View Full Version : yes, me again!

04-06-2014, 01:57 PM
Yesterday i posted about a rash, it has now gone thankfully. Today i've had a sore/stiff neck when i move it which is worrying me. I've tried massaging it but ita not doing any good. Anyone any ideas?

04-06-2014, 02:14 PM
Yesterday i posted about a rash, it has now gone thankfully. Today i've had a sore/stiff neck when i move it which is worrying me. I've tried massaging it but ita not doing any good. Anyone any ideas?

Did you diagnose meningitis?

Because you know the rash has gone, so this rules that out?

My diagnosis from what you said would be (a stiff neck) ......... Call the ambulance right now, we need to get to A&E for an emergency paracetamol !

(You know I mean this in the nicest possible way) :) :)