View Full Version : Please help me I think im violent and I feel horrendous

04-13-2014, 11:35 PM
Please someone help me... this guilt is murder... Yesterday I had a fight with my fiancé over something really stupid... like getting the leaking toilet fixed level of stupid... and I was being unreasonable and he was just getting angrier and angrier and yelling in my face while I was driving (I was retaliating as well) but he got right in my face and I slapped him... I wasn't hard and he said it didn't really hurt. He says he forgives me but I can't shake the guilt. He says it happened, I forgive you lets just get on with our life and our impending marriage... but I just can't fight of the guilt I feel like a bitch and should be jailed for the rest of my life for lashing out at him... I would never hurt him... not intentionally... I feel horrendous please help!!!

04-14-2014, 12:22 AM
As a man, sometimes we need a slap or too.... If he says he forgives you, Im pretty sure he actually does. Ive been in a couple of good arguments and I actually would have felt better if she did slap me because I was being an @SS. Most likely you both were heated, it happens move on. If not cook him his favorite dinner and give him a back massage or something.

Im sure you are good to go, dont worry about it, now if he does bring it up talk with him about it, dont try and avoid it. Admit it and move on, us men tend to forget things pretty quickly.

04-14-2014, 07:13 AM
Sounds like you understand the seriousness of hitting another. It happens, now get on with learning what is going on inside you that led to this. Forgive yourself, we've all been there. It's perfectly fine to feel like lashing out, and that is a result always of fear, he was provoking you, however you are not happy with your reaction and only you will change this, not his forgiveness. Stop trying to control yourself or him. Just be who you desire to be. This has probably happened before I would guess. Men and women will forgive these things in relationships, but eventually the digress into a loss of relationship. Let yourself off the hook now. When things get heated back away mentally or remove yourself physically.