View Full Version : obsessing over low heart rate

04-05-2014, 05:00 AM
Hi everyone. I'm 24 and I've been obsessing over my heart since my first panic attack 4 years ago. I don't get panic attacks anymore but I still obsess over my heart. Mostly because I have a low resting heart rate of 47-50. I'm 5'11 160lbs and lately I've been working out everyday. I've done all kinds of research trying to find out why mines low and I think it could be due to me taking high grade fish oil for years. Apparently that increases your vagal tone. My heart really speeds up when I inhale then slows way down while I exhale. I am very healthy and have a perfect diet.. I juice vegetables and eat tons of fruit. No caffeine or any crap like that.

During the day my standing heart rate can be anywhere from 60-80 depending on if I've ate etc. When I jog at a fast pace my heart rate is consistently around 140-155 bpm. I've checked my recovery heart rate and it drops around 45 bpm within 2 minutes of stopping running.

I just started running 1-2 miles everyday a couple weeks ago but my heart rate has been low like this for a long time. I went to the Dr and had an ekg almost a year ago because I was worried about it being low and he said everything looks and sounds perfect and he promised me I'm just healthy and nothing is wrong with me but of course I still obsess. When they had me hooked on the ekg my heart rate wasn't low it was around 75 because I was nervous and my heart rate is only low usually when I'm in bed very late at night.

This whole post is unorganized and seems like rambling. I'm sorry. It's very late. I just want to stop obsessing over this. I'm no athlete and it bothers me that I have an athletic heart rate I guess. I'm trying to run everyday to lose some stomach/chest fat but I worry that my heart rate will keep getting lower.

I'm guessing people will come in here and ask me if I'm having any symptoms.. I have plenty of energy. I don't get dizzy although it has happened before when I get up fast. I feel fine when I'm running. I jogged for 15 mins straight today and when I stopped I didn't even feel winded and within a minute or so my heart rate dropped from 140 to 98. I don't have a blood pressure machine but I was also obsessively checking that as well about a year ago and I was getting numbers like
Heart rate 50 / blood pressure 110/70.

04-05-2014, 05:57 AM
You are very healthy my friend...

Both your heartrate and blood pressure is perfect. Mine is around 50-60 when resting. It's normal. If it goes under 40 - then get it checked by doc.

When your heartrate goes down fast after exercising, it means your heart is really strong and healthy. I wish I was like this, be happy! :)

04-05-2014, 07:58 AM
I'm a runner have have a low heart rate too because it is so well conditioned. Docs always tell me to "keep doing what I'm doing" as my heart(and yours too I sure) is very healthy and strong and why it needs fewer beats per min to get the job done. Lucky US! :) Alankay

04-05-2014, 10:39 AM
Hahaha, yeah. This means your heart is super healthy. You should be happy!

Also, yeah, isn't it weird how the panic attacks still happen when your body is totally healthy? It's like it's a completely unrelated phenomenon. Definitely much more related to thought-processes and neurological phenomena than it is to basic physiological health.

I, too, have had massive panic attacks with my heart rate staying at around 60 bpm. My panic attacks almost never involve a racing heart.

04-07-2014, 12:51 AM
Thanks for the responses guys. I guess I'm feeling better. The thing is, I just started running a couple weeks ago. I'm worried my heart rate will continue to get lower and lower. I know it's low when I'm at rest because of the high vagal tone. That's what fish oil does.. Did lots of research. I'm just going to stop taking fish oil for a while. I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with my heart because I just jogged for 12 minutes and kept my heart rate at 140-155 the whole time then I stopped and not even 2 minutes later it was down to 94 and I don't feel winded at all. Also idk if this has anything to do with it but my mom also has a low resting heart rate of 49 and her dad is 70ish and his Dr said he has the heart of a 30 year old.

04-07-2014, 01:19 AM
Trust me, you are just healthy more than likely!

Having been sedentary for a year, I started weight training & the past 2 months, running regularly. 8 months since I started exercising & my RHR is 43 give or take. I asked a Doctor & he said given the gradual lowering over many months, it was quite normal for someone so active.

