View Full Version : Enough with the b*tching - Going back to step one.

03-09-2014, 02:31 PM
Hey guys. Sorry for making it so long, I'd really appreciate if you took your time to read it. Thanks.

So recently, I've been making all kinds of threads, asking this and that. B*tching about this and that. But they all come down to the "big" questions. I've not dealt with my problem properly and that's why I'm having all these questions. So, lets go back to step one.

1. What do I have??

I'm sooooo confused. How can you be 100% sure it's anxiety, who diagnoses you? Alot of people say doctors. But here is what I think of doctors/therapists/psychologists: I don't trust them completly. Why? There's a difference between rationality and intellect. I don't find docs very rational, they go after what a book says. They don't make decisions from what they see, they make decision from what the books says. Here's an example:

"Kevin is feeling that something is wrong. He's all stressed up 24/7 and he's having psychical symptoms. He goes to his doc, tells him all this. Doc does some tests - nothing wrong. Sends Kevin to a therapists/psychologists. The psychologists gives Kevin meds, even though he doesn't know if Kevin is anxious or just paranoid. He gives him a med, Kevin goes home, tries the new med. Feels like sh*t, goes back to his psychologists, tells the psychologists that they're making him feel like sh*t. The psychologists says it's just like that in the beginning. Kevin accepts that - 6 month later the meds are still making him feel like sh*t and he can't quit them. Basically, Kevin is taking meds thats making him feel like sh*t, but he can't stop taking them. Yay. Off to his doc to repeat the cycle. Until he actually find the right med. But then again, he's taking 5 different meds and only one of them works. Going to his doc was just giving him more problems"

I did some tests one month ago. I did an EKG and a blood test. Nothing wrong and that I trust. My doc however, didn't give me any meds. She sent me to a f*cked up therapist who can't even handle her own life. She was litterally stupid. This was what she told me: "It's going to end....trust me...it's going to end...just trust me..." - Trying to convince herself that it's going to go away. Instead of telling me how it all works, how the system is built up, she tries to comfort me. Then she said I could die from cannabis and her 2 friends died from it. SHE ACTUALLY GOOGLED MY SYMPTOMS ugh.

Now a few people here are rational. All my knowledge is partly from here and partly from google. This forum, the internet, is helping me more than my doc. This is why I don't trust doctors.

2. Derealization/Depersonalization

This is the absolute worst symptom for me. Being detached from the world is a scary feeling. But I'm not sure if my dr/dp is like others. Some say it's a chemical balance, basically it happens automatically? For me, it's not like that. I make it happen. My mind makes it happen. And it's not at its worst constantly. Sometimes I forget it completly, sometimes I have it but it's not severe, sometimes it can be severe.

Now, HOW DO YOU SOLVE THIS? I've heard lots of things. Some people has been having it for 30 f*cking years. When I first got my anxiety, I used to google my symptoms. I read somewhere that if you have dr/dp for more than 2 years - You're f*cked. It won't go away, because the brain learns that it's normal. The dreamy feeling becomes the standard.

Then I've heard that you can learn to bury it in the subconcious mind, where it once was. You do this by distracting yourself and not thinking about it. Easier said than done. "The longer you have it, the worse it gets." - This triggers my dr/dp.

3. Panic attacks

Thank god, I've conquered this. I can control it easily and I no longer fear them. How? Watching youtube videos, forum and google. Doctors/therapists/psychologists didn't help me here at all.

4. Medications

I'm sure they're great for some people. In general, I think meds are great. You learn how to cope with things and all that. BUT, in my case I think it'll make it worse. I wasn't afraid of meds, in fact I used to take a drug called oxy-contin. Wasn't prescribed, but damn it felt good after a long football/soccer game. I got my anxiety from cannabis. From smoking something, taking something. That made me hypersensitive. Everytime I drink soda, eat sugar, drink my coffe I go full dr/dp mode. Thinking it will affect me.

So yeah. That's what's on my mind. I'm swedish, I know my english suckzz. Having a rational and logical ideology/theory to counter this, will take me one step closer to my goal.

03-09-2014, 02:51 PM
Hey guys. Sorry for making it so long, I'd really appreciate if you took your time to read it. Thanks.

