View Full Version : Does religion help you guys with religion?

04-11-2014, 04:25 PM
I'm just wondering if you guys have a religion that helps you guys fight anxiety or gives you the strength to fight it? Mine is Rastafari it really helps me. What about you guys? Any religion I'm just curious, you don't have to reply if you don't want to. :)

04-11-2014, 04:27 PM
Does religion help you guys with anxiety? LOL. I'm using a phone sorry :)

04-11-2014, 04:34 PM
I'm just wondering if you guys have a religion that helps you guys fight anxiety or gives you the strength to fight it? Mine is Rastafari it really helps me. What about you guys? Any religion I'm just curious, you don't have to reply if you don't want to. :)

Personally I prefer tangible evidence based logic to fight against the illogical thought processes involved in anxiety.

Otherwise one is simply fighting the improbable with the improbable.

Likely an unpopular post, but my opinion nevertheless.

04-11-2014, 04:35 PM
No I don't follow any religion.

But I think religion can be a great help for some people and that's fab. It's just not for me :-)

04-11-2014, 05:07 PM
I'm a christian. It helps a lot. I don't believe God won't just cure me from my anxiety so I pray that he gives me the strength to get through it. & he does :) I think religion is great for is who believe in it!

04-11-2014, 06:20 PM
Personally I prefer tangible evidence based logic to fight against the illogical thought processes involved in anxiety.

Otherwise one is simply fighting the improbable with the improbable.

Likely an unpopular post, but my opinion nevertheless.

I am with you on it, thank you.
Religion is nothing but denying

04-11-2014, 06:33 PM
I'm just wondering if you guys have a religion that helps you guys fight anxiety or gives you the strength to fight it? Mine is Rastafari it really helps me. What about you guys? Any religion I'm just curious, you don't have to reply if you don't want to. :)

That is great! If it helps anyone it's a great thing. Some use thought as religion, science, some use ego as religion, and some use forms, Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, Yahweh,

Yahshua, God. Every road leads to the end of roads, enjoy the ride and do whatever excites you and gives you passion to experience this wild life experience. Some have

negative attachments to religion, they hate them and there is where their energy goes. Why resist anyone's beliefs? They all change anyway. Some are addicted to religions.

It's all good though. It's all really fine.

One Love


04-11-2014, 07:23 PM
I don't have a specific "religion" that I am, I attend a non denominational church it and it helps me out. Saying prayers and such when I'm going through one helps me get out of it. Everyone is different :)

04-11-2014, 07:58 PM
My Christian beliefs mean the world to me. Christianity is perfect for anxiety because there are Bible quotes that address worrying and being anxious. I read them to calm me down.

04-11-2014, 08:11 PM
My Christian beliefs mean the world to me. Christianity is perfect for anxiety because there are Bible quotes that address worrying and being anxious. I read them to calm me down.

Yes, the Bible is great reading when going through anxiety or anytime by that matter

04-11-2014, 08:36 PM
Guys this is very controversial topic and it would be better not to post too much in it. You asking for trouble, go to search and put religion in the bar and go through the threads. You are new here and have no idea that it is a trigger to a lot of people.

BTW bible is a bunch of gospels rewritten like 100 times and it is written by people not god:))))
You cracking me up ladies

04-11-2014, 08:45 PM
It seems to me that you are the only one causing trouble but ok, I won't put anything like this again :)

04-11-2014, 08:55 PM
Young man I am not causing trouble, you could be my son, but you will make some enemies if you post BS like that. I have nothing against religion as long as no one push it on others...

04-11-2014, 09:04 PM
I'm not pushing though, just curious on others beliefs. We should be proud of our beliefs. Let's say I was Hindu and you Muslim that wouldn't make me hate you or try to convert I just really love learning about religion and others take on it I can except others belief and not become angry and trust me the way these anti- depressants are going I don't think I'm going to be on this earth for very long to make enemies.

04-11-2014, 09:14 PM
Most certainly a Trolls Title. Could not agree more Dahila.

Religion has done nothing but oppress.

One word, Five letters, grows wool and goes bahahaha?

They live such hostile lives, under a banner they call peace. "Because such and such said"

Religion is what makes a school child pick up two knifes and starts stabbing everyone to death!

Pffffft ..... the questions begs me to do the same thing.

Dahilila gives good advice .... this is your post not hers ...

Far better to of simply put forth what works for you, instead of using such toxic words. Alas, Toxic words, is what Trolls use.

