View Full Version : pushing away to avoid getting pushed away?

03-21-2014, 09:10 PM
Since I have come to terms with the fact that I do indeed have a psychological disorder, I have realized that people tend to not want to deal with that so much... which is understandable I suppose. But would it hurt for one person in my life to sincerely be concerned and realize that my behavior roots from years of trauma?
I tend to take things personally and jump to conclusions... and nearly always overreact. I assume that when I tell someone that something is going to bother me or make me uncomfortable that they are going to disregard my feelings and do it anyway. I mean why not upset the unstable girl? Everything bothers her anyway. Whether or not this actually crosses anyone's mind, obviously is irrelevant because I build it up in my head that way...
I hate always feeling defensive, it's exhausting. I know it damages relationships, but it's the only form of protection I've been able to master. It beats the truth though, right? The fact that people could actually not want to be around me because of the things that I can't change.
Ok my pity party is officially over.
Sorry :/