View Full Version : Tight throat gag problem anxiety

04-13-2008, 05:40 AM
Does anyone have a tight throat gagging problem when they become anxious? I Literally get chocked up because of it. This has nothing to do with acid reflux its pure anxiety. If anyone has experienced this and found a remedy please post. Also candies and gum are not an answer to this, if anything i need some sort of muscle relaxant for my throat, also i will not take depression medication nor anti anxiety benzoes because they tend to make me think in a more anxious manner, plus i just cannot operate on them.

This has been my problem for a good 2 years so far.
It is really really bothersome and has dictated my life everyday, just wondering if anyone has experienced this.

04-13-2008, 02:37 PM
Yes, anxiety makes your muscles tighten up because you feel worried including the ones around your throat area. It can turn into a viscious circle because you need to eat to live, and if you don't eat properly - because of the gagging - then you can make yourself more anxious.

You don't need any medication. What you need is to eat regular light meals and do muscles relaxing exercises, such as Tai Chi.

04-15-2008, 09:02 AM
Thats not a very good answer, if Tai Chi was the answer then why do they give out xanax and anti-dependents to people who really don't have that large of a problem. My situation is in dire need of help, and "meditation" will NOT do a single thing. Trust me i have tried to "meditate" myself out of these situations and that is not a solution. Can you meditate yourself out of cancer? Can you meditate yourself out of diabetes?

Also other muscles on my body are not tight or stressed out, just my throat.

11-30-2008, 03:53 PM
I've had this problem since I was 20. I'm 41 now. I haven't found a solution but I have learned what contributes to the frequency and severity of these attacks.

1 Caffeine - it's the biggest factor. I don't drink any caffeine any more
2 Smoking - after about 6 breaths from a cigarette it starts to happen
3 Alcohol - up to 24 hours after drinking
4 Driving
5 Sleepiness when you can't go to sleep (driving, at work)
6 Loud, hyper active or argumentitive people - I had a girlfriend like this once.

When I get an attack I've found that by clenching my fists I can sometimes draw the stress out of my throat. Also deep breaths and closing my eyes and thinking about something pleasant (like sex) helps.

I hope this helps.

06-17-2012, 12:35 AM
Thats not a very good answer, if Tai Chi was the answer then why do they give out xanax and anti-dependents to people who really don't have that large of a problem. My situation is in dire need of help, and "meditation" will NOT do a single thing. Trust me i have tried to "meditate" myself out of these situations and that is not a solution. Can you meditate yourself out of cancer? Can you meditate yourself out of diabetes?

Also other muscles on my body are not tight or stressed out, just my throat.

Wow, what a dick answer that was. You come on a free forum and complain that wasn't a "good answer." And who the heck are you to say what's a good answer or not? Have you tried their suggestion? No? Then how do you know it won't work. I know this a four year old thread, but you have to be put in your place you clown. Here some more advice for you; go to school and take a class on manners. Cause you obviously failed that class.