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04-09-2014, 06:10 AM
I've been getting nausea , worse in the mornings. I'm worried it's a brain Tumor that's causing this.

I've had numerous blood tests, and eye tests but all normal.

Also strange feelings in head, like tightening, poking feeling in head.

I'm so worried..

04-09-2014, 08:19 AM
I've been getting nausea , worse in the mornings. I'm worried it's a brain Tumor that's causing this. I've had numerous blood tests, and eye tests but all normal. Also strange feelings in head, like tightening, poking feeling in head. I'm so worried..

Nausea particularly on a morning is common with anxiety/stress, the stress hormone cortisol is at it's highest when you wake up.

As I explained in the last post, the symptoms you are describing wouldn't indicate a brain tumour. You wouldn't feel any sort of poking or tingling (the brain actually has no pain reception, if a surgeon actually touched your brain whilst you were awake you wouldn't feel a thing).

Hence if there was a tumour, the symptoms present elsewhere (pressure in the skull would cause debilitating headaches) loss of mobility, balance and vision.

The tingling and sharp/poking sensations are most likely the result of a nerve in the scalp/tension in the muscle of the neck deferring pain.

04-09-2014, 08:59 AM
Nausea particularly on a morning is common with anxiety/stress, the stress hormone cortisol is at it's highest when you wake up.

Thanks for this. I always wondered why it was worse in the AM. Half the time, I can't even eat breakfast.

04-09-2014, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the reply. But wouldn't a brain tumor poke I'n one part of the brain as in poke the underneath the skull. That's what worries me??

04-09-2014, 02:08 PM
Thanks for the reply. But wouldn't a brain tumor poke I'n one part of the brain as in poke the underneath the skull. That's what worries me??

No definitely no poking involved, a tumour would cause pressure (hence headaches and so on). The pressure is constant so wouldn't ease off even with strong pain killers.

It's not like a hard pointy lump, it's normally a squishy cell mass (like boiled broccoli) you wouldn't be able to successfully poke anything with boiled broccoli :)

(you are already aware of your blood and eye exam results)

You have no other symptoms other than a tingling nerve sensation, and nausea (there are about 50+ reasons for nausea) anxiety us up there in the top 5.

I want you to try something!!

I want you to press around in the area that you are getting the poking sensation and press on it around the area on your head.

If you can feel a bit of pain/dull ache as in you can isolate where exactly the pain is. Then it's definitely a nerve/oil filled follicle .

This is because of the really thick skull protecting the brain, if you had a tumour you wouldn't be able to feel it outside of the skull (as in be able to press on it),

04-09-2014, 02:29 PM
Thanks for you reply. Well this kind of sounds silly, but if I put pressure in that are it eases. ?? I don't know if that's just me being stupid or it actually is easing.

The sort of pressure in one spot feeling is 80 % in the same place but it isn't constant,I May have an hour or two brake, then it will come back. It feels odd, it's not painful it's just dull. I'm worried.

Is there anything that can reassure me? YOU seem to be pretty clever.

04-09-2014, 02:40 PM
And is it good to have clear blood and eye test?

04-09-2014, 02:45 PM
Thanks for you reply. Well this kind of sounds silly, but if I put pressure in that are it eases. ?? I don't know if that's just me being stupid or it actually is easing. The sort of pressure in one spot feeling is 80 % in the same place but it isn't constant,I May have an hour or two brake, then it will come back. It feels odd, it's not painful it's just dull. I'm worried. Is there anything that can reassure me? YOU seem to be pretty clever.

I'm not clever, just been through this worry over the same thing myself before.

If it eases when you put pressure on it, it's definitely your scalp, and DEFINITELY NOT inside your brain!

You have around a 1/4 inch of boney skull between your finger and the inside of it. How would it be possible to affect the inside?

04-09-2014, 02:47 PM
And is it good to have clear blood and eye test? It's exactly what it says on the tin.........CLEAR! This means there are NO indications of any poor eye/general health.

04-09-2014, 07:09 PM
When I was extremely stressed, I would wake up feeling the same, with the same worries. I got MULTIPLE tests, all came back that I was perfectly healthy! Turned out to be migraines brought on high levels of stress. I would nauseous, and just...ugh terrible. Now I feel great again, and I couldn't be happier! You'll push past this, you're going to be okay.