View Full Version : new boss

03-28-2014, 09:32 PM
Hey guys, I've always read this forum but finally decided to jump in for once. Have you guys ever had a new boss that was completely different from your hold boss?

My old supervisor was a laid back guy. He was always trying to cheer me up and tell me how good I was at my job (even though I know I'm average as average can get). Upper management didn't like him and now he got the boot.

My new boss acts nice but you know when someone is lying to you. I was forced to go to her office today for a 1on1. I don't like talking to new people and normally keep my tone low. She kept going on and on about her life and children and other BS. What really frightened me today was the barrage of questions about things even I thought was inappropriate. I'll list them below

1) was I married, have kids, or have a GF (i don't have anything)
2) where I lived (with my parents to pay off student loans)
3) if I get sick often
4) if I use my vacation time often
5) if I use my credit time often.

I'm a coder for a medical corporation. the policy is 4 sick hours and vacation hours every pay period (2 weeks). You are required to work 40 hours a week. If you work over you can ask for overtime or credit hours (which is like if I worked 8 hours extra I get 8 more hours of leave).

It was so odd today. She asked if I was married or had children. Where I lived and if I get sick often or take a lot of leave. She complained that I took a lot of leave in December/January but I told her it was because I live in a house where the snow plows don't clean the streets. She asked why I couldn't just leave my car at home and walk to a bus stop even though she knows I drive across cities to get to work. She was basically saying that I was BSing her the entire time. She even complained that I wouldn't do overtime because I was nursing a cold.

Here's a simple question. I really hate my job and environment right now. There are other openings out there that I think I could get but I'm so afraid of losing my job/getting fired. If I apply for those jobs and my boss finds out, I'm terrified that she will start pestering me even more or put in the paperwork to get me fired. I'm at my rope's end. I need a job to pay the bills but I rather not suffer a heart attack sucking up to some crazy woman. Can you guys and gals give me some advice. I know the moment I make an HR complaint, I might as well pack my bags and go home.

thanks people

03-28-2014, 09:49 PM
Hi friend! Sorry about your new boss!!

Anyways.. I'd say go for it & look for a new job. She cannot fire you for that. & really can't fire you unless you did something wrong. & worst case scenario, if something were to happen & you got fired, you can always collect unemployment until you find another job.

Hope everything works out for you! :)