When I jog at a fast pace my heart rate is more like 150-170... my asthma might play a role but still, you are pretty fit if those are your heart rates for a "fast pace" at that age. Also your aerobic zone I would imagine is probably similar to mine, meaning you can run & still get enough oxygen up to about 163bpm. YMMV.

Something that might interest you. I noticed my heart rate would jump from 55-60 whilst sitting to 80-90 whilst moving around at home. I think anxiety caused my heart rate to jump higher, as can over-reaching or training too. I recently scaled back my running ever so slightly, with my anxiety under control & my heart rate standing is now more like 70-80.

As for your heart rate getting lower. My Dad's friend was in the Para's & he had a RHR in the low 30s that he told me got as low as 28 whilst he was running every day. Many Tour de France cyclists have heart rates similar to that too!

As someone said, if it drops below 40 or there is a sudden change, then go the Doctor but you are just healthy.

04-07-2014, 01:50 AM
Trust me, you are just healthy more than likely!

Having been sedentary for a year, I started weight training & the past 2 months, running regularly. 8 months since I started exercising & my RHR is 43 give or take. I asked a Doctor & he said given the gradual lowering over many months, it was quite normal for someone so active.

When I jog at a fast pace my heart rate is more like 150-170... my asthma might play a role but still, you are pretty fit if those are your heart rates for a "fast pace" at that age. Also your aerobic zone I would imagine is probably similar to mine, meaning you can run & still get enough oxygen up to about 163bpm. YMMV.

Something that might interest you. I noticed my heart rate would jump from 55-60 whilst sitting to 80-90 whilst moving around at home. I think anxiety caused my heart rate to jump higher, as can over-reaching or training too. I recently scaled back my running ever so slightly, with my anxiety under control & my heart rate standing is now more like 70-80.

As for your heart rate getting lower. My Dad's friend was in the Para's & he had a RHR in the low 30s that he told me got as low as 28 whilst he was running every day. Many Tour de France cyclists have heart rates similar to that too!

As someone said, if it drops below 40 or there is a sudden change, then go the Doctor but you are just healthy.

Thanks man. I have respitory sinus arrhythmia which means my heart speeds up a lot when I inhale then when I exhale it slows way down. From everything I read this is most noticeable in young people and athletes. It has to do with vagal tone. Last night I laid in bed and I held my breath and took my pulse and got 44...but I assume that if I was breathing it'd jump up to 50.

My pulse only increases about 10 bpm or a little less when I go from laying down to standing up. They say the less an increase the better. An increase of 0-10 is excellent, 10-20 normal and 20-30 cautionary.

One thing I noticed today though is that when I start jogging my heart rate gets up to 150 pretty quick like within a couple minutes.

04-07-2014, 01:57 AM
Oh and my standing heart rate is always around 60-70.

One thing that eased my mind a lot was a page online where a Dr was talking about how a lot of people come to him worried about their low heart rates and he asks them if they have ever fainted or anything like that and if they said no he'd see if their heart rate increased appropriately with exercise and if it did he assured them
that they are just in good health.

Reading this also made me feel a bit better too:

04-07-2014, 02:48 AM
My pulse only increases about 10 bpm or a little less when I go from laying down to standing up. They say the less an increase the better. An increase of 0-10 is excellent, 10-20 normal and 20-30 cautionary.

One thing I noticed today though is that when I start jogging my heart rate gets up to 150 pretty quick like within a couple minutes.

Interesting to hear about those guidelines for difference in pulse rate. That was the point I made to my Doctor but he dismissed me, I was going from ~60 - ~90 but he just said anything between those 2 is normal. It was just anxiety though.

Many things can cause your heart rate to vary up to as much as around 15bpm from what is normal whilst running. Dehydration, Anxiety, Over-training are the main culprits I believe.

The important thing to realise if you have health anxiety, which I do & I assume you do, is the fact the anxiety can cause the symptoms that you are looking for as I'm sure you are aware. Getting peace of mind whether here or from actual medical professionals helps too but try to focus on something else for a while & it should subside a bit. It's easy to get stuck in a cycle.

