View Full Version : Chest infection asthma attack fears

03-22-2014, 05:21 AM
hi all, iv just recently picked up a cold about 4 days ago, Ive got a lot of phlegm stuck on my chest and in my throat which wouldn't come up,but now im starting to feel a little better and its loosening and coming up quite easily, in a slightly yellow and white colour, however the hyprochondriac in me went to the doctors because my breathing was laboured, I still managed to walk a few miles a days though, the doctor never asked me if id been ill just said I was wheezing and gave me antibiotics and a inhaler, but my girlfriends got the same bug/virus with the same symptoms, im really not sure if I should be even using these antibiotics as now I have no temperature im feeling better and my breathing has improved which it was probably never that bad but my anxiety didn't help, as anyone else had any similar issues with doctors not really caring and anting you in and and out asap, the doctor booked me in for a asthma test because im wheezing, however I went a few weeks ago and they said my looks were clear and now im totally freaking out im going to have a asthma attack :( sorry for the long story guys, thanks in advance

03-22-2014, 07:34 AM
I had asthma for years, right now they give you inhaler in case of bronchitis to easy the breathing. Nothing to be scared of. It is not like 40 years ago. Right now I do not even remember that I have one. Advair , Alesco they are awesome meds, and let you to have normal life. Stop freaking out, you are alive and kicking.
Have you ever had asthma attack? I had thousands of them, and no problem I am alive;)))

03-22-2014, 08:21 AM
No never had an attack before I had asthma as a kid but grew out of it. My chest dont feel tight or anything just mucusy. Never had any breathing issues before anxiety nor any medical issues. My girlfriends got it worse than me if I didn't have anxiety I wouldn't of even visited the doctor. Thanks my friend

03-22-2014, 09:09 AM
You probably got a cold and this is the result of that. We both with my hubby are sick (first time in a few years) we use sinus rinse, and a few herbs. Try not to sleep on flat surface for now two pillows is the answer. If the air in house is too dry try some water to vaporize :)) You both will be ok. Oh remember when I was scared of asthma attack I got it. Calm down, go to bed with nice book or music try to relax. Drink some camomile tea with honey, which helps to move the mucous. I kind of grew out of asthma when I had my two children, the change in hormons helps. After quitting smoking I am good:))
I am happy you feel better, just try not to let the mucous go to your bronchi and you will ok:)