View Full Version : Marijuana
11-21-2005, 01:56 AM
11-21-2005, 02:22 AM
Yeah, i stopped....everyone else i know does though..kind of gets me uneasy but i kan tolerate it...
11-23-2005, 05:04 PM
Oh wow! First person who mentions this....My anxiety and panic attacks began with experimenting with marijuana (and a strong one too!) Lets just say I tripped out so bad that my friends almost called the hospital on me...I will never forget that day as long as I live! I got so high and felt so out of control with my mind and my senses that it triggered a sense of panic and I could not stop repeating words/phrases, my heart raced 100 miles per hour, i was sweaty, I was restless...Lets just say Ive been fuked up ever since ( I know its a rare case, bc most people enjoy that feeling of high, but I smoked too much for my own good that day and I believe it was laced with other substances).
Thats why I have grown paranoid of ANY substance that alters my normal body...even simple things like Tylenol (which gets you sleepy) That also explains why I do not take medication for my anxiety...
Ever since my first time with marijuana, Ive been a veryyy anxious person, paranoid, nervous, and depressed. Never did drugs or alcohol again...
Wish I never made that stupid mistake, but oh well, shit happens, and it could be worse im sure.
12-17-2005, 11:11 AM
Oh wow! First person who mentions this....My anxiety and panic attacks began with experimenting with marijuana (and a strong one too!) Lets just say I tripped out so bad that my friends almost called the hospital on me...I will never forget that day as long as I live! I got so high and felt so out of control with my mind and my senses that it triggered a sense of panic and I could not stop repeating words/phrases, my heart raced 100 miles per hour, i was sweaty, I was restless...Lets just say Ive been fuked up ever since ( I know its a rare case, bc most people enjoy that feeling of high, but I smoked too much for my own good that day and I believe it was laced with other substances).
Thats why I have grown paranoid of ANY substance that alters my normal body...even simple things like Tylenol (which gets you sleepy) That also explains why I do not take medication for my anxiety...
Ever since my first time with marijuana, Ive been a veryyy anxious person, paranoid, nervous, and depressed. Never did drugs or alcohol again... thats what happened to me
Wish I never made that stupid mistake, but oh well, shit happens, and it could be worse im sure.
12-23-2005, 07:59 AM
My anxiety too began after trying MJ. WIsh I could go back and change things but no can do.
Maggie May
12-24-2005, 05:27 AM
I used to like it, never smoked a ton of it, but when I got into my 30s, it just made me feel a little nauseous or like my stomach is floating, or like I can't swallow right, or something.
I was so afraid of what my reaction to alcohol would be before I ever had a drink. I had seen too many movies where someone gets drunk and vomits, and vomiting is my #1 phobia, so I never had a single sip until a couple months into freshman year of college. I remember very clearly, I drank exactly one half plastic cup of MGD and waited for hours to see if it would make me feel sick or crazy. Neither happened.
But I have heard that people who smoke pot regularly have panic attacks when they try to stop. It's too bad there are not substances that make you feel good with no bad side effects. For now, the only substance I know that does that is endorphins. :)
01-31-2006, 04:16 PM
yah i got anxiety after smoking pot for awhile freshman year and then stopped smoking and my anxiety went away. i started smoking again last may and smoked alot like 3 times a day and quit november 12 because i was freaking out so bad that i told my friends parents! (something i would normally never ever do). i have now have anxiety again and now panic attacks wich i have never experienced up until now so i definately think it could be from that.
06-11-2006, 04:14 AM
well im not a fan of this stuff at all. Ive only had about 3 tokes in my life, and 1 of them im ashamed to say was last night. I got pretty drunk during the day because of England winning thier world cup game. Then i went back a friends and tried it again. I am so stupid when im drunk and i NEED to control myself. I only took 1 drag, but that was enough to make me paranoid(it might not have been the weed, could have been my anxiety). I got home and woke up in the middle of the night and realised what I had done and freaked out and was really sick. Im worried about the side effects and how long it is likely to stay in my system. Im sure no harm has been done, and the fact I only took 1 drag and coughed so hardly inhaled anything should mean its not so bad.
Just feel like I've let myself down
06-11-2006, 07:09 AM
i started smoking pot when i was 12 i'm 20 now so its been awhile atfirst i would only do it rarely with no ill effects but then as i got a little older and the whole high skool thing started i noticed my anxiety gettin so bad as i would go to the skool nurse everyday with stomach cramps so during all this because i was so frustated i decided to smoke pot the next day was a cake walk so ever since then i smoked everyday no matter what becaue it helped me so much but it also turned its back on me about a year ago i went on vacation and i hadn't smoked in 2days not good so we were driving up north and got stuck in traffic and i realized right there that pot can have some nasty effects i paniced in the middle of traffic we sat there for 2hrs as i smoked a whole pack of cigs terrible so i said to myself i'm gonna stop smokin pot if this is whats happens after not smoking for awhile i don't wanna see what happens if i smoke for 20 yrs the last year has been so hard i hit rock bottom because i was addicted to smoking it and not wanting to really find away to control my anxiety well now i'm 8months clean no panic attacks minor anxiety and pot can my ass
p.s. it smells nice though lol
boy i'm glad I never tried it! hehe
congrats on staying off that stuff leftie. withdrawal can be hell!
06-25-2006, 08:00 AM
I started smoking it when I was about 15 and I was a chronic up until about 8 months ago (I'm 21 now), then I started having panic attacks when I got too high, then I started having them when I got a little high, then it carried onto when I am sober. Marijuana causes depersonalization which is a major contributor to anxiety, I just wish I never did any drugs in my life.
01-31-2013, 01:55 PM
Marijuana is bad for teenagers who suffer from anxiety. Studies conclude that teenagers are at twice the risk of developing an anxiety disorder for up to a decade after smoking marijuana. This only requires the teenager to smoke cannabis once a week or more for a period lasting up to six months. Actually, one out of every eight teenagers smokes marijuana, but the consequences could be dangerous.
01-31-2013, 03:29 PM
Marijuana is bad for teenagers who suffer from anxiety. Studies conclude that teenagers are at twice the risk of developing an anxiety disorder for up to a decade after smoking marijuana. This only requires the teenager to smoke cannabis once a week or more for a period lasting up to six months. Actually, one out of every eight teenagers smokes marijuana, but the consequences could be dangerous.
One out of eight?.... Oh trust me the number is way higher.
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