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03-27-2014, 12:15 PM
Not sure why!!!!! My blood pressure is 145/ 116 heart rate 122, I'm literally about to lose it!! What can I do to calm down????? Please anybody !!!!!

03-27-2014, 12:16 PM
Getting some air and distracting yourself should help.

It's no big deal.

03-27-2014, 12:18 PM
Try to relax. If you have medication, take it now. Many of us experience these symptoms. They eventually go away after 30 min. Or so... Try you best to control your breathing.

03-27-2014, 12:19 PM
But 116 on the bottom isn't that dangerous ? Oh anxiety would ya leave me be!!!!! Me don't think me can take this !!!! Just breatheeeeeeee

03-27-2014, 12:25 PM
Well it's not a good blood pressure to have 24/7, but I imagine it's only temporary as you're anxious, no?

Has your doctor ever talked about giving you anything for your blood pressure, it seems to go quite high at times, just wondering whether they've talked about it with you. Maybe you don't need it :)

03-27-2014, 12:34 PM
It only does this when I freak out and cannot control it then I dwell on it and it amplifies

03-27-2014, 12:36 PM
Few minutes after taking it went to 137/96 hr 117. Then few minutes later 129/93 hr was 120

03-27-2014, 12:42 PM
Few minutes after taking it went to 137/96 hr 117. Then few minutes later 129/93 hr was 120

Just stop taking it then. It's just that easy

This is what started you down this road

Of course it's higher when you get anxious or when you exercise

That's NORMAL!!!

Take it when you are anxious and it is high. Freak out and take it again, it's higher

Just stop doing it and throw that BP machine in the trash

Your BP machine is becoming more harmful than google to others

03-27-2014, 12:53 PM
Your BP machine is becoming more harmful than google to others

The wise one has a good point..

03-27-2014, 12:56 PM
I totally agree. Just took another 0.5 Ativan feel like I'm gonna throw up don't know why I'm such a nervous wreck but my heart rate is still 120. Thank you guys for talking to me

03-27-2014, 01:05 PM
Blessed, if this helps you I'll share. I was told while I was in the hospital for my heart going 180 bpm, Blood pressures high and low..that the human body is actually very hard to kill. You have to operate for a very long time to start to have problems. Just put the blood pressure monitor away. Your body does what it needs to...when it needs to. Just let it. If I have to accept that. You can accept that.

03-27-2014, 01:06 PM
Blessed, if this helps you I'll share. I was told while I was in the hospital for my heart going 180 bpm, Blood pressures high and low..that the human body is actually very hard to kill. You have to operate for a very long time to start to have problems. Just put the blood pressure monitor away. Your body does what it needs to...when it needs to. Just let it. If I have to accept that. You can accept that. thank you ab, I've been thinking about you :)

03-27-2014, 02:10 PM
Blessed do you exercise, that's good for blood pressure.

I'm not joking, if I were you, I would throw your machine in the bin, or lock it in the shed and throw away the key.

It seems to cause you more stress than it's worth. I don't see how you can get better with it, ya know. I've seen you post sooo many times where it's stressed you out or provoked your anxiety.

Abs right :)

03-27-2014, 03:48 PM
I was under the understanding it went under a truck a long time ago Grrrr oh mine was, this one is my co workers :(

03-27-2014, 05:53 PM
Yes I know and I have a major eating disorder with this one!!!!! It comes in spurts, some days if in busy I don't think twice about it. Other days I'm checking every hour. My 13 year old son hid the bp machine At my dads house from me so if he can see I need to stop....... I need to stop!!!

03-27-2014, 06:37 PM
helll I am at work and really I am not lying top of my head is burning. scratching does not help, what is this????????????
BP monitor to garbage Blessed, I know person she has 160 heart beat for the last twenty years of her life and bp 170/100 noone can lower it out, so she does not care she loves her life andshe is full of happiness and energy. She could have only one child because of that, but she does no dwell on it> :)

Forwells looking good:)))

03-27-2014, 07:01 PM
I know its hard but throwing it out is best. I should throw out my scales. I weight self 10+ times a day and get all freaked out when I lose a bit in a few hours. How are you feeling now?

