View Full Version : strange so called anxiety ????

04-05-2014, 03:15 AM
there two points to this . one is the sympotoms the other is what causes them.

first what causes them. my anxiety is strange and ive never really figured out what causes it . mines not like alot of othere peoples like my mom for example who if shes in a big open space and its windy she gets panicked. because mine is so strange i still find it hard to believe its anxiety and not something else . so does anyone else have similar effects ?

mine comes just so random for no reason (no reson i can see)

ive noticed that mine happens when im not doing anything, mainly when im trying to sleep. but a slight pattern ive noticed is if ive had a stressful week i find that i get these strange symptoms (so called anxiety) when im actually starting to feel better . if i have a good time and feel good , enjoying myself and laughing, it will be that night that i get anxiety . now to me that just does not make sense at all ?

the next is the symptoms . i get a really strange out of body felling like my soul is trying to escape my body . i feel scared and weak like i want to sleep but i cant and i have to get up and walk around . my heart is pounding but there is no pain and the main thing is this strang sensation in my chest like its fallen of and i cant feel it . feels like my chest isnt atached to my body any more

anybody have anything like this ?

04-05-2014, 07:15 AM
You need some good meds Jay!!!...

E-Man... :)

04-05-2014, 07:24 AM
You need some good meds Jay!!!...

E-Man... :)

ive tried them before . i dont like them. they either make me worse or drowsy

04-05-2014, 07:29 AM
They were the wrong ones for you friend..
Beating anxiety is about trial and error...
and the willingness to try different approaches and tactics..
different medications until you find that one that fits you..
we're all different and certain things work differently, for different people..

Try to make this a good day!

E-Man... :)

04-05-2014, 07:34 AM
ive tried about 6 diff types so far . tbh i dont like like taking meds . id rather do with out if i can . its more the the confusion of it . find it hard to believe its anxiety and not something els

04-05-2014, 08:09 AM
Believe it or not, many people are just like you. Some people have triggers, while others don't. But it seems like your trigger is when you're going to sleep? Or when you're having fun and enjoying the day - same day at night you're anxious? Are we talking about anxiety attacks? Or are you just anxious?

The symptoms - might be derealization/depersonalization? It's from the anxiety.

Have you seen your doc? If you have and nothing is wrong with you physically and you're stressed or worried and you feel your heart racing, symptoms like dr/dp - then accept it's anxiety and nothing else.

04-05-2014, 08:20 AM
i have been to the dr ive been to counseling and stuff. i also had numerous heart traces and a ultra sound on my heart and they all come back clear. tbh i have felt lot better for about a year now and then out the blue i had a funny turn the other night . its a mix of feeling anxious and attacks like i said its strange . im 30 and have nothing no life no girl no job so that is on my mind a lot . but dont see how it can give me anxiety . i thought i was to tuff for that lol

04-05-2014, 08:29 AM
i have been to the dr ive been to counseling and stuff. i also had numerous heart traces and a ultra sound on my heart and they all come back clear. tbh i have felt lot better for about a year now and then out the blue i had a funny turn the other night . its a mix of feeling anxious and attacks like i said its strange . im 30 and have nothing no life no girl no job so that is on my mind a lot . but dont see how it can give me anxiety . i thought i was to tuff for that lol

Ha, you remind me of myself. I didn't want to accept it because I was to "tough" for it. I thought only weak people could get it. That's not true though, people with anxiety is really strong or "tough" mentally.

How did you get it? When did you have your first attack? Maybe your anxious because you don't have a girl, job or anything.

However, the first step to recovery is accepting it's anxiety and stop looking for other reasons.