Whatever you do, don't self-diagnose... it's hard not to but it's not productive on the whole. I thought I had Diabetes but it was just my anxiety causing similar symptoms - I went through lots of blood tests before that came out! My Doctor told me just to call if I had any persistent or obvious symptoms of anything - usually it's something minor & it puts my mind to rest.

04-07-2014, 09:51 AM
Yeah, you definitely have health anxiety. So whenever you get those negative thoughts, tell yourself--"It's the anxiety talking. It's just the anxiety talking."

I've been running basically daily for about 10 years now, and even ran competitively in high school. My resting HR is around 60 bpm but it goes up to 180 bpm FAST when I run, and stays there throughout a 30 minute run. I have been told by doctors that this is normal. Even had an EKG done, and everything checked out normal.

The point is, everyone is different. Don't read too much on websites. If you're really concerned, go to a doctor.

04-09-2014, 02:26 AM
Damnit. Shoulnt have checked my hr. 57 . I usually have major tachycardia issues.. keeps bouncing between 55-60 and i am completel sedentary because of my health. The only thing healthy is the way i eat. Ugh. Reassurance? Its been so long since ive had anxiett.

04-09-2014, 03:50 AM
Damnit. Shoulnt have checked my hr. 57 . I usually have major tachycardia issues.. keeps bouncing between 55-60 and i am completel sedentary because of my health. The only thing healthy is the way i eat. Ugh. Reassurance? Its been so long since ive had anxiett.

Hi Alaina,

Nice to see you! Sorry the anxiety has been creeping up again!

About a month ago you would have been happy to see a hr of 57 . Hang in there , it's going to be ok. You've come a long way!

Other than that how have you been doing?

You know this anxiety is your brain trying to get you back in the game. Just tell it you don't want to play!


04-09-2014, 05:03 AM
I know, im trying to tell myself that. But it got as low as 48...and... i dont feel good at that rate...:/

04-09-2014, 08:20 AM
I know, im trying to tell myself that. But it got as low as 48...and... i dont feel good at that rate...:/

Don't feel bad. Mine was around 49-50 when I checked it last night.

04-09-2014, 12:51 PM
Agh my heart rate is usually in the low-mid 60s when I'm sitting around relaxing so when my rate goes up to 90 or 100 because of anxiety (which isn't THAT fast) it feels like the world is ending.

04-27-2014, 12:55 PM
Well I guess I'm done worrying about my low heart rate. My mom has this wrist blood pressure thing and it's so easy and apparently the most accurate. I've been checking it for the last couple days late at night and first thing in the morning when my pulse is the slowest and I'm consistently getting 120-125 over 75-85 with a pulse of 50. So my blood pressure definitely isn't low when my pulse is low which makes me feel better and I guess that means my heart is just strong and it's keeping sufficient pressure without many beats, right?

04-27-2014, 01:25 PM
Well I guess I'm done worrying about my low heart rate. My mom has this wrist blood pressure thing and it's so easy and apparently the most accurate. I've been checking it for the last couple days late at night and first thing in the morning when my pulse is the slowest and I'm consistently getting 120-125 over 75-85 with a pulse of 50. So my blood pressure definitely isn't low when my pulse is low which makes me feel better and I guess that means my heart is just strong and it's keeping sufficient pressure without many beats, right?

You are 100 percent fine with those numbers. Mine are like 120's over high 60's to 70,s. My pulse is a lot of times mid 50's as well. I am 47 years old and a runner....you look much younger.... You are fine !


04-27-2014, 01:27 PM
I'd be more concerned if your bottom number was consistently over 90-95 range in Bp.....which it is not. Relax!!! :)

04-28-2014, 02:36 PM
Wow I'm so stressed right now. There really is something wrong with me. I just exercises for an hour or so and took my blood pressure 30 mins layer and it's way too low.. It's like 100/60 while sitting. I also feel weak and very hungry.

