View Full Version : Anxious thoughts

03-29-2014, 09:58 PM
Those go away right?

I've been feeling good lately. But the thoughts never go away..

I'm hoping my psychiatrist ups my dose on Wednesday & hopefully that'll help!!

I've stressed how I just want this to go away & my mom told me there's no magic pill. It'll never go all away & I'll have to put in work to help.

I know I can't depend just on the meds but for now, I was hoping when they kick fully in, I would be okay until I learn to do it on my own.

Anyways.. Getting ready to watch a movie & hit the hay! I've had no anxiety while house sitting with my sister :) let's see how the night goes!

03-30-2014, 07:23 AM
Hi Brooke, yeah they can go away, but you must make sure that you try not to dwell on the thoughts because they can make your day worse. Funnily enough, My mother says the exact same thing as your mother, Their right there's no magic pill, we just have to remain strong and try to push ourselves every day.

Don't let Anxiety try to ruin your life and don't let it get in the way of things that you really want to do. These thoughts do come and go, Sometimes I get suicidal thoughts, but deep down I don't feel like I want to end my life, it's just a symptom of what Anxiety can make you feel!

Anxiety will pass eventually as long as you stay committed into helping yourself get better! :)

Please don't get offended by this but sometimes Medication is not always the answer, I'm not saying it's bad or anything but it sometimes only helps in the short term. This is just an opinion.

It can work differently for different people. Some medication though can take a few weeks to kick in, it can take 2-4 weeks. Hopefully they will kick in soon :)
Try not too get stressed, I know it's easier said than done, because I go through the same. When you are with your mum, perhaps try and talk to her about other things and try not too mention Anxiety.

Sorry if my advice weren't the best, Good luck Brooke! Hope you had a good time :)

03-30-2014, 07:35 AM
Those go away right? I've been feeling good lately. But the thoughts never go away.. I'm hoping my psychiatrist ups my dose on Wednesday & hopefully that'll help!! I've stressed how I just want this to go away & my mom told me there's no magic pill. It'll never go all away & I'll have to put in work to help. I know I can't depend just on the meds but for now, I was hoping when they kick fully in, I would be okay until I learn to do it on my own. Anyways.. Getting ready to watch a movie & hit the hay! I've had no anxiety while house sitting with my sister :) let's see how the night goes!

Yes Brooke, they do go away....but they can come back for a visit once in a while. The only difference is that when they do come back you have a fully stocked arsenal of strategies to combat them.

You are in the process of building your weapon stash.

The meds are only one weapon at your disposal. What you are learning about coping, and taking it one day at a time, refocusing your thoughts are also extremely valuable. If not more so than the meds in the long term picture.

Keep working on all of your strategies, they will become second nature to you with time. You didn't get into this quickly, nor should you expect to recover quickly.

You are making huge gains! Slow and steady wins this one!

Cheers Bella!!

03-30-2014, 10:18 AM
Hi Brooke, yeah they can go away, but you must make sure that you try not to dwell on the thoughts because they can make your day worse. Funnily enough, My mother says the exact same thing as your mother, Their right there's no magic pill, we just have to remain strong and try to push ourselves every day. Don't let Anxiety try to ruin your life and don't let it get in the way of things that you really want to do. These thoughts do come and go, Sometimes I get suicidal thoughts, but deep down I don't feel like I want to end my life, it's just a symptom of what Anxiety can make you feel! Anxiety will pass eventually as long as you stay committed into helping yourself get better! :) Please don't get offended by this but sometimes Medication is not always the answer, I'm not saying it's bad or anything but it sometimes only helps in the short term. This is just an opinion. It can work differently for different people. Some medication though can take a few weeks to kick in, it can take 2-4 weeks. Hopefully they will kick in soon :) Try not too get stressed, I know it's easier said than done, because I go through the same. When you are with your mum, perhaps try and talk to her about other things and try not too mention Anxiety. Sorry if my advice weren't the best, Good luck Brooke! Hope you had a good time :)

Thank you!! :)

03-30-2014, 10:19 AM
Yes Brooke, they do go away....but they can come back for a visit once in a while. The only difference is that when they do come back you have a fully stocked arsenal of strategies to combat them. You are in the process of building your weapon stash. The meds are only one weapon at your disposal. What you are learning about coping, and taking it one day at a time, refocusing your thoughts are also extremely valuable. If not more so than the meds in the long term picture. Keep working on all of your strategies, they will become second nature to you with time. You didn't get into this quickly, nor should you expect to recover quickly. You are making huge gains! Slow and steady wins this one! Cheers Bella!! Pam

Thank you, Pam!! :)

03-30-2014, 10:44 AM
Thank you, Pam!! :)

BTW.....how did the house sitting go? All is good I'm assuming?


