View Full Version : vertigo?

03-26-2014, 12:11 PM
So I experienced what I hope was my first bout of anxiety induced vertigo..
Just suddenly felt dizzy .. like my head was spinning a bit and felt like I couldnt walk straight. Also felt a bit nauseous. . was at work so couldnt lie down which made it worse.. it went away after a couple of hours..
Does anybody else have this sometimes?

03-26-2014, 12:19 PM
Yes I get dizzy all the time with anxiety. The other night I woke up in middle of the night to check the time and it felt like the room was spinning. I didn't know if it was anxiety or inner ear. I couldn't sit up without getting dizzy and couldn't walk straight. It was scary.

03-26-2014, 12:56 PM
Before you consider it being anxiety caused vertigo I recommend going to ENT doc, I thought like you years ago and now I have to use Hearing aids, it was inner ear infection, and my vertigo stays with me for years, still have it. If I went with the first occurrence maybe I could not have it.
Please do go to doc with it