View Full Version : Tips on dealing with Anxiety!!

04-03-2014, 02:06 PM
Hope everyone's good, 19 today getting old :) I received two Panic attacks today, it's been a week since I've had them.

Today I had to miss College because there were problems with the train, there was a disrupted signal, The train I usually catch is confusing because I have to get on 2 trains to get to my College, but because of all the hectic train problems, I accidentally went on the wrong train.

The train didn't stop where I need to get off, so I had to get off at the nearest stop, I got a bit lost, and I was just panicking and worrying :( I had no money on my phone so I couldn't text anyone. I eventually caught the right train but by the time I was on it, I was 4 hours late for College. I just felt like crap afterwards.

I attend College every Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, it's quite hard work getting there, I have to get up 6:30 in the morning, and it takes me a Hour and half usually to get there.

I feel like these Panics are still getting the better of me, the course is also stressing me out a bit. I'm not too keen on the course.

Also my Tutor/Teacher phoned an hour ago at 8:30 in the evening, and asked why I didn't make it to College, I told her about the Trains, she told me she wants me in for 9 in the morning, I'm stressed because I was enjoying my Birthday, I don't like getting short notice of things.

The thing is the tutors don't fully understand how difficult I find it to get to College because of my Anxiety/Depression, I find it very difficult to face the world in the morning. I haven't told my mum and dad. I'm just frightened to talk to people about it because I know I'll get judged.

Thanks, I'm sorry to moan, Just feel shooken up,

04-03-2014, 02:18 PM
Happy Birthday Kyle!

04-03-2014, 02:20 PM
Have you considered maybe a natural supplement like St Johns, to help with your depression?

I think a med will help you, but I know you don't like the idea.

No point living life struggling with simple things like getting up in the morning, right?

04-03-2014, 02:23 PM
Have you considered maybe a natural supplement like St Johns, to help with your depression?

I think a med will help you, but I know you don't like the idea.

No point living life struggling with simple things like getting up in the morning, right?

Yeah I was taking ST Johns for a bit, I don't know why but I stopped back in early February. My Mum is Anti Medication though. I don't tell people in my life about my depression because they either

Don't want to know
Don't care
or have their own problems.

04-03-2014, 02:24 PM
Happy Birthday Kyle!

Thanks Man :)

04-03-2014, 02:26 PM
Have you considered maybe a natural supplement like St Johns, to help with your depression?

I think a med will help you, but I know you don't like the idea.

No point living life struggling with simple things like getting up in the morning, right?

Just curious Bro? Do you suffer with Depression at all, it's just that you usually seem really positive about things? Sorry hope you don't mind me asking.

04-03-2014, 03:07 PM
Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy your day the best you can, ever little step my friend! As for depression and anxiety, these are my thoughts that Im dealing with now.

I finally got control of the panic attacks, when they come on, I know what they are and I know how to handle them. The hard part was that Depression and the Anxiety of the Panic Attacks were by-products of the panic attacks itself.

So after facing and getting over the panic attacks its self now I need to deal with the depression and the Anxiety. What I have have been doing is treating them like a child. When I child acts up and gets unruly. I would talk to them and do my best to calm them down. Our Anxiety and depression is a misguided child throwing a tantrum. You just need to accept that it will happen and when it happens talk to it. Talk it down and remind it that everything will be ok.

04-03-2014, 03:11 PM
Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy your day the best you can, ever little step my friend! As for depression and anxiety, these are my thoughts that Im dealing with now.

I finally got control of the panic attacks, when they come on, I know what they are and I know how to handle them. The hard part was that Depression and the Anxiety of the Panic Attacks were by-products of the panic attacks itself.

So after facing and getting over the panic attacks its self now I need to deal with the depression and the Anxiety. What I have have been doing is treating them like a child. When I child acts up and gets unruly. I would talk to them and do my best to calm them down. Our Anxiety and depression is a misguided child throwing a tantrum. You just need to accept that it will happen and when it happens talk to it. Talk it down and remind it that everything will be ok.

Thank you :) I try my best, but I always feel like I'm having a Panic Attack when I'm in an area where there's lots of people, and it makes me feel nauseous, Dizzy, and my heart starts to hyper ventilate. Thanks for the advice :) Hope all goes well for you too Friend!

04-03-2014, 03:17 PM
Its funny when confidence comes into play with panic attacks. I have all those symptoms too. When the attack comes on though there are 2 things I go to. First is I tell myself that there is no danger, I asses the situation. The second is I go straight to Long slow breathes. Inhale slowly exhale slowly. While I am doing this I am reminding myself that I do this when I am sleeping the most relaxed and comfortable time. Its funny, the moment my body realizes the breaths are slow and full, its like something clicks and I calm down. Even if it doesnt work immediate, knowing that slow long breaths are the best I eventually pass the panic and I am on my way!