04-28-2014, 02:42 PM
It's almost 2pm and all I've aye all day is a smoothie this morning and some multivitamins that my mom gave me. My whole vacation feels ruined now I swear. 100/60 is ridiculously low. Idk what the fuck is wrong with me. I also felt like my heart was racing like crazy while I was exercising.

04-28-2014, 03:05 PM
Here's my numbers after about 30 mins of intense cardio exercise. Took it like 4x while sitting down.

109/68 pulse 78
104/63 pulse 68
103/72 pulse 69
This seems way too low and I also feel weak and hungry.

04-28-2014, 03:19 PM
Your obsessing over this. Those numbers are excellent !!!! I mean excellent !!! Your BP is not too low. After exercise you BP will drop for a bit anyway .... It's normal.

04-28-2014, 03:19 PM
I really don't know why it went so low. Now im worried that my blood pressure isn't increasing when I exercise.. I just ate half a sandwich and took it while standing up and got 117/79 pulse 79

04-28-2014, 03:21 PM
Your obsessing over this. Those numbers are excellent !!!! I mean excellent !!! Your BP is not too low. After exercise you BP will drop for a bit anyway .... It's normal.

I didn't start really freaking out until it said
97/68 pulse 67. That's seems scary low.. Maybe that was a dud reading idk

04-28-2014, 03:23 PM
I feel like my whole vacation is ruined now. Today was the first time I've been to a gym in years and I felt anxious bcuz so many people were there and I was running on the treadmill and I tried to pulse handlebars and it said fucking 180 and there's no way that thing was accurate.. Well then my anxiety started. I was playing ping pong with my friend and maybe it's the way I play but I was so sweaty, winded and my heart was just racing like crazy. When we got back to the car about 5 mins or so after playing I checked my pulse and it was 80 so whatever my pulse was while exercising recovered fast.

04-28-2014, 03:24 PM
My BP is regularly 102 over 60 with a pulse in the high 50's to low 60's. My BP does have a range of sometimes it's like 120 over 70 too. After exercise for me the 100 over 60 is quite normal. I too questioned this with my GP on a visit when my BP was 92 over 60. He told me there is great benefits to a lower BP. I also take a BP pill because mine used to be like 185 over 110. I take a half a pill of lisinopril / hctz over the lowest dose they make and it keeps my BP in check. I do wish sometimes the doc would take me off of it..... But that has fallen on deaf ears ....lol. So in closing..... Your BP is as good as mine without meds......so I'd be happy. :)

04-28-2014, 03:27 PM
Just relax...... Your fine !!! And please stop taking your BP. It could backfire an go up. That happened to me. Take it once..... Put it away.

04-28-2014, 03:39 PM
I guess I'm feeling better now. I felt extremely hungry during that time as well. Just took it again sitting down and it's 121/76 pulse 60. I just don't know why it went so low after strenuous exercise. I also feel like my heart beats way too rapid during exercise. Idk. So tired of living like this. I need to make sure my blood pressure rises like it's supposed to when I work out. Sort of thinking maybe my heart beats so fast during exercise bcuz it's having a hard time keeping my blood pressure up.

04-28-2014, 03:42 PM
115/72 pulse 60. Perfection... How the hell can eating half a sandwich make it normal again..

04-28-2014, 07:36 PM

Attached is my BP reading after a few hours of going on a 5.5 mile run. I am damn sure it was lower than this an hour ago and way higher during the run as it should be. Just relax..and yes stay hydrated and eat when your hungry. You are and will be fine. :)

04-28-2014, 07:40 PM
Well it's my first attempt at a photo ... :D. It was 112 over 69 with a 61 pulse on a wrist BP monitor. I don't know why the photo came up blank.

04-28-2014, 07:41 PM

BP pic take two. Lol.

04-28-2014, 07:42 PM
I give up on pic. Maybe it works on web format and not app.

04-28-2014, 11:42 PM
your blood pressure is nothing to worry about. its a great reading.

04-28-2014, 11:58 PM
I can't stop thinking about it. Now my mom hid her wrist blood pressure thing So now in can't check it tomorrow after exercise.

