View Full Version : Help Me Please

03-20-2014, 07:17 AM
Hey, everyone. So I'm having a rough time right now. Starting two days ago, I started having intrusive thoughts. But they weren't your typical intrusive thoughts, they were delusional in nature. Now, I dont believe these thoughts at all, it's just like my brain is looking for something to scare me with. This morning, I woke up shaking, and I cant stop. Along with the shaking is fear of what's wrong with me. I'm just really scared that I'm schizophrenic. I'd talk to a doctor about this but my next appointment isn't until the 1st of April.

I'm just terrified right now.

03-20-2014, 07:22 AM
Take a deep breath. You're okay. If you actually were schizophrenic, you wouldn't be on here asking about it. It's good that you can tell your only having these thoughts to scare yourself. Is there something going on thats stressful that you could be trying to distract yourself from?

03-20-2014, 07:25 AM
Take a deep breath. You're okay. If you actually were schizophrenic, you wouldn't be on here asking about it. It's good that you can tell your only having these thoughts to scare yourself. Is there something going on thats stressful that you could be trying to distract yourself from?

I'm just generally stressed with my health, these new things that are happening to my body. A month ago, I was fine, no problems. Then like a train, I was hit out of nowhere with these problems. I just don't know what's happening to me and I'm terrified.

Thank you so much for responding though. I really do appreciate it. :)

03-20-2014, 07:29 AM
No problem. Try to just take care of yourself. Focus on the little things that will help you feel better. :)

03-20-2014, 07:45 AM
If were schizophrenic you likely would not be here questioning these as fears, etc. You sound very acutely anxious and your imagination and energetic mind are running wild. It has happened to many of us. Once you get calmed down with the docs help you see this more clearly. It's anxiety. Alankay

03-20-2014, 07:47 AM
Hey, everyone. So I'm having a rough time right now. Starting two days ago, I started having intrusive thoughts. But they weren't your typical intrusive thoughts, they were delusional in nature. Now, I dont believe these thoughts at all, it's just like my brain is looking for something to scare me with. This morning, I woke up shaking, and I cant stop. Along with the shaking is fear of what's wrong with me. I'm just really scared that I'm schizophrenic. I'd talk to a doctor about this but my next appointment isn't until the 1st of April. I'm just terrified right now.

Petals. You are not schizophrenic

Schizophrenics don't believe they are crazy. They don't know anything is wrong

If you are concerned about that, don't, it would be impossible.

And anxiety has never turned someone into a schizophrenic either

It's just your anxious mind sending you scary thoughts

Delusional or irrational thoughts are one of the most common symptoms of anxiety

And the most scariest by far

So the way you feel now is because you are convinced you are somehow worse than just having anxiety

It's just anxiety and the real ness and intensity of your symptoms are no different from most others

This is not unique only to you

03-20-2014, 07:57 AM
Thank you all so much for answering my question.

03-20-2014, 05:49 PM
I have felt like that too, and still do from time to time. I was medication free for almost 5 years and just started back on Celexa on Saturday. Slowly starting to feel a little better and am anticipating when it comes into full effect (in a good way). I too have a fear that I will go crazy or become Schizophrenic too, mostly an irrational fear because my grandmother had suffered from Schizophrenia when I was a child. So that fear always gets the best of me.

The truth of it is (and this is what my therapist actually told me) was that people who are crazy do not have a fear of being or going crazy because they don't think anything is wrong with them and people who have a fear of going crazy are actually fine. Anxiety feeds on your fears. Once it finds your biggest fear, it will live and thrive off of it.

Knowing this, still doesn't seem to help me on my bad days as much as I'd like it to.

But hey, at least we are all here trying to find answers and get 'better'

Hope you're feeling better.

03-20-2014, 06:12 PM
Thank you. And you're right, no matter how much I try to listen to reason, sometimes I can't help but fear these things. Now that I know this, I will try to use this when the fear arises and stamp out the fear.

I am feeling better, still a little nervous, but better overall. Thanks again!

03-20-2014, 06:22 PM
Petals. You are not schizophrenic

Schizophrenics don't believe they are crazy. They don't know anything is wrong

If you are concerned about that, don't, it would be impossible.

And anxiety has never turned someone into a schizophrenic either

It's just your anxious mind sending you scary thoughts

Delusional or irrational thoughts are one of the most common symptoms of anxiety

And the most scariest by far

So the way you feel now is because you are convinced you are somehow worse than just having anxiety

It's just anxiety and the real ness and intensity of your symptoms are no different from most others

This is not unique only to you
Wrong Nixon; my good friend was diagnosed with shisophrenia in the age of 25. Of course he knows that he is sick and crazy and this is why he keeps taking his meds even he has a major side effects. He lives in his appartement under the care of his girlfriend who is a nurse. I know you are trying to calm petals down but we need to stick to the facts....Most sick people know that they are sick and that they must be treated.
Anxiety can be tricky, but it manageable :)

03-20-2014, 07:21 PM
Wrong Nixon; my good friend was diagnosed with shisophrenia in the age of 25. Of course he knows that he is sick and crazy and this is why he keeps taking his meds even he has a major side effects. He lives in his appartement under the care of his girlfriend who is a nurse. I know you are trying to calm petals down but we need to stick to the facts....Most sick people know that they are sick and that they must be treated.
Anxiety can be tricky, but it manageable :)

I would guess that this case is rare

And maybe that even once he took the initial meds, then he realizes he was in a bad place

Would he have belived that med free?

03-20-2014, 07:41 PM
Like several other people on here have already said to you- if you were schizophrenic you wouldn't be on here questioning it and wondering about it. You are going to be fine. Have a bath, take a deep breath April 1st is not far from now. If it makes you feel any better, my doctors appointment is only on April 7th :(

03-20-2014, 07:49 PM
Hello Petals....

I was under the impression that those of us that have anxiety disorders fear it (schizophrenia or the fear of "going crazy") and seek out treatment ourselves from doctors.

One that is indeed schizophrenic is probably more likely to be led by family /friends for medical intervention as they are the ones that notice something is requiring investigation/treatment. Once a diagnosis is made it is then one accepts they have schizophrenia.

At least that is my understanding and open to correction. :)

I did some research and I too was under that impression. I know %50 of schizophrenic patients are totally unaware that something is wrong with them. The other %50 an have inkling and are very scared of their symptoms. For me, one of the things I'm worried about is these delusional thoughts. Like yesterday, I thought I heard a homophobic slur coming from someone's car radio as they were driving by. I told myself, "Was the radio calling me a *insert homophobic slur*?" But immediately after, I was able to tell myself that I was being silly. Still, the fear that I was having a delusional thought and that this is an early warning sign of schizophrenia and that pretty soon I won't be able to tell the difference. That is what scares me the most, not being certain of my symptoms.

03-20-2014, 08:12 PM
I would guess that this case is rare

And maybe that even once he took the initial meds, then he realizes he was in a bad place

Would he have belived that med free?
No he would not quit on his meds, he knows what is going on. I was always his anchor, when he started to hear voices he called me. We programmed him to do this, then the action was taken, sometimes it was hospital. Nixon I know what you mean but no , most of them realize what is going on. Maybe not all the time, but most of time, if under care of psdoc.