04-11-2014, 09:17 PM
I stated that the topic could be a trigger for many people here, some were hurt by catholic religion, actually many of them. I am not religious at all, I honestly hope you are going to be on this Earth for very long time. We have one life and we need to live to the fullest. The situation with anxiety and depression is temporary. Read through the forum and you find so many success stories it will make you dizzy:)) \
Life is tough but with the help of friends and family (if you are lucky, to have family) you are going to make it wonderful. Temporary set back will not stop you to achieve greatness :)

Ponder :)))

04-11-2014, 09:20 PM
All right guys my bad I wasn't trying to upset any body sorry if I ruined your night, believe me when I say I am truly sorry :( especially to you Dahila

04-11-2014, 09:20 PM
Indeed, I do believe such a trigger word was used twice in that title with such intent ... then comes the BS debate into which they feed.

04-11-2014, 09:30 PM
The original question was does religion help with anxiety?but my phone changed the word anxiety into religion Lol

04-11-2014, 09:32 PM
Put it this way, in a place full of anxiety and pain, honestly such a as religion is going to Bite...
Dahila is good to help those like me, not quite as strong as others who mince words so well out of their depth.

Religion has fucked so many of us over ____ how could religion ever help itself?

04-11-2014, 09:33 PM
Arrrrrr I see,

04-11-2014, 09:34 PM
It's the very source of mine and many others as I see it stand.

04-11-2014, 09:34 PM
I believe it's offered up like sugar

04-11-2014, 09:38 PM
I,m in no state to chat at any rate _ Dahila guessed right, I gravitated here purely as a bad reaction, I wish no pain on anyone. Battery nearly flat. Take care and good luck finding what works.

04-12-2014, 12:28 AM
Just a thought......but all the unbelievers in God here ever think when you squash someone's question about God that you could be triggering a bad reaction to the people that actually do believe in God ? It is the callous remarks by a few that don't seem to see the hypocritical responses in which they claim to defend their own belief system by belittling another's. Whatever...... I just don't understand why God is a off topic thing. I tried to ignore this thread as I had hoped these few would have so the original poster could have had a positive response to his question. It is a trigger now......for the believing members. Think about it ! Sorry if this steps on the toes of the mega posters here.....but it's my opinion and yes it does matter.

Thank you

04-12-2014, 12:54 AM
I don't see how the question "does religion help with anxiety". Is any different than "does google help with anxiety". Some find comfort, others find triggers.

You will always have a variety of strong opinion, for and against. And, as with anything, whether science, religion or politics, nothing should be outside the reach of criticism.

04-12-2014, 02:11 AM
Just asking if it helps people not me. Just wanted to share some experience with religion I don't consider it a taboo subject I actually very much enjoy talking about it and trust me I had a lot of negative influence on religion in fact it kind of ruined my psyche a bit but I enjoy the belief not the people believing it. Again sorry if I offended you guys just trying to have a talk on religion. Sorry Dahila didn't mean to snap I was having a pretty crappy day not an excuse but nonetheless I'm sorry :) hope you can forgive me

04-12-2014, 02:34 AM
Yes, very well adjusted some of you be = quite poised - passes out the badges. Is not just about those who would be triggered by such religious banter, but also defining the site. Just because you think you can handle does no meant others in a non relgious site should have to tolerate religious banter any more the political bullshit. Lest you would like to keep winding on why we should all bow down with respect for one another.

How's about I continue with "Fuck Religion"

If the God Botherers are looking for daily bread and find the reaction of those abused and or opposed by religion offensive, then I would suggest fuck off to a religious forum.

hows that grab ya - go your hardest ;)

arrrr - got to love religion in non religious forums ...

Do yourselves a favour:

awaits the witty replies - rolls eyes ...


But by all means - please do steer this back to the point - and be done with the stiring the shit already more than such topics are so famed for.

04-12-2014, 02:35 AM
Religion sure as Hell creates more anxiety than it ever does alleviating it!
History speaks volumes with regard to that.