04-29-2014, 07:17 AM
Your mom is a smart cookie. I had a problem checking mine as well. Only thing is when I was compulsively doing it ... It was going up with each reading. It's not healthy to check it several times a day. You BP fluctuates every day every hour by a little. It is very very normal. Relax !!!!

04-29-2014, 07:25 AM
Your mom is a smart cookie. I had a problem checking mine as well. Only thing is when I was compulsively doing it ... It was going up with each reading. It's not healthy to check it several times a day. You BP fluctuates every day every hour by a little. It is very very normal. Relax !!!!

Yup I was doing that too. I would check it then immediately check it again. It would get so bad that I had petechiae on my arm from doing it so much. Then I became infatuated with my pulse which has always been in the 60's and a couple times dropped to the low 50's, most likely because I tend to hold my breath when I'm anxious. Anyway I put my blood pressure machine up and haven't checked it in 2 weeks.

04-29-2014, 12:35 PM
Lol well she didn't hide it well... I took it this morning when I woke up before eating anything. I got 115/72 pulse 60 sitting and 117/79 pulse 64 standing. I know these numbers are perfect. I'm about to exercise for an hour and then test it right after. Don't you guys think if I really had some sort of heart problem it would continuously show up in my pulse rate and blood pressure? I'm hoping those low blood pressure measurements yesterday were inaccurate bcuz the battery was low.

04-29-2014, 01:13 PM
I'd be more concerned if your BP is 210 over 125 with a pulse of 150 when your at rest. Low BP is not really low for you. I hate to tell you .... But your a spot on healthy guy. So go go go at the gym.

04-29-2014, 01:14 PM
Heres the thing chad, your numbers werent low. :/ your numbers are perfect. Coming from someone who has low blood pressure issues. You certainly do not...so its hard for me to see someone wasting their life checking on something that isnt there, when i dont even have a life because of my issues. Just put the monitor away and try to move on. You can do it.

04-29-2014, 01:15 PM
Have you seen a doc yet ? He would be doing cartwheels for you with those numbers..... Seriously. Relax ...

04-29-2014, 01:52 PM
Really appreciate the help guys. Sorry for going on and on about this I just have bad ocd over my heart. The hardest thing for me right now is exercise. I feel real nervous once I start running and feel my heart speeding up bcuz I worry its going too fast. It would be a total joke if I really had something wrong with me bcuz I eat as healthy as a person can seriously. Fruit smoothie and fresh veggie juice everyday plus I've been taking high grade fish oil for years. I'm only 24.

04-29-2014, 01:54 PM
Blood pressure did seem to increase a bit with exercise. I did 20 jumping Jacks and took it immediately after and got 130/82 pulse 109 standing. Took it again 5 mins later sitting up in bed with legs straight out and got 117/72 pulse 68. I'm going to check it one more time after I run a few miles and that will be the last time I check it..

04-29-2014, 03:16 PM
How much should you blood pressure rise
While you are exercising? I seriously can't run until I have a working heart rate monitor. I feel like stopping jogging right when I feel my heart start racing. This fucking sucks. I just got inside after a sad little run drenched in sweat and my BP is 122/80 pulse 104

04-29-2014, 05:40 PM
I'm a little confused Chad?

Your heart rate should increase substantially when you exercise, this is how the heart supplies the additional oxygen to the muscles when you work out.

Your blood pressure is ideal, and a healthy adult BP will fluctuate up and down throughout the day and depending on activity.

For a healthy young adult you should only need to check your blood pressure ONCE every 3-5 years unless you develop any condition or illness that requires it to be monitored.

You should only be concerned if your diastolic pressure is consistently above 85. (By consistent I mean ALL the time, not so many times a day).

What do you feel you gain/achieve by constantly monitoring it?

05-02-2014, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. Okay so I read that your systolic blood pressure should drop a little bit when you go from the laying/sitting position to the standing position but mine doesn't.. It actually increases a little bit. My diastolic pressure increases like it should though.
For example earlier I took my pressure sitting on the couch with my back supported and got 111/69 then I stood up and took it and got 114/77...