03-30-2014, 10:51 AM
BTW.....how did the house sitting go? All is good I'm assuming? :D

It went great!!

I slept really good actually! Lol we're staying again tonight & I'm looking forward to it! :)

03-30-2014, 11:08 AM
Big, huge, enormous win! YAY!!!! Make sure you write it in your successes journal!

Have fun today!

03-30-2014, 11:13 AM
Big, huge, enormous win! YAY!!!! Make sure you write it in your successes journal! Have fun today! P.

I will!! :)

Thank you Pam!! Have a good day :)

03-30-2014, 11:20 AM
Brookelynnn, Hey, Dorrie here. I'm not sure what you're taking, but I wanted to chip in here. Definitely some great advice. As far as medicine isn't always the answer... True, BUT... and I feel like I'm copying my words, because I wrote this in another thread, but I don't care, if it helps you. A relative of mine told me yrs. ago something I'll never forget. I was in denial of having ANY sort of mental illness, or anxiety issues, etc... so... my dumb a--, thinking I knew it all, thought a drink or two would just make me feel better. So instead, I started drinking and turned into a hard core alcoholic. I wish I would have listened to her. She told me... "It's wrong to take medicine if you Don't need it, BUT... it's just as wrong to NOT take it when you do." By not taking the right kind of medicine for my mental illness, and drinking instead, ended up being the worse mistake of my life. I KNEW I couldn't handle alcohol. I started when I was a very young teenager. I have a son in his younger 20's, who is in jail as a result of alcoholism. I've been sober eight yrs., and was always a good mother to my boys. They never hurt for anything. And I was a single parent with the two of them at the time for a few yrs before this marriage. But they saw me drink a lot. I blame myself a lot. I tell myself its my fault he ended up with the problem. He gets angry when I say that, and tells me It's not my fault at all. That he's a man now, and he made bad choices. I wasn't even around him. Yes, that makes me feel better to hear, but if I could go back in time, I would have done things WAY differently. I would have went to a doctor and taken the right medication for my mental issues. You may have already heard all the sayings... like If you had Cancer, you would take chemotherapy, which I lost a sister of but anyhoo, if you are a diabetic you take Insulin. etc... etc... etc... Well, it is true when they say Mental Illness and Anxiety/Panic attacks are a disease/disorder. I read something awesome about this from one of my buddies thats been on here for a while, the other day. he was talking about anxiety and what happens or could happen if you deny it for a long time and how it could harm you worse by ignoring it. He said a lot more than that, but the main point is, when you can come to the fact, and face the fact, that you NEED medication, and it will improve your quality of life. Make you happier possibly. Why would you NOT take it??? Some dont have to forever... some do. Do what you feel in your heart and gut is right. I'm behind you all of the way. I'm here if you ever need to chat or let of steam, whatever. We're supposed to be here for each other. I'm here if you need me. Have a great Sunday, and hope the sitting went well. :) Dorrie

03-30-2014, 12:20 PM
Brookelynnn, Hey, Dorrie here. I'm not sure what you're taking, but I wanted to chip in here. Definitely some great advice. As far as medicine isn't always the answer... True, BUT... and I feel like I'm copying my words, because I wrote this in another thread, but I don't care, if it helps you. A relative of mine told me yrs. ago something I'll never forget. I was in denial of having ANY sort of mental illness, or anxiety issues, etc... so... my dumb a--, thinking I knew it all, thought a drink or two would just make me feel better. So instead, I started drinking and turned into a hard core alcoholic. I wish I would have listened to her. She told me... "It's wrong to take medicine if you Don't need it, BUT... it's just as wrong to NOT take it when you do." By not taking the right kind of medicine for my mental illness, and drinking instead, ended up being the worse mistake of my life. I KNEW I couldn't handle alcohol. I started when I was a very young teenager. I have a son in his younger 20's, who is in jail as a result of alcoholism. I've been sober eight yrs., and was always a good mother to my boys. They never hurt for anything. And I was a single parent with the two of them at the time for a few yrs before this marriage. But they saw me drink a lot. I blame myself a lot. I tell myself its my fault he ended up with the problem. He gets angry when I say that, and tells me It's not my fault at all. That he's a man now, and he made bad choices. I wasn't even around him. Yes, that makes me feel better to hear, but if I could go back in time, I would have done things WAY differently. I would have went to a doctor and taken the right medication for my mental issues. You may have already heard all the sayings... like If you had Cancer, you would take chemotherapy, which I lost a sister of but anyhoo, if you are a diabetic you take Insulin. etc... etc... etc... Well, it is true when they say Mental Illness and Anxiety/Panic attacks are a disease/disorder. I read something awesome about this from one of my buddies thats been on here for a while, the other day. he was talking about anxiety and what happens or could happen if you deny it for a long time and how it could harm you worse by ignoring it. He said a lot more than that, but the main point is, when you can come to the fact, and face the fact, that you NEED medication, and it will improve your quality of life. Make you happier possibly. Why would you NOT take it??? Some dont have to forever... some do. Do what you feel in your heart and gut is right. I'm behind you all of the way. I'm here if you ever need to chat or let of steam, whatever. We're supposed to be here for each other. I'm here if you need me. Have a great Sunday, and hope the sitting went well. :) Dorrie

