View Full Version : Can anyone answer this question?

03-31-2014, 09:08 AM
I'm wondering why my pdoc prescribed Trazadone for sleep instead of, say, Lunesta? Does anyone know? Hopefully I'll see her tomorrow & get this answered then but I'd love to hear from you. Thanks!

03-31-2014, 09:18 AM
Trazadone is a good medication , search the forum we do have some threads about it:))

03-31-2014, 09:39 AM
Hey Jgirl :)

Probably a few reasons Trazadone gets prescribed more than Lunesta.

- It's cheap

- It's old fashioned, docs have experience prescribing it

- Lunesta is a controlled substance, which always makes docs a little nervous prescribing.

- Trazadone is supposedly more effective than Lunesta in younger people

- Trazadone is safer. Overdose potential is far smaller. Side effect profile too.

- Traz has less potential for abuse. It's easier to reach tolerance when taking Lunesta or Ambien. Addiction can occur.

All in all I'd say the addiction property is probably what swings it for a lot of docs. I mostly see older people take Lunesta, and younger ones try Trazadone, or Z drugs, or an antipsychotic.

Trazadone is very low risk on the surface of things, compared to drugs with benzo like qualities.

03-31-2014, 10:23 AM
Hey Jgirl :) Probably a few reasons Trazadone gets prescribed more than Lunesta. - It's cheap - It's old fashioned, docs have experience prescribing it - Lunesta is a controlled substance, which always makes docs a little nervous prescribing. - Trazadone is supposedly more effective than Lunesta in younger people - Trazadone is safer. Overdose potential is far smaller. Side effect profile too. - Traz has less potential for abuse. It's easier to reach tolerance when taking Lunesta or Ambien. Addiction can occur. All in all I'd say the addiction property is probably what swings it for a lot of docs. I mostly see older people take Lunesta, and younger ones try Trazadone, or Z drugs, or an antipsychotic. Trazadone is very low risk on the surface of things, compared to drugs with benzo like qualities.

Thanks. It's working just okay for sleep & a friend swears by Lunesta. I couldn't figure out why it got prescribed being it's not a traditional sleep med. Plus, like all antidepressants for me, it's causing a lot of nervousness and borderline panic. It's been a week but I guess my system still isn't adjusted. Thanks, again! :)