View Full Version : Really bad anxiety, need help

04-01-2014, 01:08 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new to this so apologies if my post is in the wrong place/section...
I've struggled for a fair few years now, interacting with people...I'm generally known as shy/quiet, even if I don't want to be.*
It was only since starting college, with completely new people, I realised how bad my 'shyness' was.
Everyone around me was making friends, but I didn't feel I could. I went out for lunch on my own, to the quietest places so I could be alone, I dreaded being asked questions in class, and started avoiding college.*
It got bad, to the point I was worrying about everything. I saw my GP and he referred me to a CBT therapist (but there's a 2 year waiting list...) I didn't want to go on medication as I'm only 17.
For a few months I felt slightly better, happier, but I feel things have got just as bad again,
Not only am I avoiding people and college, I've started worrying about my health, and having physical anxiety symptoms leading to me becoming a complete hypochondriac.
Last night, I had a strange pain/sensation in my calf. Within minutes I had diagnosed it as a blood clot, and within an hour I was at A&E, with the pain getting worse, chest pains, a headache, a complete wreck.*
The doctors wanted me to take a blood test, but I have a massive fear of them, or fainting...so bad I just couldn't do it, so they booked me in for an ultrasound this morning. I was too scared to sleep in case I died in my sleep. The ultrasound was clear and the doctors said I was at very low risk of a blood clot so I could go home.*
As much as this should reassure me, I still have the pain and I keep thinking 'but what if the blood test said different, what if the ultrasound made a mistake...what if I'm the exception'. I keep panicking and getting more and more scared, worked up and again having physical symptoms like chest pains.

I'm at breaking point now and I don't know what to do anymore. I have no friends, my attendance at college is very very poor. I feel helpless, and scared I have a serious health problem to the point I'm scared to go to sleep tonight.

Advice would be massively appreciated!!

04-01-2014, 01:18 PM
Hi friend. Welcome to the forum!!

I'm sorry to hear things are tough for you!!

I'm not trying to push meds on you in any way!! But let me tell you a little about myself..

My anxiety started out mild 2 years ago. Dr prescribed meds & I refused. A little over a month ago, my panic attacks got so bad & I became agoraphobic. Finally, I went to the Dr & got on meds. Now here I am, 21 & finally starting to feel normal for the first time in a long time!!

Meds are scary.. Especially being young. I totally know. But if you feel you can't handle this YET on your own, meds are an option.

If not, there's a few people on here who do natural remedies so you can talk to them :)

Good luck!!