View Full Version : new to forum & really bad anxiety

04-10-2008, 08:27 PM
i worry about everything. i constantly am nervous and feel like i have butterflies in my stomach. i have the worst paranoia! i am paranoid about everything, i feel like i have all these mental and physical conditions. I get wierd feelings of depersonalization sometimes and when i tell people they dont understand. i dont have the depersonalization all the time it comes occasionaly and it really freaks me out! i think i have schizophrenia but the phyciatrist told me its really bad anxiety. I am scared to take any kind of medication now because i think it will make me crazy and like a zombie. I am really scared of dying. i used to do drugs but now im scared of them!i feel like i have so many problems and nobody else is like me. I am always scared about everything also! :shock:

04-11-2008, 06:51 PM
Everyone who has bad anxiety thinks there is no one else like them but in reality that's just part of the disease anxiety. The good news is you can get through it if you learn how to use CBT exercises like the TEA form thought countering exercise which will teach you how to think more realistically and nip your anxiety in the bud. I thought I was doomed to a life of anxiety before my group. Get the CBT book by Sam Obitz and start doing the TEA forms everyday. Once you get the hang of them you will feel a lot better, but you have to interrupt the cycle if you want lasting relief.