View Full Version : Chest pains constant
11-20-2005, 01:19 PM
Hey all, my name is Jason and I've been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for 10 years now. I've been on many different meds for it including Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa etc. All had worse side-effects than the attaks themselves! Now I've been taking 0.5mg of Ativan 4 time daily for almost 3 years now, but I have noticed the last 4 months or so them symptoms of my anxiety are gradually getting worse! I'm just curious to know if anyone has what I have, I get the chest pains and chest tightness like a lot of fellow sufferers, but lately they last longer and are worse than ever. I have noticed that if I get less than 7 to 8 hours sleep I have a constant chest-pain\tightness all day, if I get rest I feel fairly fine when I get up, but as the day progresses it starts creeping up again. But the scariest thing now is the chest pains that seem to have turned chronic! I get the pains right where the peck muscle meets the rip cageon both sides, so dead center really, but the pain is always worse on the left side, but the pain seems to shoot through to my back (between the shoulder blades) and lower back, now I was scared knowing that that sounds a lot like the true symptoms of a heart attack, but if that was true, I'd be dead, this has been going on a very long time, now insomnia seems to have added to my problems, which I mentioned before lack of sleep only seems to add to the anxiety symptoms. Along with this is a strange feeling of crushing in the chest, well, not crushing but tight yes, but almost fluttering if that makes any sense. If anyone else has something like this as well please post it here, I need to know I'm not alone, also, if anyone beat this, and with what! lol I'm thinking of trying another brand of meds, maybe a suggestion. :) Thank you for reading this, it's hard to catch my breath just doing this, so my anxiety is getting ridiculous! Thanks again.
I used to talk to a couple of people who had gotten chest pains with their anxiety. It is also listed as a common symptom of anxiety, along with difficulty breathing and a feeling of being smothered or as though your chest is being constricted by something. In addition, rapid heartbeat and irregular heartbeat are all part of the symptoms.
Having said that though, I would still get yourself checked out by a doctor to make sure everythings okay. Also, if its a constant thing I would suggest some type of relaxation exercises or stress-relieving activities. And lastly, if the medication isn't working well, it might be time to switch. Discuss that with the doctor or psychiatrist though.
take care
11-21-2005, 02:16 PM
Yeah i agree with the response above mine, you should get checked just to make sure if it is a regular anxiety symptom or a side affect of the meds or what not..
Hmm, you might want to check with your doktor if he has experience with your meds or better luck would be with a psych, kause they deal with nothing but those types of problems...but yeah, go get checked just in kase..for all you know it just might be a matter of chaning medications of lowering the dose..
11-27-2005, 08:13 PM
Hi jason,
You meds might be part of the reason for you to get these chronic chest pains. I am not doc or anything, but it sounds strange that meds alone will cause this type of pain in your body. You said that it has gone on for a long time, but medication symptoms usually go away with time.
You are right, these are symptoms of heart attacks. It does not mean that you should be dead by now. My own father had chest pains and pain in his left arm (another sign of heart attacks) for years before he had a minor heart attack recently.
Not to scare you, but we (people that have anxiety) tend to blame things on our anxiety and I think that is dangerous because we can overlook a serious issue.
Getting yourself checked out by the doc is the best thing you can do. They can run tests to see if there is a problem, if nothing is wrong, then maybe you can switch meds that won't provide the same side effect. Hope this helps..and good luck!
12-08-2005, 11:16 PM
Hey Jason,
I thought this was so crazy because I know exactly how you feel! I was amazed to read this post and notice all the same symptoms, it was like I posted it myself. The crazy thing is my name is Jason too!! I have been getting pains for as long as a I can remember and it feels like sharp stabbing pain and many times it hurts to breathe. Don't know if that's exactly how you feel but it does for me. I have been to different doctors and they don't know what's wrong with me. Well I could ramble on about how my symptoms are like yours but it would be pointless. Just mainly wanted to let you know that you aren't the only one out there. Oh, and I totally have insomnia now, dont' sleep much at all. Well, I hope this help to let you know that you aren't alone. Later.
12-09-2005, 11:48 AM
i used to get that alot put it down to a poor diet, lack of exercise and anxiety. After ive started exercising its gone away. i wish the rest of my symptoms where that easy to cure!
01-31-2006, 04:20 PM
yah i also used to have chest pains and the wierd thing was i would have them when i wasnt having a panic or anxiety attack but u are right jason if u were having symptoms of a heart attack u would have been dead by now so im sure you are fine hope everything works out - Caseman
02-01-2006, 11:22 AM
I'll tell you the first year or so of my anxiety I had chest pains a lot. I thought I was having a heart attack.
Some advice. Every new anxiety symptom that pops up is your anxiety trying to find a way to get to you. Trying to find your weak point. You can't let it win though. If you do, you wont be able to live your life at all. You'll be it's prisoner. Fight for you life because it is worth it. I've been fighting for mine for 3 and a 1/2 years now.
It isn't easy and I know everyone here will agree with that.
No matter if it's 3 or 30 years. We all know what it's like.
Keep this in mind, it's only your anxiety. It can't hurt you.
You'll be fine.
02-01-2006, 06:47 PM
hey man i think your just thinking about the pains so much your causing more pains i know with my anxiety the more i worry about a symptom the worse it gets i know this sounds hard maybe just try and stop thinking bout it so much maybe they might let up but the best thing would be to go to the docs and get checked out just in case good luck man
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