04-12-2014, 03:00 AM
I'm am sorry please stop this damn thread. I apologized already I can't take back the thread if you don't like it then please get off the thread. All I was asking is for somebody to tell me if religion has helped them that is all. Religion is not the problem it's people, books are not levitating and killing people and if the human race didn't have religion then we would find something else to judge and kill people. Please you are misinterpreting the question. I seriously had enough of this I don't give a shit what you are just asking a damn fucking question. For the ones who were nice enough to answer kindly thank you so much. The only person that I owe and apology to here is Dahila

Ponder just ignore my threads forever and I'll do the same thank you :)

04-12-2014, 08:43 AM
Just a thought......but all the unbelievers in God here ever think when you squash someone's question about God that you could be triggering a bad reaction to the people that actually do believe in God ? It is the callous remarks by a few that don't seem to see the hypocritical responses in which they claim to defend their own belief system by belittling another's. Whatever...... I just don't understand why God is a off topic thing. I tried to ignore this thread as I had hoped these few would have so the original poster could have had a positive response to his question. It is a trigger now......for the believing members. Think about it ! Sorry if this steps on the toes of the mega posters here.....but it's my opinion and yes it does matter.

Thank you

I am of no religion. That's why I didn't respond to the question. I didn't want to offend or trigger anything with anyone. Thank you for this. Some people just don't realize sometimes.

04-12-2014, 10:32 AM
I'm just wondering if you guys have a religion that helps you guys fight anxiety or gives you the strength to fight it? Mine is Rastafari it really helps me. What about you guys? Any religion I'm just curious, you don't have to reply if you don't want to. :)

I'm not religious. But I'm spiritual and believe in a higher power. It's helped me with anxiety sometimes.
It calms my mind a bit and takes me out of my attack when I start to think universally.

04-12-2014, 12:10 PM
Very sensitive subject. Here is what I believe:

If you believe in a religion for the anxiety, that actually makes you feel better, then why not?

Personally, I believe in a religion only if it's rational and logical to me.

To bring religion into a forum like this is indeed wrong. I know your intention was to just ask if religion can be used against anxiety. Yes it can.

Now, why is it wrong? Well, you could clearly see people saying and trying to prove that there is no God for example(same thing vice versa). This could trigger a bad reaction or anxiety for some.

So lets end this thread here.


04-12-2014, 12:25 PM
Just one dude man just asking for a nice experience not disputing godly concepts. If someone doesn't like the topic then keep scrolling it's a general discussion. In any case thanks for killing it this thread needs to die please everyone unsubscribe from it, it's done!

************************************************** ************

04-12-2014, 02:46 PM
Jason - I don't make it a habit of gong around and killing peoples threads. I'm not a Troll on a mission. I rarely go outside my thread, however on occasion I will make an attempt and pleased to say that for the most part it's to either to welcome or support - yet like many others, I am prone to be triggered regardless of who's fault.

At every count, I have seen the word religion used in this forum (and others like these) - it ends badly. Typically those like myself, who have been burnt often end up taking a stand against whilst others who are hard core believers often feel the need to defend, and so goes the religious debate. Each side personalizing and slagging off at how the other impacts negatively on the another. Regardless of poise and intellect -> In the end, it's the community that suffers. This is why I believe, Dahila, stood up when she did - and I'll always do the same (allbeit my efforts less poised) -

Already having come to fruition so soon in this thread and others past like this one too, Religious Topics fizzle out quick -> Given this record of events, one can only amuse that the very word itself - "Relgion", is generally fucked before it begins. WORDS - are like weapons but best used as tools - is this case, whilst tools can also be used to bad - Religion is and always will be, nothing more than a weapon. Weapons, although deceitfully used in the name of peace, will always be at the forefront of religion and Fear itself be the defining tool, be the corner stone in every religion - Fear itself is the very essence of anxiety.

I will never ignore such topics as religion, in forums such as these, however we can use the ignore feature this forum and many others have on offer, as a more positive tool - as opposed to religion, in such a general area for the gathering of those that suffer in fear.

04-12-2014, 03:54 PM
Listen dude, I already have enough problems in the real world that's why I joined this forum as an escape. I regret this stupid question severely, I neglected to take into consideration that religion might of screwed up others lives, If I triggered anyone's anxiety truly from the bottom of my heart I apologize wish I could take it back. This thread is officially over please nobody else respond, I'm not demanding but asking kindly please let this day in a half debate end. Please!!!!!!

04-12-2014, 04:07 PM
Jason, don't upset yourself, I don't think anyone really feels you did anything to intentionally upset anyone.

I would like to share a universal mantra that I play loudly in my car on the way to work everyday. I find this really helps with any anxiety I have in the morning.

All together now!!


