View Full Version : Im going crazy thinking about this all the time!

04-12-2014, 08:09 AM
I am a hypochondriac and a constant worrier. I have been feeling slightly dizzy since the past 7 weeks 24/7 . I have been to some doctors who didnt really find anything wrong. But i didnt really get tested. Only blood work and a few ear tests. im afraid of being seriously ill. Im worried about my brain and what not. Why cant i stop being dizzy? Surely anxiety cant cause such an extreme persistant symptom? Will i ever feel alright? Is there something wrong with me? Im a 20 year old girl i cant be dizzy all the time! I try telling myself that people my age dont normally get illnesses that i am afraid of but i cant stop feeling afraid. I constantly check my body for symptoms. This is driving me crazy...!
I dont take any medicines neither have i been diagnosed of an anxiety disorder.

04-12-2014, 08:27 AM
I feel your pain... I do the same thing!! dizziness is a common side effect of anxiety I get it and know people who do also... anxiety can surely cause a persistant problem it gets into our heads and feeds off of our fears...I am constantly what I call "scanning my body" for things that could be wrong its horrible and I could probably sit and argue with a dr that something is wrong

04-12-2014, 08:32 AM
will this stay this way forever?
or would this ever get better? I haven't had extensive testing and quite frankly I'm scared of getting tested in the fear they might find something. but I can't stay dizzy all the time! its affecting my personality and my studies :( the past 7 weeks have been so hard on me.
the weird thing is I don't have a disorder. or at least I think I don't. I am more anxious than most people and definitely a hypochondriac but can something so small cause a symptom this major?

04-12-2014, 08:57 AM
will this stay this way forever?
or would this ever get better? I haven't had extensive testing and quite frankly I'm scared of getting tested in the fear they might find something. but I can't stay dizzy all the time! its affecting my personality and my studies :( the past 7 weeks have been so hard on me.
the weird thing is I don't have a disorder. or at least I think I don't. I am more anxious than most people and definitely a hypochondriac but can something so small cause a symptom this major?

Oh yes it can. I'm almost always dizzy, and when I'm not.. its because I'm light-headed. I agree, it's difficult to deal with.. however, my dizziness is finally starting to go away! Its has been as bad the passed month. I hope you feel better soon.

04-12-2014, 09:00 AM
will this stay this way forever?
or would this ever get better? I haven't had extensive testing and quite frankly I'm scared of getting tested in the fear they might find something. but I can't stay dizzy all the time! its affecting my personality and my studies :( the past 7 weeks have been so hard on me.
the weird thing is I don't have a disorder. or at least I think I don't. I am more anxious than most people and definitely a hypochondriac but can something so small cause a symptom this major?

being anxious and a hypochondriac is not something that is a small issue its a very real problem... I don't know if it will last forever I assume that it will get better over time ive been really bad for about a year now... this crap can change you I wish I would of tried to get help before the problem blew up in my face and became a huge problem... look up the symptoms of anxiety dizziness is probably in the top 5

04-12-2014, 09:05 AM
Thanks guys.
I should be grateful for all that I do have. I just hope that this goes away so I won't have to visit more doctors and worry constantly about something being wrong with my body

04-12-2014, 09:07 AM
Oh yes it can. I'm almost always dizzy, and when I'm not.. its because I'm light-headed. I agree, it's difficult to deal with.. however, my dizziness is finally starting to go away! Its has been as bad the passed month. I hope you feel better soon.

I'm glad to hear you're doing well. how did you stop feeling dizzy? and you were dizzy for how long? have you been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?

04-12-2014, 12:05 PM
I'm glad to hear you're doing well. how did you stop feeling dizzy? and you were dizzy for how long? have you been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?

It's starting to go away on its own. (Which is good because doctor said I was fine.) I had been dizzy for close to five months.. I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, manic depression with severe cycling PTSD.