So recently, I've been making all kinds of threads, asking this and that. B*tching about this and that. But they all come down to the "big" questions. I've not dealt with my problem properly and that's why I'm having all these questions. So, lets go back to step one.

1. What do I have??

I'm sooooo confused. How can you be 100% sure it's anxiety, who diagnoses you? Alot of people say doctors. But here is what I think of doctors/therapists/psychologists: I don't trust them completly. Why? There's a difference between rationality and intellect. I don't find docs very rational, they go after what a book says. They don't make decisions from what they see, they make decision from what the books says. Here's an example:

"Kevin is feeling that something is wrong. He's all stressed up 24/7 and he's having psychical symptoms. He goes to his doc, tells him all this. Doc does some tests - nothing wrong. Sends Kevin to a therapists/psychologists. The psychologists gives Kevin meds, even though he doesn't know if Kevin is anxious or just paranoid. He gives him a med, Kevin goes home, tries the new med. Feels like sh*t, goes back to his psychologists, tells the psychologists that they're making him feel like sh*t. The psychologists says it's just like that in the beginning. Kevin accepts that - 6 month later the meds are still making him feel like sh*t and he can't quit them. Basically, Kevin is taking meds thats making him feel like sh*t, but he can't stop taking them. Yay. Off to his doc to repeat the cycle. Until he actually find the right med. But then again, he's taking 5 different meds and only one of them works. Going to his doc was just giving him more problems"

I did some tests one month ago. I did an EKG and a blood test. Nothing wrong and that I trust. My doc however, didn't give me any meds. She sent me to a f*cked up therapist who can't even handle her own life. She was litterally stupid. This was what she told me: "It's going to end....trust me...it's going to end...just trust me..." - Trying to convince herself that it's going to go away. Instead of telling me how it all works, how the system is built up, she tries to comfort me. Then she said I could die from cannabis and her 2 friends died from it. SHE ACTUALLY GOOGLED MY SYMPTOMS ugh.

Now a few people here are rational. All my knowledge is partly from here and partly from google. This forum, the internet, is helping me more than my doc. This is why I don't trust doctors.

2. Derealization/Depersonalization

This is the absolute worst symptom for me. Being detached from the world is a scary feeling. But I'm not sure if my dr/dp is like others. Some say it's a chemical balance, basically it happens automatically? For me, it's not like that. I make it happen. My mind makes it happen. And it's not at its worst constantly. Sometimes I forget it completly, sometimes I have it but it's not severe, sometimes it can be severe.

Now, HOW DO YOU SOLVE THIS? I've heard lots of things. Some people has been having it for 30 f*cking years. When I first got my anxiety, I used to google my symptoms. I read somewhere that if you have dr/dp for more than 2 years - You're f*cked. It won't go away, because the brain learns that it's normal. The dreamy feeling becomes the standard.

Then I've heard that you can learn to bury it in the subconcious mind, where it once was. You do this by distracting yourself and not thinking about it. Easier said than done. "The longer you have it, the worse it gets." - This triggers my dr/dp.

3. Panic attacks

Thank god, I've conquered this. I can control it easily and I no longer fear them. How? Watching youtube videos, forum and google. Doctors/therapists/psychologists didn't help me here at all.

4. Medications

I'm sure they're great for some people. In general, I think meds are great. You learn how to cope with things and all that. BUT, in my case I think it'll make it worse. I wasn't afraid of meds, in fact I used to take a drug called oxy-contin. Wasn't prescribed, but damn it felt good after a long football/soccer game. I got my anxiety from cannabis. From smoking something, taking something. That made me hypersensitive. Everytime I drink soda, eat sugar, drink my coffe I go full dr/dp mode. Thinking it will affect me.

So yeah. That's what's on my mind. I'm swedish, I know my english suckzz. Having a rational and logical ideology/theory to counter this, will take me one step closer to my goal.

look man u were doing so fine. the only thing u need help is controling your mind over dr dp.i managed with the help of my self and the med to overcome dp.just get in touch with your body man see some youtube videos on that. as for dr it all comes down to the question whats life whats real. what u think is real.decartes used to solve this by sayin i think therefore i am.currently i am on the phase of the vision.like i made up my mind this is real but i have some vision lroblems.u need to train your body and mind when u get those feelings.u were doing so great wjth gym and all.now u play pc games that make u super tired ,inactive.thats why u feel dr dp man and it is worse these days.get back to where u were.never stop change your lifestyle once and for all man.