04-12-2014, 04:17 PM
To the detriment of other drivers ... :P

04-12-2014, 04:19 PM
To the detriment of other drivers ... :P

My driving included! :)

Dreadful hair, dreadful clothes, and dreadful face paint.........I bloody love the 1980's :D

04-12-2014, 05:33 PM
Then I,m pleased to say that I have something in common with you. :}

04-12-2014, 06:29 PM
So am I , 14 you are awesome

Jason no one is attacking you. It is general, so often we need to remind the new people what this forum is about. I was attacked because i am not believer and I am not shy to talk about it.
Still, I think you came to right place and do not feel anxious about it.
Stop apologizing, just join us in the journey of life without religion or politics. We have tons of topics to cover:))

04-14-2014, 07:37 AM
I don't see how the question "does religion help with anxiety". Is any different than "does google help with anxiety". Some find comfort, others find triggers.

You will always have a variety of strong opinion, for and against. And, as with anything, whether science, religion or politics, nothing should be outside the reach of criticism.

Strongly agree. Let people have there life, you have nothing taken away from you unless you let it. Why the strong resistance to allowing people to see things different?


04-14-2014, 07:53 AM
I am Catholic. Praying does help to calm me down. I do not try to push my beliefs onto anyone else, we all have to do what works for us! I use prayer along with meditation and meds to combat my issues with anxiety.

I dont think you need to apologize for your question, as it wasn't offensive in any way. There are plenty of different posts on here....not all of the topics apply to everyone.. in my opinion, if you aren't religious and do not feel like this question applies to you....you can indeed ignore the post......
I think that constructive conversations among different people is healthy, however....as long as it doesnt become abusive with one of the parties trying to force their opinion down the throat of another.

04-19-2014, 12:30 AM
Jason I think you have nothing to apologize for. You asked a simple question. No one had to click the post and no one had to comment on it. Its funny because people talk about religious folk being so closed minded and judgmental but then you get people in here saying "fuck religion". Really?

I think this post is awesome. A great place to have an intelligent conversation about an interesting topic. The beauty of a post is you chose to click it or not. So if you see religion in the title and know its a touchy subject for you, THEN DONT CLICK IT.

I totally get people being bitter towards "religion" and people that have been burned by the church.

I'm not big on religion but big on Jesus. He wasn't big on religion himself. Anyone want to talk about Jesus?

04-19-2014, 03:52 AM
I thought that this was a forum where everybody could talk about everything!! There are topics in these forum that are allowed, and can be triggers for otters too!! So I don't get it?!?! If you don't like the topic... Just skip it!!

04-19-2014, 07:56 AM
Best to tackle anxiety from a logical point of view instead of relying on faith. Religion is just huamnity's way of dealing with it's own mortality. Medication, therapy and lifestyle changes will help with managing anxiety. Relying on religion to save you isn't really going to help. But everyone is different of course; this is just an atheists point of view.


04-19-2014, 08:17 AM
Best to tackle anxiety from a logical point of view instead of relying on faith. Religion is just huamnity's way of dealing with it's own mortality. Medication, therapy and lifestyle changes will help with managing anxiety. Relying on religion to save you isn't really going to help. But everyone is different of course; this is just an atheists point of view.


I agree, there is so many forums for christian, muslims, or any other religion, so better Anxiety forum leave for something constructive, something which help all community

04-19-2014, 12:10 PM
Thoughts on this video anyone?


04-19-2014, 12:27 PM
Best to tackle anxiety from a logical point of view instead of relying on faith. Religion is just huamnity's way of dealing with it's own mortality. Medication, therapy and lifestyle changes will help with managing anxiety. Relying on religion to save you isn't really going to help. But everyone is different of course; this is just an atheists point of view.


Kinda agree and disagree. Relying on faith and not actually doing anything about the problem, is just dumb. Anxiety isn't a spiritual problem and therefore it won't help you by just believing and praying. Maybe a combination of belief, medication and lifestyle changes could be good? Idk

I think it can actually help you though. Having a perspective on life is good. For some people, the reason maybe to not (for example) commit suicide is because they believe in God.

I agree with Dahila. Religion should not be discussed here. Can religion help? Yes. Does it help in all cases? No. Just like google.

04-19-2014, 02:13 PM
I thought that this was a forum where everybody could talk about everything!! There are topics in these forum that are allowed, and can be triggers for otters too!! So I don't get it?!?! If you don't like the topic... Just skip it!!

