View Full Version : Fears Dominating Me

03-21-2014, 09:22 PM
My story is posted in the Welcome Thread, so I wont repeat all that here.

Suffice to say, I have an MRI scheduled for Thursday and I'm freaking out over that right now. I'm terrified of getting bad news or of this not even getting resolved and it dragging out, and it's driving me crazy. Before these attacks started up again I was never like this. I've turned into such a hypochondriac lately because of stupid mysterious welts and now I can't focus on anything unless I'm drugged up on strong anti-anxiety medication.

I can hardly eat anything, and I'm FREEZING all the time, with this twisting feeling deep inside. Feels like I'm just exhausted on stress mentally and physically with this hanging over my head.

Any help with this would be appreciated, greatly.

03-21-2014, 09:35 PM
I had it for checking up my lungs. I had seen me in the basket but I am here, and nothing happened. Welcome to the forum. anyone would be scared of MRI and your reaction seems normal to me. You will be ok...I had not check the welcome though... going to do this now..;)

03-21-2014, 10:25 PM
Thank you, Dahila. That means a lot.

I'm just so bad at coping with stress, always have been. The last time I had a major attack, I was rendered a panicked and neurotic mess for weeks, and back then I didn't even have the medical reason. Just a senseless overbearing fear of death suddenly overwhelming me with a side-order of utter dread like the world was ending. Now I have a physical reason to be scared, and it's completely put what of a life I had on hold.

I was finally starting to write again, and now this just HITS me and everything has come to a grinding halt. It makes me feel pathetic and weak to my loved ones, and I can't even focus on what brings me happiness. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm whining and rambling, I just don't know how else to put this. I'm just really scared and can't find any real peace of mind lately.