View Full Version : Weight gain on Celexa?

04-01-2014, 03:01 PM
Can you gain weight from Celexa even if it's been almost 9 months?? I went to my Dr. today, and I have gained a significant about of weight the past few months, I'm freaking out. I'm also on Buspar and Klonopin but I don't think those can cause the problem.

04-01-2014, 03:12 PM
Can you gain weight from Celexa even if it's been almost 9 months?? I went to my Dr. today, and I have gained a significant about of weight the past few months, I'm freaking out. I'm also on Buspar and Klonopin but I don't think those can cause the problem.

Hi amers,

Unfortunately many if not most ADs will cause weight gain. Effexor cost me a whopping 60 lbs. and it would not come off and stay off while I was in it . Celexa wasn't much better, I was on that before the Effexor.

You kind of have to decide what sucks more, the weight gain or how you feel before the meds started working for you. For me it was a no brainer, I wasn't going back to the way I was before the ADs, I put up with the weight.

Once the time was right to come off the ADs I did, and within a few months all but 15lbs just fell off, no effort required. Now I have to work at the last 15 but it is a small price to pay for being in such a better place now.

Good luck with this, I know it sucks! :(


04-01-2014, 03:12 PM
You can, it's listed as a side effect but it's not all that common. Not compared to some of the other drugs that make you wobbly, anyway.

04-01-2014, 03:25 PM
Hi amers,

Unfortunately many if not most ADs will cause weight gain. Effexor cost me a whopping 60 lbs. and it would not come off and stay off while I was in it . Celexa wasn't much better, I was on that before the Effexor.

You kind of have to decide what sucks more, the weight gain or how you feel before the meds started working for you. For me it was a no brainer, I wasn't going back to the way I was before the ADs, I put up with the weight.

Once the time was right to come off the ADs I did, and within a few months all but 15lbs just fell off, no effort required. Now I have to work at the last 15 but it is a small price to pay for being in such a better place now.

Good luck with this, I know it sucks! :(


Hi Pam,

I was on Effexor XR before years ago, and I gained a ton of weight from it as well. When I quit taking it though, I didn't lose the weight, unfortunately. Part of me wonders how I would feel if I were to come off the Celexa, I don't know if buspar is helping, I know my klonopin helps but that just blocks it. I'm on 20mg of the Celexa. I guess maybe I will see if eating better and working out will help me lose the weight I need to lose. Its been about 20 lbs that I have gained.

04-01-2014, 03:26 PM
You can, it's listed as a side effect but it's not all that common. Not compared to some of the other drugs that make you wobbly, anyway.

I knew it was a side effect, but to do that so far into taking it?

04-01-2014, 03:46 PM
I knew it was a side effect, but to do that so far into taking it?

Yup! It has probably just taken that long for your body to have fully adjusted to it. You mentioned you noticed weight gain a couple of months ago creeping up on you.

All I can suggest is that you continue to eat well and get some exercise in. If I remember correctly you have a little guy that is one heck of a dancer! Dance with him!

If I have you mixed up with someone else I apologize!

Hang in there!

04-01-2014, 03:49 PM
Yup! It has probably just taken that long for your body to have fully adjusted to it. You mentioned you noticed weight gain a couple of months ago creeping up on you.

All I can suggest is that you continue to eat well and get some exercise in. If I remember correctly you have a little guy that is one heck of a dancer! Dance with him!

If I have you mixed up with someone else I apologize!

Hang in there!

Nope! That's me :) haha. He is 3 and keeps me on my toes, and now that the weather is getting better I will be outdoors more and get more exercise in. Hoping that does the trick.