View Full Version : Here we go :D

04-05-2014, 07:41 PM
Hey guys

As you all know, I've been doing pretty good. I still have some symptoms left, but I'm not caring about them. They're slowly fading away one by one. It takes time tho.

So I have this new fear and I need tips on how to counter it. Strokes. I've been reading stuff I shouldn't. I've been holding on to my "f*ck it" and honestly, it's helping. But it's not working in this case. I did some tests 2 months ago and my bp was a little bit high; 130/70. Now, knowing this + reading about strokes = You know, ULTRA SUPER DUPER ANXIOUS 3000.

So fear of strokes. Just give me some kind of a way to think about it,.

04-05-2014, 08:21 PM
Wat kinda symptoms u had?

04-05-2014, 09:09 PM
130/70 is pretty good bp even in your age and when anxious. Anxiety causing spike in blood pressure or panic attacks but it is temporary, after you calm down it goes down. Strokes you need to have a lot of cholesterol to get a stroke with that low bp. My neighbor has 170/90 and still not getting the stroke. He has it for years. I think you will be fine. :))

04-05-2014, 09:23 PM
Mine was 138/83 yesterday and 151/something equally as ridiculous the day before. Dr said 138/83 was obviously much better and ok, he didnt seem worried at all

04-06-2014, 12:45 AM
Your blood pressure reading is just fine, close to perfect! That reading shouldn't concern you at all.

04-06-2014, 03:35 AM
Hey guys As you all know, I've been doing pretty good. I still have some symptoms left, but I'm not caring about them. They're slowly fading away one by one. It takes time tho. So I have this new fear and I need tips on how to counter it. Strokes. I've been reading stuff I shouldn't. I've been holding on to my "f*ck it" and honestly, it's helping. But it's not working in this case. I did some tests 2 months ago and my bp was a little bit high; 130/70. Now, knowing this + reading about strokes = You know, ULTRA SUPER DUPER ANXIOUS 3000. So fear of strokes. Just give me some kind of a way to think about it,.

Elias , this one is the charm as they say.

Strokes can be caused by increased risk factors such as BP/Diet/lack of mobility etc etc. But there are various types of causes, from weakened blood vessels, to blocked arteries and blood clots .

The bad news for anxiety sufferers is, they actually can happen to anyone at any age. There a few to no normal warning signs .

The good news is they are RARE in people who are generally healthy and are 3rd on the list behind heart disease and cancer.

It's one of those "people die in car accidents but it doesn't stop you driving " moments .

What is the point in worrying? What do you achieve?

04-06-2014, 04:23 AM
Alright guys, thanks!! :)

This one was a little bit hard to deal with, tbh. I was reading stories about misdiagnosis and other stuff I won't share here lol :P

Also, 2 years ago, my teacher had a stroke in our class. It looked like she fainted or was having some kind of a seizure and it wasn't really fun to see. Now she can't walk and she can barely talk.

130/70 is good I guess, lol.

Really, thank you guys. I think I got this now :) I'll hold on to my "f*ck it" ideology.