View Full Version : Triggers at Work.

04-03-2014, 08:57 AM
So Friday, I have a very bad panic attack at work (embarrassing), and was I little thrown back as I'm usually fine because I've gotten to know most of the morning gym goers.. Well today, I discovered my trigger, and it is one of the members. He looks like he could be the brother of someone I have an restraining order against. After realizing this, I had to tell myself over and over that he's not him. I managed to keep my symptoms at a light simmer. Now I'm home, and I feel like I NEED to freak out. Does anyone else have triggers at work, and if so, how do you deal with them?

04-03-2014, 08:37 PM
Don't feel embarrassed or ashamed about having a panic attack :)

breathing exercises help me keep control of myself, either that or take a break....freak out.... then go back in :)

04-04-2014, 12:02 AM
Don't feel embarrassed or ashamed about having a panic attack :) breathing exercises help me keep control of myself, either that or take a break....freak out.... then go back in :)

Yep....agree with Ritch. Been there and done that.

04-04-2014, 03:54 AM
Don't feel embarrassed or ashamed about having a panic attack :)

breathing exercises help me keep control of myself, either that or take a break....freak out.... then go back in :)

The part that I'm mostly embarrassed about was that I started bawling my eyes out. I've tried breathing exercises, but they only help to keep me from letting it out.
Unfortunately/luckily, I only work three hours a day. I clean the cardio (127) machines at my gym. I don't usually freak out at work because I just put my ear buds in, and get to work. I do have a few.morning regulars that have started to check on me when I don't look happy. Its nice to know that people in this world still care. My attack slipped out of my head, and into actions all because someone asked if I was okay. She could tell that I was having trouble breathing, and told me that she has anxiety pretty bad too (which was kinda relieving to hear at that time). I'm glad she was there though, because I probably would've fainted from hyperventilating too much (it's happened a couple times before).

I know I can't be the only one who's had an attack at work :(.. anyone else have a trigger at work?

04-04-2014, 04:21 AM
I work nights and I get panic attacks sometimes while I'm working just out of the blue, I'm guessing the stress and long hours, but I just try to keep as busy as possible while I pop a xan. when it's happening and also just talk to someone about anything.keep my mind off it

04-04-2014, 08:57 AM
I work nights and I get panic attacks sometimes while I'm working just out of the blue, I'm guessing the stress and long hours, but I just try to keep as busy as possible while I pop a xan. when it's happening and also just talk to someone about anything.keep my mind off it

I used to work as midnight stock. Our managers were so mean. The lady manager was always yelling at me, and I even told how bad that triggers my anxiety.. so she did it more often. I went to the higher up, and she got fired. I still had to quit there because her replacement wasn't much better.

04-04-2014, 09:36 AM
I used to work as midnight stock. Our managers were so mean. The lady manager was always yelling at me, and I even told how bad that triggers my anxiety.. so she did it more often. I went to the higher up, and she got fired. I still had to quit there because her replacement wasn't much better.

I still havent found the underlying factor of what triggers mine. But how do u deal wen the symptoms.linger? Since i had mine i feel debilitated, but i function, i feel a hot/cold rush, but i dont have a fever, i suppose im worrying about the symptoms too much. Could that be what is making me feel this continous anxiety? im trying to tell myself to calm down & quit whining about but u know how it is when ur feeling like this

04-04-2014, 09:41 AM
I still havent found the underlying factor of what triggers mine. But how do u deal wen the symptoms.linger? Since i had mine i feel debilitated, but i function, i feel a hot/cold rush, but i dont have a fever, i suppose im worrying about the symptoms too much. Could that be what is making me feel this continous anxiety? im trying to tell myself to calm down & quit whining about but u know how it is when ur feeling like this

It could be you just anticipating your anxiety. I feel like that when I'm nervous that I might have one too. I try breathing exercises, and trying to keep my head into work.. but sometimes it gets to me and I have to let it out. I try not to freak out when I feel one coming on. I kinda tell myself, "okay, you're fine. Just breathe slow. You'll get through this. Just chill." Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Its pretty much hit or miss for me.

