View Full Version : Huge meltdown, help!

04-05-2014, 04:39 AM
Hey everyone, I've been having CBT and counseling for almost a month and really felt as though things were really looking up. I suffer from anxiety with my two best friends I hate the thought of them spending time together without me. Last night I text one of them and she said she was with the other one and I just freaked out. Full panic attack everything :( she said to come down but I know I made it worse by saying things like 'I don't wanna intrude on your evening' then half hour later the other girl text asking what I was up to and did I wanna come out for a drink. I instantly thought they must have been bitching about me and felt guilty like a pity invite, even though I found out later she didn't know I had text my other friend and had genuinely just invited me down. I forced my self to go down and spent the whole night being quiet and awkward eventually one of them got a bit annoyed, said she can't believe I don't trust her, really took offence. I feel bad for making them feel guilty when I know they haven't done anything wrong, this anxiety is just so strong will it ever go away??

04-05-2014, 07:18 AM
Not without a doctor and some medications...it will just grow stronger.

E-Man. :)