Pam. Nice to know someone else is trying it and is feeling better from hypnotherapy. I guess I need to give it a chance... That's the problem with being so negative :)


04-16-2014, 02:13 PM
Thank you Jessed03. I will check out Ashleys forums :) How are you coping now? What are you doing to control yours? I am glad its working for you Pam. Nice to know someone else is trying it and is feeling better from hypnotherapy. I guess I need to give it a chance... That's the problem with being so negative :) Xx

Ashlee just posts pics of herself shopping and in dresses at weddings on Facebook

I think she is on the winning end of this nonsense