Hi Dorrie :) I'm on Paxil. Will be 4 weeks on Wednesday!

Wow, what a story!! That's amazing you've been sober for 8 years!! Good for you :) that's quite an accomplishment!!

I'm guessing you eventually got on meds? What did you take or are taking?

For 2 years I feared the thought of taking meds so I never did.. The anxiety got so bad that I got on them finally. Wish I would've two years ago!! I realized I would rather live a life with the help of meds than to waste my life living in fear. I wanna enjoy my time here.

Thanks for writing to me :)

03-30-2014, 12:47 PM
I'm incredibly impressed with Dorrie's great powerful post.

Hang in there Brooke. Take your time. You've made strides, and will have setbacks. Don't stress about how long things might take. Work on those small steps.

03-30-2014, 01:10 PM
I'm incredibly impressed with Dorrie's great powerful post. Hang in there Brooke. Take your time. You've made strides, and will have setbacks. Don't stress about how long things might take. Work on those small steps.

Thank you!! :)

03-30-2014, 02:18 PM
Hi Dorrie :) I'm on Paxil. Will be 4 weeks on Wednesday!

Wow, what a story!! That's amazing you've been sober for 8 years!! Good for you :) that's quite an accomplishment!!

I'm guessing you eventually got on meds? What did you take or are taking?

For 2 years I feared the thought of taking meds so I never did.. The anxiety got so bad that I got on them finally. Wish I would've two years ago!! I realized I would rather live a life with the help of meds than to waste my life living in fear. I wanna enjoy my time here.

Thanks for writing to me :)

Brooke, well... I wasn't trying to impress anyone, that's for sure. Lol. I know you didn't mean it that way. :) Unfortunately, it's a true story, but I'm trying to stop tormenting myself about it, and turn it around, and say...hey, that WAS my life, and I'll use it for whatever good I can. If sharing a bit, I'm sure not sharing all. lol., will help others, then I'll use it for that. My boys hold no grudges, and love me to death. That right there is enough to be PROUD of. I did something right, for them to have the hearts they do. And they do!!! You know, Brooke, everyone is different. I tried Paxil, and it's a good one. It does take a couple of weeks to kick in... so patient you must be for it to work. But I had to try a few to get the right one. I've been on Pristiq 100mg, they have 50mg too, for about 6yrs. now. It seemed like it immediately made me feel better. It has two things in it. The SSRI and the other...I just had a brain fog. I'm sorry. Where as Paxil, Zoloft, ect.. only has the one in it. I'm going to ask my Dr. to switch me to Cymbalta Tuesday though. For the nerve damage pain in my back. OMG...you think that is a story, I just weened off of my narcotic pain medicine this past week. I was on too much, and didn't want that anymore either. I have plenty of chronic pain conditions to need pain meds. Have all kinds of MRI's to prove it. But they have me on a couple of things thats working okay, and I'm going to be starting one you inject yourself once a month shortly for the Ankylosing Spondolitis in my back. But Cymbalta is a lot, so I've heard, like Pristiq. It has the two components in it two as Pristiq, but also as I mentioned helps with Fibromyalgia, and nerve pain, which I have both of. I was taking a mood stabalizer on top of it called Lamictal. It worked great in the beginning, but adding Abilify on top of my antidepressant has helped me the best in the past. So, thats me personally. You may ONLY need the antidepressant. I was diagnosed with Reocurring Major Depression Disorder, which is like Bipolar. Not Schitzo. Just major depression. I personally, love Pristiq, and if the Cymbalta doesn't do the trick as well, I'll get back on it. The biggest thing you dont ever want to do, is take it, then just quit because you think you're doing better. Then take it, and do the same thing again. Been there, done that, wrote the book, got the T-shirt. It's hell on your nerves and brain. Keep me posted on how you do. K? Take care, hon. D.

03-30-2014, 02:25 PM
I'm incredibly impressed with Dorrie's great powerful post.