Can I get an "AMEN" on that ? Well said and I think a proper way to approach the subject. If you are a non believer..... And see the topic and its a trigger MOVE ON and don't belittle the author of the post. Happy Easter everyone !!!

04-19-2014, 06:13 PM
Happy Easter to the religious folk of AF.

And to those less religious, Happy Chocolate Day!

04-19-2014, 11:06 PM
I am not a Buddhist. But some elements of Buddhist doctrine help to cope with anxiety, panic, a stress and depression in practical way. By practical way I mean, that help is provided not by some faith in higher being which always helps you or by discover of your meaning of life... But by forming of the new attitude towards your feelings, fears and thoughts. By developing your mental skills and calming your mind through practice of meditation.

04-20-2014, 07:11 AM
Happy Easter to the religious folk of AF.

And to those less religious, Happy Chocolate Day!
well put and Happy Easter / chocolate day to you also

04-20-2014, 07:28 AM
Thanks Jessed!! Amazing how many holidays include chocolate - Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Easter.

04-20-2014, 07:40 AM
I am not a Buddhist. But some elements of Buddhist doctrine help to cope with anxiety, panic, a stress and depression in practical way. By practical way I mean, that help is provided not by some faith in higher being which always helps you or by discover of your meaning of life... But by forming of the new attitude towards your feelings, fears and thoughts. By developing your mental skills and calming your mind through practice of meditation.

It is the only religion that is speaking to me. It is a way of living in peace and quiet, and I do believe their philosophy is helpful. Meditation :))

04-20-2014, 09:56 AM
I have mixed feelings about this thread, because on one hand, it chased Jason123 away from this forum, but on the other hand
I guess he didn't have to leave. He was posting fairly frequently, and then he begged for this thread to die, but when it didn't, he
left. I think the controversy of it was causing him too much anxiety. I hope he's okay.

04-20-2014, 01:00 PM
He could ask the moderator to close the thread, it is that simple, when comes from original poster, mods usually do what he asks.

04-25-2014, 02:58 PM
I agree, I hope he's okay. This is my first post and what are the odds of seeing this thread Lol. Sounds like he was being kind of bullied. I mean if religion can trigger someone wouldn't saying religion is horrible and fake kind of trigger a religious person. What if he was genuinely asking for stories of recovery from both sides of the spectrum. I went to his profile and it seems he was a frequent poster, I hope he's okay really :(. I think he was a junior member it seems as if some people were attacking him.

04-25-2014, 04:35 PM
I agree, I hope he's okay. This is my first post and what are the odds of seeing this thread Lol. Sounds like he was being kind of bullied. I mean if religion can trigger someone wouldn't saying religion is horrible and fake kind of trigger a religious person. What if he was genuinely asking for stories of recovery from both sides of the spectrum. I went to his profile and it seems he was a frequent poster, I hope he's okay really :(. I think he was a junior member it seems as if some people were attacking him.

Well said. I seen this coming, and I agree. Come on back Jason. I'm pretty damn angry about this shit.


04-25-2014, 07:40 PM
I agree, I hope he's okay. This is my first post and what are the odds of seeing this thread Lol. Sounds like he was being kind of bullied. I mean if religion can trigger someone wouldn't saying religion is horrible and fake kind of trigger a religious person. What if he was genuinely asking for stories of recovery from both sides of the spectrum. I went to his profile and it seems he was a frequent poster, I hope he's okay really :(. I think he was a junior member it seems as if some people were attacking him.

Welcome to the site Sophia :)

I think I saw Jason online yesterday but don't wanna make a big deal out of things, hope he comes back when he feels like it

04-25-2014, 11:34 PM
Not at all ? Religion is distraction only.
My experience.

04-26-2014, 07:22 AM
I'm just wondering if you guys have a religion that helps you guys fight anxiety or gives you the strength to fight it? Mine is Rastafari it really helps me. What about you guys? Any religion I'm just curious, you don't have to reply if you don't want to. :)

I like to talk about different things that help with anxiety whether it be religion, cbt, google, Etc. I have discovered Buddhism because of my anxiety. The focus in mindfulness and meditation is what attracted me. So to answer your question, yes. I have the four noble truths and the eight fold path posted by my desk to remind me everyday that life is about suffering and the only way to overcome that suffering is by living the 8 fold path. I am interested in learning more about your religion. How would one go about contacting outside of this thread?