View Full Version : Obsessive thoughts and meds?

Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 03:39 PM
I know people say there is no silly questions but I feel like this is one and I'm just hoping for a magical cure lol

My anxiety... Panic attack wise... Has almost subsided completely minus a few minor physical symptoms that I can deal with

What is still getting to me are my thoughts and obsession towards death which make me feel sad... Down... Alone... And questioning everything

I am just wondering IF there is medication for people having obsessive thoughts that has actually helped reduce them? -- and trust me I know meds is not the only answer, I am in therapy and dealing with it that way too but am just curious --

Hope everyone is having a good day!

03-12-2014, 03:55 PM
Hello there I have thoughts to from time to time and they are very frustrating to say the least so I know how you are feeling
I am on 50mg of setraline (Zoloft) which has helped me loads,I think if you need a little helping hand to help yourself then why not give meds a go,there is no right or wrong way to help yourself there is only one way and that's your way,we are all different in the way we cope :)

03-12-2014, 04:00 PM
I think they all help obsessive thoughts, when they manage to lift your mood enough.

I've had some luck on some very a-typical antidepressants, simply as they managed to lift my mood substantially, and thoughts of death, and obsessions just became redundant in a healthier, happier state.

As far as meds designed to help obsessions, Luvox is up there with the best. It's prescribed to OCD patients, so it's effectiveness in treating obsessions with things is very good.

Sadly there's often a lot in the way that prevent a med from lifting a persons mood substantially so their problems just go away though. Doesn't happen for everybody straight away, and that's nobody's fault, not the persons, the drugs, or the doses. That's why therapy goes well with meds. It tries to snap all of the serotonin snatching habits their mind performs.

Have a good day too :) don't forget, meds keep working all the way up to a year. So even though you may not feel perfect now, in another 3 months you may see even more improvements.

03-12-2014, 04:00 PM
Medication is good but it ain't always good on the long run, because it can sometimes get you hooked on them which will not get you better. I took 20MG of Fluoxetine before and they didn't really help me, but I've heard that it's helped some people. Different Meds can work for different people. Them thoughts can be a pain in the Ass, I get where you're coming from, most of the time though these thoughts never turn into actions, also these thoughts can sometimes occur if you're not getting enough sleep etc. If you are feeling down try to talk with loved ones, Friends, hell even people on this forum because we understand what you're going through.

Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 04:09 PM
Thanks everyone
Your posts and advice always help me
Learning is key for me
So thank you very much

And thanks for the kind words also :)

03-12-2014, 04:42 PM
Ask for Seroquel XR if you're truly desperate to get rid of your obsessive thoughts. When I had my first ever panic attack about 3 months ago I was prescribed that while on vacation, but only a two week supply because obviously I wasn't in my home country and he couldnt decipher what I had in 5 minutes of talking to him.

Anyhow, it didn't just kill off my obsessive thoughts, it made it hard to think anything at all haha. I stopped taking it though, the physical symptoms are a bit harsh and got in the way of my work out&soccer routine.

Niicole Lynne
03-12-2014, 04:47 PM
Ask for Seroquel XR if you're truly desperate to get rid of your obsessive thoughts. When I had my first ever panic attack about 3 months ago I was prescribed that while on vacation, but only a two week supply because obviously I wasn't in my home country and he couldnt decipher what I had in 5 minutes of talking to him. Anyhow, it didn't just kill off my obsessive thoughts, it made it hard to think anything at all haha. I stopped taking it though, the physical symptoms are a bit harsh and got in the way of my work out&soccer routine.


Thanks a lot