Hang in there Brooke. Take your time. You've made strides, and will have setbacks. Don't stress about how long things might take. Work on those small steps.

Perses, thank you for your kind words. I wish that upon noone, but use it for what little good I can now to help others in any way. My son told me to be a "Motivational Speaker". I was like... I have a phobia condition meeting new people and I should do "That"!!! lol. NOT!! I can write a few words down, but get up in front of people...not a good idea son. Thank You though. Take Care, Dorrie :)

03-31-2014, 05:03 PM
Brooke, well... I wasn't trying to impress anyone, that's for sure. Lol. I know you didn't mean it that way. :) Unfortunately, it's a true story, but I'm trying to stop tormenting myself about it, and turn it around, and say...hey, that WAS my life, and I'll use it for whatever good I can. If sharing a bit, I'm sure not sharing all. lol., will help others, then I'll use it for that. My boys hold no grudges, and love me to death. That right there is enough to be PROUD of. I did something right, for them to have the hearts they do. And they do!!! You know, Brooke, everyone is different. I tried Paxil, and it's a good one. It does take a couple of weeks to kick in... so patient you must be for it to work. But I had to try a few to get the right one. I've been on Pristiq 100mg, they have 50mg too, for about 6yrs. now. It seemed like it immediately made me feel better. It has two things in it. The SSRI and the other...I just had a brain fog. I'm sorry. Where as Paxil, Zoloft, ect.. only has the one in it. I'm going to ask my Dr. to switch me to Cymbalta Tuesday though. For the nerve damage pain in my back. OMG...you think that is a story, I just weened off of my narcotic pain medicine this past week. I was on too much, and didn't want that anymore either. I have plenty of chronic pain conditions to need pain meds. Have all kinds of MRI's to prove it. But they have me on a couple of things thats working okay, and I'm going to be starting one you inject yourself once a month shortly for the Ankylosing Spondolitis in my back. But Cymbalta is a lot, so I've heard, like Pristiq. It has the two components in it two as Pristiq, but also as I mentioned helps with Fibromyalgia, and nerve pain, which I have both of. I was taking a mood stabalizer on top of it called Lamictal. It worked great in the beginning, but adding Abilify on top of my antidepressant has helped me the best in the past. So, thats me personally. You may ONLY need the antidepressant. I was diagnosed with Reocurring Major Depression Disorder, which is like Bipolar. Not Schitzo. Just major depression. I personally, love Pristiq, and if the Cymbalta doesn't do the trick as well, I'll get back on it. The biggest thing you dont ever want to do, is take it, then just quit because you think you're doing better. Then take it, and do the same thing again. Been there, done that, wrote the book, got the T-shirt. It's hell on your nerves and brain. Keep me posted on how you do. K?Take care, hon. D.

I've read good things about Pristiq!! I'm liking the Paxil so far :) if for some reason it ends up not working out, my next try would be Zoloft.

I will keep you posted!! Thank you for all the advice! :)

04-01-2014, 02:56 PM
I've read good things about Pristiq!! I'm liking the Paxil so far :) if for some reason it ends up not working out, my next try would be Zoloft.

I will keep you posted!! Thank you for all the advice! :)

Brooke, You're so welcome honey. I'm thrilled that it's working so far. And Hopefully further. Lol. And FYI... you have the cutest pic... ever. Just remember, nothing is a quick fix. Be patient with your body and yourself. You will find it gets better and better. Hang around. Take care, Dorrie

04-01-2014, 02:58 PM
Brooke, You're so welcome honey. I'm thrilled that it's working so far. And Hopefully further. Lol. And FYI... you have the cutest pic... ever. Just remember, nothing is a quick fix. Be patient with your body and yourself. You will find it gets better and better. Hang around. Take care, Dorrie

Aw thank you Dorrie!! :)

04-01-2014, 03:28 PM
Yes they do go away:) I've been on 50mg of setraline (Zoloft) for nearly a year now and it helps loads,your not alone so many people have this to

04-01-2014, 03:36 PM
Yes they do go away:) I've been on 50mg of setraline (Zoloft) for nearly a year now and it helps loads,your not alone so many people have this to

You just answered my question from the other post!! Lol

But that's so refreshing to know they go away!! :)

04-01-2014, 03:42 PM
You just answered my question from the other post!! Lol But that's so refreshing to know they go away!! :)

Your threads are hard to keep up with

I've developed a system to keep track of them but my laptop needs more memory


04-01-2014, 03:44 PM
Your threads are hard to keep up with I've developed a system to keep track of them but my laptop needs more memory LOL

Don't judge me!! Hahaha :)