View Full Version : Help cant breathe

04-06-2014, 04:30 PM
Hey guys
I feel like I can't breathe and it freaking me out
Since last night I've had the constant urge to yawn just to take a deep breath!
I have to take a deep breath every minute it seems like
If not I feel like I'm going to throw up in order to take a deep breath
I'm really anxious right now

Is this anxiety or can I actually be in danger
Help! :(

04-06-2014, 04:36 PM
Hey guys I feel like I can't breathe and it freaking me out Since last night I've had the constant urge to yawn just to take a deep breath! I have to take a deep breath every minute it seems like If not I feel like I'm going to throw up in order to take a deep breath I'm really anxious right now Is this anxiety or can I actually be in danger Help! :(

Hi Stephanie

This is really normal with anxiety (I used to get this a lot).

When you are yawning to feel like you are getting enough air, this is called "air hunger".

It's basically that you are taking in so much oxygen you are hyperventilating (not like the typical fast breathing), but your blood gases are out of balance.

It will be really hard to do. But you need to take a breath in for 3 seconds, then breathe out for 7 seconds (5 if you can't stand it) make sure the breath out is slow and through pursed lips.

It will be hard at first but trust me it will ease off.

04-07-2014, 12:27 AM
Hi Stephanie This is really normal with anxiety (I used to get this a lot). When you are yawning to feel like you are getting enough air, this is called "air hunger". It's basically that you are taking in so much oxygen you are hyperventilating (not like the typical fast breathing), but your blood gases are out of balance. It will be really hard to do. But you need to take a breath in for 3 seconds, then breathe out for 7 seconds (5 if you can't stand it) make sure the breath out is slow and through pursed lips. It will be hard at first but trust me it will ease off.

Thankyou for the reply :)
Reading your reply made me feel better
I'm still a lil scared because this has been happening all day
It just doesn't seem normal to me that I've had to try an take a deep breath every minute for 24hrs
I feel like I'm damaging my lungs
But I'm way more calm about than I was earlier
I tried the breathing technique
An it helped I just didn't feel that deep breath in my chest an stomach so I had to keep trying for that.... Hopefully this doesn't happen often
I don't like feeling like I'm in danger An feeling the need to call 911 :(

04-07-2014, 12:46 AM
If you are really worried, you could always speak to a doctor (rule out asthma) although asthma typically feels like there is an elastic band around your lungs.

If anything it may put your mind at ease a little. And yes it can last for ages, the cycle of worry keeps the symptom going.

I had it all day everyday for weeks at a time, and by far the most distressing symptom for me personally.

Over Breathing doesn't damage the lungs in anyway (you may make feel a bit sore from the constant expansion) but what tends to happen is the chest muscles get a bit strained and tighten up, which then makes the breathing feel worse.

If you search around the older threads on the forum you will find a lot of people with the same symptoms.

Also, if you search YouTube there are several short videos on how to correct the breathing (it's something you need to practice as it won't disappear after one go at it).

Belly breathing instead of the chest is what your body would automatically do, when you take control over it and breath from the chest only, this is what people typically experience when they suffer a panic attack.

The cycle of incorrect breathing and related distress from it, keeps you in a constant state of panic.