View Full Version : random anxiety.. any positive comments appreciated

03-23-2014, 04:03 PM
So I am currently having a bout of anxiety for no apparent reason.. nothing has happened to trigger it that I can think of. Pretty normal day, have an opportunity to go shopping, feel as if I should be in a good mood.. but to no avail. It's even making me feel physically ill which usually causes a vicious cycle of wondering if I really am sick and its causing anxiety or I'm just having anxiety and its causing me to be sick, all of which causes me to have more anxiety and feel sick. Ugh... why me?

03-23-2014, 04:51 PM
So I am currently having a bout of anxiety for no apparent reason.. nothing has happened to trigger it that I can think of. Pretty normal day, have an opportunity to go shopping, feel as if I should be in a good mood.. but to no avail. It's even making me feel physically ill which usually causes a vicious cycle of wondering if I really am sick and its causing anxiety or I'm just having anxiety and its causing me to be sick, all of which causes me to have more anxiety and feel sick. Ugh... why me?

You kinda answered your own question

You may have felt a bit off and it concerned you so you began the cycle

Sometimes I used to realize I felt completely normal and that I got concerned that it wouldn't last so it started things up

It just blows

That will stop as you change the view you have of your anxiety

03-23-2014, 05:00 PM
You kinda answered your own question

You may have felt a bit off and it concerned you so you began the cycle

Sometimes I used to realize I felt completely normal and that I got concerned that it wouldn't last so it started things up

It just blows

That will stop as you change the view you have of your anxiety

I've noticed that feeling content becomes the most stressful.. because it's like feeling nothing. I'm so used to feeling "something" that when I'm not, I panic. Good point.. I tend to sabotage anything positive in my life for fear of what I think of as the inevitable.. LOSING everything positive in my life.
Oh well, I'm planning to go make myself uncomfortable now by getting in the car and starting it. And hey, maybe I'll even back out of the driveway. ;)

03-23-2014, 05:04 PM
Hi brittany.

Why me, why you, why any of us? It stinks doesnt it!

I think even when your day is going along with no particular event we can still have a bout of anxiety. When we think all is ok often our bodies are hyper vigilant and sensitive. Its hard work for the body to maintain itself in a highly stimulated way like that.

Thats why anxiety is not about events or locations etc. it exists anyway.

If you are aware of these feelings today, put on a relaxation cd or guided meditation on you tube. Im using tai chi right now. Go for a walk and work the adrenalin out of your system. You will feel less anxious quicker.

I know it sucks. Youre not alone though. Try work it out of your body and find more pleasurable things to think about and it will take the power from the anxiety. :)

Thank you for the response. Not feeling quite so alone in this crazed world always helps.