05-02-2014, 05:25 PM
You need to accept that your heart and blood pressure are fine.

There is no exact science to postural fluctuations (your body does what it needs to do automatically) you have no control over this regardless of how much you monitor it.

The only thing you may achieve in the long run, if you carry on stressing over the constant monitoring of perfectly normal cardiac function, is HIGH blood pressure!

Enjoy being young and healthy, throw the BP monitor in the bin and quit worrying about blood pressure until you are over 50!

05-02-2014, 05:50 PM
I'm trying to accept it but I can't. I can't even enjoy my vacation bcuz I'm stressing over this so much. 115/72 pulse 55 sitting with legs straight out, standing 125/79 pulse 58. Just checked it. It clearly says online that systolic should drop around 10 points when standing, not increase by 10. Fuck my life right now.

05-02-2014, 06:08 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. Okay so I read that your systolic blood pressure should drop a little bit when you go from the laying/sitting position to the standing position but mine doesn't.. It actually increases a little bit. My diastolic pressure increases like it should though. For example earlier I took my pressure sitting on the couch with my back supported and got 111/69 then I stood up and took it and got 114/77...

Your blood pressure is normal!! Trust me! Nothing to worry about although we do it anywhere it's part of our disease. But I take peoples BP every day and that is a normal reading my friend :)

05-02-2014, 06:17 PM
Lol I've read different things online. Some websites say that your blood pressure should be a little higher when standing than sitting which makes more sense to me because you aren't actually relaxed when you're standing like when you're sitting. In some people I guess their blood pressure drops a lot when they are standing up and they get dizzy and shit. I guess it's called postural hypotension or whatever. Ugh I really hate this health ocd thing :-\

05-02-2014, 06:23 PM
Lol I've read different things online. Some websites say that your blood pressure should be a little higher when standing than sitting which makes more sense to me because you aren't actually relaxed when you're standing like when you're sitting. In some people I guess their blood pressure drops a lot when they are standing up and they get dizzy and shit. I guess it's called postural hypotension or whatever. Ugh I really hate this health ocd thing :-\

Yes standing your BP is higher usually but yours isn't low enough to worry. Are you on any meds? When u are your bp can be lower which yours isn't considered low please believe me if it was much lower I would worry but normal is 120 over 80 so yours is within normal limits :) don't worry I stress over health things and think I'm always dying and stuff , so I get it

05-02-2014, 09:02 PM
Chad, im really sorry to have to say this to you this way. Because i seriously understand what its like. But my blood pressure goes to 140/100 when i stand. Or it can go 88/52And guess what happens when i stand?? My heart rate goes to at least 130 anywhere up to 180!! From just standing. I am in a damn wheelchair because of this. But guess what?!?! Im still healthy too. Ive seen dozens and dozens of doctors. You need to be thankful for your body that works and realize not all of us have that opportunity. Throw the mother effingg monitor away and get on with your life that you are seriously seriouslh lucky to have. Imagine driving, showering even going to the bathroom walking, playing with your kids... being almost impossible on your own. Just. Stop. You are fine! Please get your life back.

05-10-2014, 10:47 PM
Chad, im really sorry to have to say this to you this way. Because i seriously understand what its like. But my blood pressure goes to 140/100 when i stand. Or it can go 88/52And guess what happens when i stand?? My heart rate goes to at least 130 anywhere up to 180!! From just standing. I am in a damn wheelchair because of this. But guess what?!?! Im still healthy too. Ive seen dozens and dozens of doctors. You need to be thankful for your body that works and realize not all of us have that opportunity. Throw the mother effingg monitor away and get on with your life that you are seriously seriouslh lucky to have. Imagine driving, showering even going to the bathroom walking, playing with your kids... being almost impossible on your own. Just. Stop. You are fine! Please get your life back.

Sorry to hear that but thanks for the advice. I'm back home now and I've been feeling good. I don't have a blood pressure thing so I haven't taken it since I was at my mom's.

