View Full Version : Anyone else?

03-13-2014, 10:52 AM
Does anyone experience an itchy sensation through out their body .. Like restless leg syndrome irritating but through out the whole body ,,, I feel it in the brain and in the lungs .. I have went to the hospital for this issue before, the ran tests said I was healthy,, gave me tylenol and Benadryl .... They waited a little while then asked me how I felt I said I was still itchy ,, on my way home I go with no answers .... I know your brain can't actually get itchy but it does feel like it ,,, my chest and lungs have been itchy all day .. I've just been trying to ignore it .. I looked through threads before making a new one but didn't find one about this yet ...

03-13-2014, 11:40 AM
I get lung itchiness In the morning and evenings. Duno if its the same as yours but it makes me cough. Im allergic to dust..

03-13-2014, 11:42 AM
I get an odd tingly sensation that feels lie inching all though my body and it feel like its happens to my brain too. I despise it makes my health anxiety flair horridly.

03-13-2014, 12:02 PM
Not to say that I am happy to have anyone else feel these sensations but it is a relief to know that I am not the only one who does ... I have asked friends and family if they ever get it but they don't .. Anxiety has been crazy today ... Doing my best to relax and ride them out hopefully sooner then later ..

03-13-2014, 12:10 PM
Anxiety has been crazy with me today as well. Was on the verge of a panic attack many times but never happened. Have become good at preventing panic attacks lately but the anxiety is always lingering..
Tomorrow is a new day :)

03-08-2015, 10:14 PM
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03-08-2015, 10:31 PM
Not to bring up an old post, but I think I too feel this "itchy feeling" and am trying to figure out how to control it. For me it's like a rush of adrenaline that's stuck between my eyes and on my brain. It's like when you have an itch you cant quite scratch and it builds.Or like a spring that is compressed until it can't go any further. It's not painful, just very very uncomfortable and "itchy." This is my newest and most challenging symptom.

I like the old posts. They remind me of the good old days. :)

I see you only have two yourself. Welcome to the site! Hope you get something out of your time here.

03-08-2015, 10:37 PM
Not to bring up an old post, but I think I too feel this "itchy feeling" and am trying to figure out how to control it. For me it's like a rush of adrenaline that's stuck between my eyes and on my brain. It's like when you have an itch you cant quite scratch and it builds.Or like a spring that is compressed until it can't go any further. It's not painful, just very very uncomfortable and "itchy." This is my newest and most challenging symptom.

I think I prefer pain to this sort of thing. I get restless legs occasionally (had it a few nights ago) and it drives me insane. I reckon physical exercise might help because it's like a build up of adrenaline that needs releasing.