04-04-2014, 09:49 AM
Ok yea im trying to relax and just face this and let it do its worse. I just feel so restless and i honestly havent sleeped cus of symptoms. I just took a sleeping pill to help me out a bit, my body needs rest since its not doing it on its own. Thanx for replying

04-04-2014, 09:56 AM
Ok yea im trying to relax and just face this and let it do its worse. I just feel so restless and i honestly havent sleeped cus of symptoms. I just took a sleeping pill to help me out a bit, my body needs rest since its not doing it on its own. Thanx for replying

It's no problem. Have you tried meditation to relax you before bed, or maybe even self-hypnosis to make you sleep?

04-04-2014, 10:26 AM
It's no problem. Have you tried meditation to relax you before bed, or maybe even self-hypnosis to make you sleep?

Yea i have but the impwnding fear is there so i cant rest my brain enuff

04-04-2014, 10:33 AM
The part that I'm mostly embarrassed about was that I started bawling my eyes out. I've tried breathing exercises, but they only help to keep me from letting it out.
Unfortunately/luckily, I only work three hours a day. I clean the cardio (127) machines at my gym. I don't usually freak out at work because I just put my ear buds in, and get to work. I do have a few.morning regulars that have started to check on me when I don't look happy. Its nice to know that people in this world still care. My attack slipped out of my head, and into actions all because someone asked if I was okay. She could tell that I was having trouble breathing, and told me that she has anxiety pretty bad too (which was kinda relieving to hear at that time). I'm glad she was there though, because I probably would've fainted from hyperventilating too much (it's happened a couple times before).

I know I can't be the only one who's had an attack at work :(.. anyone else have a trigger at work?

Practice the breathing more, it's kind of like weight training. The amount of effort and dedication you put into it the more you will get from it :)

04-04-2014, 12:02 PM
Practice the breathing more, it's kind of like weight training. The amount of effort and dedication you put into it the more you will get from it :)

I try to do breathing exercises everyday. I'm not out of shape, but I get winded because I can't breathe right. However, my chest spasms during an attack, so either way, I start hyperventilating (and not necessarily on purpose)

04-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Could you describe to me how you breathe?

the position of your head, neck, arms. Also the movements of your chest, stomach. through the nose or mouth etc?

04-04-2014, 12:23 PM
Could you describe to me how you breathe?

the position of your head, neck, arms. Also the movements of your chest, stomach. through the nose or mouth etc?

I usually have an app that I follow, but I try to keep my spine aligned, head straight, and breathe through my nose.(I do this with my arms to my side, and with my hands on my head) I also try to breathe with my chest instead of 'through my tummy'. Also, I'm no expert, so whatcha got for me? :)

04-04-2014, 12:28 PM
Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Lay down and put your hands on either side of your stomach but make sure your fingers tips touch each other. When breathing in make sure that your stomach goes out words and not inwards ( e.g. when some people show others their stomach they pull their stomach in or breathe in as some people call it, that is the wrong way to breathe in.) When breathing in your finger tips should no longer touch because your stomach has gone out and allowed your diaphragm to expand, then slowly release the breath and repeat. start with in 4 and out 4. don't just pull air in and push it out control it.

When doing this focus on the breathing and nothing else, feel it come into your nose down your throat and into your lungs. Then feel it leave. If you lose your concentration and begin to think about something else that is okay. But as soon as you realize you have wandered bring your thoughts back to your breathing. Perform this exercise for a minimum of 3-5 minutes, if you practice it enough it will help.

04-04-2014, 02:12 PM
Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Lay down and put your hands on either side of your stomach but make sure your fingers tips touch each other. When breathing in make sure that your stomach goes out words and not inwards ( e.g. when some people show others their stomach they pull their stomach in or breathe in as some people call it, that is the wrong way to breathe in.) When breathing in your finger tips should no longer touch because your stomach has gone out and allowed your diaphragm to expand, then slowly release the breath and repeat. start with in 4 and out 4. don't just pull air in and push it out control it.

When doing this focus on the breathing and nothing else, feel it come into your nose down your throat and into your lungs. Then feel it leave. If you lose your concentration and begin to think about something else that is okay. But as soon as you realize you have wandered bring your thoughts back to your breathing. Perform this exercise for a minimum of 3-5 minutes, if you practice it enough it will help.

Thanks. I'll get that a try tonight. :)