So I've been making myself run for 30 mins every morning because I want to lower my body fat but will this continue to lower my resting heart rate? Because I'd rather than not happen since it's already low around 47-50.

05-11-2014, 07:39 AM
Sorry to hear that but thanks for the advice. I'm back home now and I've been feeling good. I don't have a blood pressure thing so I haven't taken it since I was at my mom's. So I've been making myself run for 30 mins every morning because I want to lower my body fat but will this continue to lower my resting heart rate? Because I'd rather than not happen since it's already low around 47-50.

I do know that the more fit you are, the lower your heart rate can be and it be normal. I've heard runners say anywhere from 40-high 50's is normal for them. Just reassure yourself it's because your body is shaping up :)

06-23-2014, 09:21 PM
Ok this is messed up... I was laying in bed last night at like 11pm and I could tell my heart was beating slow. I checked it and it was 44. That's the slowest I've ever seen it. Wtf? I think it could be because I've been juicing vegetables for a few months and yesterday I juiced a ton of kale and broccoli like more than usual which are both high in potassium. Is it possible that my body just had a surge of too much potassium which slowed my heart rate down? I've also had some Diareah today.

06-23-2014, 09:22 PM
Anyways I slept a long time and I woke up around 11am and checked it and it was 55. Usually my resting pulse is right around 50 but I'm starting to really worry about this again. I've been jogging lately like maybe 3 times a week for about 30 mins but usually I jog for 3 mins and stop and walk for a while then jog again so it's not very intense...

06-23-2014, 11:52 PM
Anyways I slept a long time and I woke up around 11am and checked it and it was 55. Usually my resting pulse is right around 50 but I'm starting to really worry about this again. I've been jogging lately like maybe 3 times a week for about 30 mins but usually I jog for 3 mins and stop and walk for a while then jog again so it's not very intense...

Go run ! You look in great shape and your heart rate shows that. No jog...no jog and walk....pick up the pace a little and you will be surprised in your boost of confidence. Also your heart rate will go up upon exertion.....perfectly normal. I wish I had your youth. :)

06-29-2014, 10:15 PM
Go run ! You look in great shape and your heart rate shows that. No jog...no jog and walk....pick up the pace a little and you will be surprised in your boost of confidence. Also your heart rate will go up upon exertion.....perfectly normal. I wish I had your youth. :)

Idk man. I wish I could really stop worrying about this. If I had the $ I'd go to the Dr and get some blood tests. I read that the only things that can cause low heart rate is being in good shape, electrolyte imbalance like to much potassium in the blood, hypothyroidism or a problem with the hearts electrical system. I had some blood tests like a year ago and my pulse was still kinda slow and they said everything looked good and he said I definitely didn't have hypothyroid. Really the only possibility is either I have too much potassium or I'm just in good shape. I know it isn't an electrical problem because I can easily make my heart speed up if I exercise or something.

06-29-2014, 10:29 PM
Well I just read this:

"In normal individuals, healthy kidneys can adapt to excessive oral intake of potassium by increasing urine excretion of potassium, thus preventing the development of hyperkalemia."

So unless I have bad kidneys I probably don't have high hyperkalemia(high potassium levels)

06-30-2014, 01:21 AM
Thanks for the responses guys. I guess I'm feeling better. The thing is, I just started running a couple weeks ago. I'm worried my heart rate will continue to get lower and lower. I know it's low when I'm at rest because of the high vagal tone. That's what fish oil does.. Did lots of research. I'm just going to stop taking fish oil for a while. I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with my heart because I just jogged for 12 minutes and kept my heart rate at 140-155 the whole time then I stopped and not even 2 minutes later it was down to 94 and I don't feel winded at all. Also idk if this has anything to do with it but my mom also has a low resting heart rate of 49 and her dad is 70ish and his Dr said he has the heart of a 30 year old.

Hi Chad,

I really wouldn't worry. It is quite common when you have anxiety to worry over your own body. The heart is a tricky one to, that one use to worry me to. But looking at your current heart rate I really don't think you have anything to worry about. And your working out to, that's never a bad thing ;)