View Full Version : anxiety wreck today! :'(

03-27-2014, 09:35 AM
I just woke up today feeling anxious again and I don't even know why, then my bf started making breakfast and couldn't be bothered to ask me if I wanted anything to eat sooo another anxious attack that's gonna ruin my day. Ugghh I'm so fed up of feeling like this. I just wish I could be happy cause I don't wanna ruin anyone else's day or seem like a grump!!

03-27-2014, 09:44 AM
Hang in there. ....I know exactly how you feel. I feel bad when my wife wakes up with a smile and the first words out if my mouth are, "this has me on edge already...." Or "today I'm afraid of a possible stroke..." (That's been my fear/panic recently) ..... We just gotta let time do it's work and communicate with our loved ones so they understand. :) .....hang in there

03-27-2014, 09:47 AM
Thanks! I'm trying but it's hard to see everyone else happy and I just feel angry at everyone.
Same thing here, my bf wakes up all happy and I just have a hard time pulling a smile.. :( I really do wanna be happy.

I try communicating it to him but I'm scared he'll just get fed up one day and just leave for someone who's happier

03-27-2014, 09:50 AM
I just feel like crying for no reason whatsoever

03-27-2014, 10:15 AM
Ok so my bf just told me that he's meeting up with his brother and his friend tonight to hang out and they are picking him up at my house.. andddd once again my anxiety is getting worse as per my previous post about being anxious about him and other girls. Oh god I dunno how I'm going to get through this day. Someone help me I just wanna cry my eyes outttt