View Full Version : Bp fluctuations

03-25-2014, 12:48 PM
Have not been as anal lately about my bp readings. I checked this morning 128/88 which is quite normal for me. I had a check up at the doctor today and it was 120/63??????? Never that low. Can it fluctuate !? Is that too low if my norm is in the mid-high 80s!?

03-25-2014, 01:09 PM
Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day, you have highs and lows. It also fluctuates depending on how you're feeling, the way you're positioned, and how you're breathing.

I worry about my blood pressure often but, my doctor said you should only worry about low blood pressure if you're getting dizzy, have vision problems, pass out, and so on.

My blood pressure sometimes goes as low as 90/60 to as high as 125/89. Higher when anxiety kicks in of course, but that's a typical

03-25-2014, 03:24 PM
Thank you for reply, I'm not trying to stress over it just curious more so than anything