View Full Version : Quick question quick answer please..

03-17-2014, 10:39 AM
Just started taking sertraline... What should I expect to feel like? Because I just took one and I feel worse :(

03-17-2014, 10:48 AM
Probably just that I'm afraid - worse.

Worse is often a good sign. Changing brain chemistry isn't an easy process.

Although how long ago did you take it? If you just took it, it's probably subconscious anxiety that you're feeling. It's not impossible to feel side effects instantly, but not too common either.

03-17-2014, 10:50 AM
Just started taking sertraline... What should I expect to feel like? Because I just took one and I feel worse :(

and yes, you may feel odd sensations at first but do NOT give up and stop..
Sertraline is a great medication..
Quit "over thinking" it and give it 10 days minimum then by the 3rd week, you should be feeling waayyyyyy better.....

Have a great day DT!~

Enduronman.. (Hey J!) :)

03-17-2014, 10:52 AM
20-30 minutes ago and I'm having tingly feelings in my chest kinda like electricity shocking and my legs feel heavy :( plus I feel like I'm gonna fall over..

03-17-2014, 10:54 AM
Gonna give it a bit.. Have a doctors appointment in a week... (BTW nice profile pic :))

03-17-2014, 10:55 AM
I would put money on that being subconscious anxiety, rather than side effects. First time I took Celexa after my panic attacks started, same thing happened.

Anything you can do to distract yourself?

Keep really busy over these next few weeks. It's the best way. Even if you're just at home playing video games, or chatting on skype to friends. :)

03-17-2014, 10:55 AM
Find something to distract your mind, a game, a book, a tv show, a friend, talk a walk,..anything...you're going to be a new person in no time!
Sertraline hasn't ever been known to make people fall over..you would be the first out of 34,000,000 people.

Make this first day a good day!

E-Man.. :)

03-17-2014, 10:57 AM
Gonna give it a bit.. Have a doctors appointment in a week... (BTW nice profile pic :))

HAHA!!! Yes, and a great movie too...so glad you noticed!

White Goodman. LMAO! :)

03-17-2014, 11:12 AM
Is it normal to feel pain in your chest? I keep feeling pain... And I do have something to distract me for the time being but my console sounds like its gonna crash so that doesn't help the anxiety(sounds kinda stupid I know)... Is there any serious side effects I should be aware of? Thank you for the replies it actually really helps..

03-17-2014, 11:49 AM
For those of us that tend to over think the meds or tiny little tablets, the chest pain is pretty common because you are focusing allloootttt of brain power on this tablet to do something and that something is of course, things that you don't want it to do..
You want it to SHAZAM your anxiety, or thoughts, or whatever reason that you're taking it,..but it doesn't work quite like that..
Maybe after about 10 day you'll notice some improvements and it also helps to take any new medications with food too even though it may say that you can do it either way...
I believe that you're going to be just fine friend!!!
Sorry about the console....
Serious sides would probably be like a rash or hives, or something like that...
Take one day at a time, take the tablet, and go about your day...forget it.

Enduronman.. :)

03-17-2014, 12:03 PM
I'm feeling a bit better now.. Still some pain but a lot less... And I know im probably just over thinking things.. Still waiting for results of a blood test.... And yes it sucks I wish I could buy another but don't have the money..(360, if it does crash than it wont matter too much because i do have other systems but i like the xbox better (unrelated topic but w/e)) Hopefully I don't get any side effects and I can get better. I will, its just really hard too :/

03-17-2014, 12:46 PM
You are going to succeed friend, and the thoughts of the new med will lessen each day.
Glad you're feeling better too!!
Yes, game consoles are very expensive, its ok to get off topic...its a forum friend!
Let us know how things work out as often as you can...We like to learn about different meds and the good results.

Enduronman.. :)