03-27-2014, 07:07 PM
Few minutes after taking it went to 137/96 hr 117. Then few minutes later 129/93 hr was 120

Jesse is quite right about BP being unhealthy ONLY when it is consistently high (at rest and low anxiety). The BP monitor (as many have already pointed out) MUST go in the bin!!

You may already be aware of this, but I will say it anyway.

For people who are healthy generally, aged 40-60 (I'm not saying you are in this range btw) with NORMAL range BP i.e. Those normal readings when you are not freaking out) the recommended timescales for checking BP is "every 5 years" (this is from the NHS directive not my own opinion).

Your hourly checking serves absolutely no useful purpose other than increasing your anxiety and as a result your BP.

If you had a condition of concern to your doctor, you would already be discussing meds with them.

Temporary increases in BP happen throughout the day in EVERYONE, if we all walked around with event monitors on, the entire population would be on Prozac by the end of the week (including athletes).

Having the BP machine in the house with easy access to it, is like leaving a 5 litre bottle of whiskey in the house with an alcoholic. The temptation is too much.

Ask yourself this;

Total up the amount of time you spend a day worrying/taking BP readings (for arguments sake) 2 hours (who am I kidding....I know it's probably higher)

2 hours a day X 365 = 730 hours a year

That's the equivalent of 30 Days that's ONE WHOLE MONTH A YEAR WASTED

If you carry on this way, by the time your son is 25 you have wasted 1 whole year of time you could spend with your family.


How many times have you had an anxiety attack that affected your BP? ...... And

How many of those times did you have a cardiac arrest? ........... Is there a pattern here?


03-28-2014, 07:00 AM
You will get there blessed but you really need to counter react these thoughts. Keep telling yourself you will be fine , if not come here and we will get up you LOL :) You will stop though when you feel better but you do need to take control for it now . Its a sort of OCD you have with it . So how are the meds going? I started prozac yesterday . Can i ask what time do you take it ?? thank you and yes I take mine between 10am-noon each day so I won't forget

03-28-2014, 07:02 AM
Jesse is quite right about BP being unhealthy ONLY when it is consistently high (at rest and low anxiety). The BP monitor (as many have already pointed out) MUST go in the bin!! You may already be aware of this, but I will say it anyway. For people who are healthy generally, aged 40-60 (I'm not saying you are in this range btw) with NORMAL range BP i.e. Those normal readings when you are not freaking out) the recommended timescales for checking BP is "every 5 years" (this is from the NHS directive not my own opinion). Your hourly checking serves absolutely no useful purpose other than increasing your anxiety and as a result your BP. If you had a condition of concern to your doctor, you would already be discussing meds with them. Temporary increases in BP happen throughout the day in EVERYONE, if we all walked around with event monitors on, the entire population would be on Prozac by the end of the week (including athletes). Having the BP machine in the house with easy access to it, is like leaving a 5 litre bottle of whiskey in the house with an alcoholic. The temptation is too much. Ask yourself this; Total up the amount of time you spend a day worrying/taking BP readings (for arguments sake) 2 hours (who am I kidding....I know it's probably higher) 2 hours a day X 365 = 730 hours a year That's the equivalent of 30 Days that's ONE WHOLE MONTH A YEAR WASTED If you carry on this way, by the time your son is 25 you have wasted 1 whole year of time you could spend with your family. FINAL THOUGHT! How many times have you had an anxiety attack that affected your BP? ...... And How many of those times did you have a cardiac arrest? ........... Is there a pattern here? THROW THE MONITOR AWAY! this really makes a lot of sense and Im reeeellly working towards this. I am wasting so much precious time with worry and I can't take it back. In face I have wasted the last three years worrying . It's got to stop!

03-28-2014, 08:37 AM
this really makes a lot of sense and Im reeeellly working towards this. I am wasting so much precious time with worry and I can't take it back. In face I have wasted the last three years worrying . It's got to stop!

The only thing you can stop is feeling bad, and torturing yourself over things that may never likely happen.

Everything else is in the hands of whatever you believe in (fate,God,Buddha,cosmos).

Today is the day to make a change !

03-28-2014, 09:27 AM
Thank you!!!!