View Full Version : Symptoms check

03-23-2014, 06:57 PM
Hey everyone, I finally decided to join a forum so I can share my experiences as well as read other people's
I've always suffered with low confidence, self consciousness ever since I can remember. I'm constantly aware about how others perceive me(more so walking into a crowded place like a bar), failure at anything that requires me to be competitive.
this is something that I''m working on building in order to get some sort of resolution. But the one thing I'm having problems with, which I'm still not sure is Medical or Anxiety issues.
Is a tight throat, usually around my front part of my neck, achy or fatigued jaw, which I think especially is the muscle under my chin. Which strongly affects my speaking, my voice comes out weak, airy, breathy and I have trouble speaking in loud environments. The problem is, the more I speak and try to force my voice the tighter the muscles around my neck and jaw yet, because I'm putting a lot of effort into it. Which in turn makes me focus so much on how my voice is coming out and I can't think properly.

I used to find that after a heavy night of drinking, my throat would feel relaxed and my whole body and my voice would have more rasp, deeper and more bass. It would usually sound nicer in my mind, then I feel comfortable talking. I realize that drinking isn't a fix so I've been trying to work out for so long what could be causing it.

At first I thought it was medical because of post nasal drip and my sinuses, but after surgery there's days where I have almost hardly any drip down my throat, but still causes problems. So I've now decided to explore Anxiety problems.

I'm usually restless, e.g bounce my leg when sitting, problems concentrating, constantly tired and fatigued and have a lot of brain fog(slow, can't think clearly).

I drink a lot of coffee, almost daily to wake me up, or give me the boost. I've read that caffeine can be a contribution factor to Anxiety and increase symptoms, so I've decided to cut that out as of today to see if this helps keep me relaxed during the day.

Please let me know what you guys think, is this normal? are my symptoms possibly related to Anxiety issues?

Anyone else had this problem with talking or communicating?

Thanks for reading.

03-25-2014, 03:54 AM
Makes me wonder if it's not really a common problem :/ I'm really desperate to find a resolution to this

03-25-2014, 04:29 AM
Hi Kenshin
Your symptoms seem pretty close to some that I, and many others, feel. Especially the tired/fatigued, concentration etc.
Check out the sticky thread of anxiety symptoms in this section.
There's lots here who can and will offer help and advice.
Take care

03-25-2014, 08:20 AM
click me, please (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?1200-Anxiety-Symptoms-The-List)