View Full Version : Logically...

03-24-2014, 08:31 AM
I know that if you get a pain only when you move then it's going to be something musuclar isn't it? I know how the chemicals from the fight or flight response and anxiety cause muslce spams and muscle aches.

Just that sometimes, when it's in a new location it makes me worry. Last night randomly I got very bad back pain. But you know what? I laughed it off, it was rather hilarious that moving and bending down was hurting. I thought to myself that this is what it'd be like to be old.

But today the past 2 hours I get a loin pain. Again only when I move. So it must be musuclar but I assume something like kidney failure. Truly I don't help myself at times. There's nothing rational about that at all. If I had kidney failure i'd be awash with toxins and feeling terrible and peeing brown or god knows what else and sweating and fever. But no, some discomfort when i walk isn't going to be that and yet. I can't seem to convince myself of it because its a pain in a new location.

Fun :(


03-24-2014, 09:35 AM
Whenever i get pain somewhere new i panic. Always thinking the worst!!
I had a major relief two weeks ago to find that i actually did have a trapped nerve in my neck!! Chirpractor sorting it out so all good.
I know it's, mostly, always caused by my anxiety attacks but sometimes that doesn't stop the hypochondriac in me saying hi....again!!
Sometimes logic takes a break and lets panic through the door!! I just gotta convince myself that logic can take a break sometimes and panic can just eff off!
Take it easy raggamuffin

03-24-2014, 09:41 AM
I was in the same situation as you last week. Mine wasn't pain, but it was awful tingling. My body would tingle for an entire day and everyday it would be in a new place in my body (sometimes in the scariest of places) . One day it would tingle on the top of my head, the next day it would tingle on my legs, then on another day it would tingle on the groin region. I would freak out, one day I thought I had a tumor and then I'd think I had testicular cancer. I guess it's just anxiety. I noticed that the tingling went away while I was talking to people or when I would take a 30 minute walk outside.

Just convince yourself that your pain is just anxiety, nothing else. For me, the tingling stopped 3 days ago because I accepted that it was anxiety and not some scary disease. Your pain might go away if you distract yourself from it and stop thinking about it the whole day.