View Full Version : New here

03-17-2014, 06:09 PM

I'm not sure if just diving right in is the right thing to do but as I'm heading towards another night of struggling to get to sleep I thought I'd give this a go.

Over the last 6-9 months my mental state has just been nose-diving. The main cause right now is a romantic interest (that will not go anywhere as they are in a long term relationship) but it's caused me to really get down on nearly all facets of my life. I cannot concentrate for more than a few seconds before I drift off into thinking what I could be doing with my life, and these are unrealistic goals too. I could ramble on and on but I just don't really know what to do. I've got to a place where I just think I'm really unhappy, but then when I strip things apart I think I have a good job that I enjoy, I have a great family who love me, and I may not have hundreds of friends, but I love the ones I have and they are great to me.

I've not been great at dealing with emotions my whole life, but since last summer I really feel I've been losing control of my mental state and now I'm getting worried cause I'm in danger of pushing away people close to me.

I've just started counselling last week too and hope this will help, but sometimes I really feel alone, and then feel stupid for feeling this way.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just really confused.

03-17-2014, 06:58 PM
Hi again Frankie.

Yeah it's something that I think has been dormant in my system for some time now, and I just avoided resolving it, and now it's coming out and I don't have the means to stop it yet. I hope that with counselling and here it will give me what I need. Even knowing others that are going through similar issues makes me feel less alone, although in saying that I would not wish these feelings on anyone, but the welcome you have shown me so far is greatly appreciated.

The feeling alone is bizarre. It gives me incredible mood swings too.

I've never heard of that support group. I'm entirely new to all of this, so I will certainly look into that avenue as well.

I hope that I can repay all the support I get on here to others as well.

Kadfad Harry
03-18-2014, 04:28 AM
Diving right into a forum is a good idea. You're expressing yourself with your writing so its not much as a big dive as opposed to, for example, a peer group in person.

It's ok to feel unhappy. The most important thing is you've identified a problem and acting to sort it out.

Stick around! your experiences can help others and others can help you cope with them.

Welcome to the forum and all the best.

03-18-2014, 05:50 AM
Thanks very much. I fully intend to participate as much as possible. Been a rough few months so this welcome has really helped

03-18-2014, 07:37 AM
It really is! I can't see any pattern in what sets me off. At any given point I might just suddenly feel like giving up, but then I could have a few minutes of realising how lucky I am, before plummeting back down. Trying to interact with others when my brain is bouncing back and forth is very tough, and just makes me more self conscious.

03-21-2014, 05:19 AM
I know how you feel. I know why my depression is there but that doesn't stop those moments of complete hoplessness and lows. The fact you've recognised and and are beginning to act is amazing.
It's great you've started counselling. I started around 4 years ago when i was very close to giving up. I'd surpressed my feelings for so long and i didn't have any more room inside my head. Didn't want to worry people, people wouldn't care, people would laugh, etc
These forums are an incredible source of information and guidance.
You've made a great stride forward.
Keep talking and and sharing and the journey will get easier.

03-22-2014, 07:22 AM
Thanks Fen. It's an interesting experience so far. I assume it's because I'm unearthing some emotions that may have been dormant in my system for a while, but the mood swings have been more frequent recently. Things are getting clearer in my head, but I'm still getting the unexpected downturn quite often.

Then again I've only joined here and started talking to a professional for the past two weeks. I can't really expect a quick fix! My patience fails me sometimes!!!

03-24-2014, 02:49 AM
Just try and treat those downturns as part of the process. I understand that they will be coming so try to make myself expect them. Sometimes they're not as bad and they're not as frequent anymore, but I knoiw they're gonna come. I know why my depression and anxiety was there but stiill found out so much more about myself through counselling.
It, probably, won't be a quick fix but it will get better. Stay on the road but make sure you pull over from time to time.
I'm going back to my councellor next week for some more sessions. Not been for a while but it's comfort knowing he's there if i need some guidance.
Al the best