View Full Version : Feeling life isn't real anymore.

03-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Hi everyone I'm miranda I'm 16 about to be 17 in like 4 days. I often always feel like life isn't real it always feels like i blackout but I can still focus and move around. For instance today me, my sister, and our friend decided to go fishing. I started to get lightheaded and hot because i wasn't drinking any water. I had sat up to reel up my line and it was like i blacked out and life just didn't feel real. It had really freaked me out! I just felt numb, and when i have these issues its like i don't remember even packing up things, walking to the car and stuff like that, and now i just don't want to have these feelings anymore! I don't want to suffer with this anymore. I have never had these issues before when i was younger. They all started about 2 years ago when my family was having some issues. If any of you have this issue how do you deal with it? I do not go to anyone to get help but my doctor did give me Welbutrin xl 300 mg and Ativan 1mg that i take as needed. Help!?

04-03-2014, 10:28 PM
It's part of the anxiety. Blurred, narrow vision. Things don't look real or are blurred skewed and look projected. The visual changes are probably the worst part but your eyes do go back to normal once you get past certain stages of the anxiety and start the road to recovery. I personally used many different things to get me back on the right track and I stuck to it, it all worked.