View Full Version : Increased panic when unwell?

03-29-2014, 12:37 AM
I've been managing panic disorder for nearly a decade now, and for the most part have avoided full blown panic attacks for about 6 mths now.

But I've been really sick for 3 mths, with glandular fever, dengue fever, in and out of hospital with severe kidney infections... I've managed to keep in pretty good spirits considering how scary it's been. But I've just come down with a chest cold and BOOM, huge waves of panic.

Does anyone else feel like this when they get sick? Do you think it's to do with not being able to get my breathing right because it's congested? I'm so scared that I'm losing control of this illness again and am not sure I can handle that on top of all the other things at the moment!

03-29-2014, 04:47 AM
I've been managing panic disorder for nearly a decade now, and for the most part have avoided full blown panic attacks for about 6 mths now. But I've been really sick for 3 mths, with glandular fever, dengue fever, in and out of hospital with severe kidney infections... I've managed to keep in pretty good spirits considering how scary it's been. But I've just come down with a chest cold and BOOM, huge waves of panic. Does anyone else feel like this when they get sick? Do you think it's to do with not being able to get my breathing right because it's congested? I'm so scared that I'm losing control of this illness again and am not sure I can handle that on top of all the other things at the moment!

Hi prudie,


Yes, I understand how you feel. For me, when I feel unwell my anxiety levels do go up. The extra stress on your body trying to fight an illness, doesn't help the situation.

Focus on getting yourself well and the rest will fall in line. As you said you have been battling this for a decade and you likely have good coping skills in your tool box.

Take care of yourself and get well.

Good luck, you will get through this.

03-29-2014, 07:55 AM
This sometimes happens to me, too. I think it's because being sick makes me more stressed out, and that leads to more anxiety. Hope you feel better soon!