03-09-2014, 03:00 PM
The situation right now isn't bad. I've had some succes. 5 steps forward - 4,7 steps back. Dr/dp isn't constantly annoying me, I know that this is real life. No questions about that. But, it can come up and when it does, BOM, it's severe. It holds on for 1-2 hours, I told you they come like attacks.

I'm soon moving to another city to study with my gf. I'm going to stop all the gaming there :| But hopefully it'll help me forget about this sh*t. Thanks man.

03-09-2014, 03:04 PM
The situation right now isn't bad. I've had some succes. 5 steps forward - 4,7 steps back. Dr/dp isn't constantly annoying me, I know that this is real life. No questions about that. But, it can come up and when it does, BOM, it's severe. It holds on for 1-2 hours, I told you they come like attacks.

I'm soon moving to another city to study with my gf. I'm going to stop all the gaming there :| But hopefully it'll help me forget about this sh*t. Thanks man.

u do that.look forward. just build up a new life forget the bad shit.and be strong man. those what ifs in your mind will eventually go trust me :)good luck.

03-09-2014, 03:06 PM
u do that.look forward. just build up a new life forget the bad shit.and be strong man. those what ifs in your mind will eventually go trust me :)good luck.

Thank you bro, you're an inspiration :)

03-09-2014, 03:20 PM
Thank you bro, you're an inspiration :)

you listen but u never really listen to me man.we have the same shit pretty much. i told u to be hyperactive man and that is what u should have done and do.i believe in you.dont fight it just let it there.let it sleep and when it wakes up just learn how to ease the beast.i swear yesterday i wanted to go to the ER but i said to myself it is the samw situation.control it now or loose this fight forever.i gained ny strength and held on till the morning.i had an amazing time and i rewarded myself for what i had done.this is what u should do.dont be lazy

03-09-2014, 04:05 PM
You have still come sooooo far bruh,...I don't really have the answer to the stopping dp/dr that I haven't already posted in the past but if you can overcome this, you're a powerful young man to say the least.. Wish I didn't have to take so many damn meds, but it is what it is....and I feel great even though my body and mind are a shit pile..trainwreck, mess, with diseases....:)

Have a good day Elias!

Enduronman.. :D

03-09-2014, 04:05 PM
Ok you want to learn which is great .

Great site is https://www.anxietycentre.com , pay the small fee , well worth it .

Doctors and psychologists or alot of them anyway are useless . Doctors are only trained in meds , what to take to find and fix the symptoms of something . They are not trained to cure anything . It is a rare doctor that has taken a special interest and trained themselves . There are some though.

psychologists are a friggen joke in the most , there are good ones but they are rare . Most got into it to try and understand their own problems and a bulk of these are still trying to work that out. It takes a very special person that can listen to others complain all day and want to do this just in order to help people . I have been told by everyone treating me that i should train in it but this is one of the reasons i wont as i dont like people overall ? If some one was to come in and complain about some shit they have control over but to lazy to fix i would simply tell them to get their shit together and stop complaining about it.

If you what to fix yourself thats what you have to do and use what every means . I think you have this one .

Remember that these people are not some gods that have hidden information. They learned it and in this day and age so can you .

Dont worry about shit you read ? Some people will tell you that they have had it 30 years but they forget it wasnt at its worst for 30 years and they may never have spent any time fixing it just complaining about it . There of course are people that have things for a long time but they adapt and learn to live with it taking no toll on their life . Life is really about adapting. Some of the worse off people in the world are the happiest Its all about what you want out of life . google life without limbs and tell me this guy is not the tops .

How do you know ??

Because tests show things and if they are fine then so are you . Symptoms are the key and you have them . Also 90% of what doctors see is stress related . anxiety is stress. Your young , learn and fix it now .

Panic attacks are just the highest level of anxiety , you lost these so you are getting better but it takes time .

Learn to walk away . This shit will wreak your brain if you let it . I should have walked away at sometime and it has taken its toll on me but on one hand i love the way it all works and when you look at the brain and start to see how it works its pretty additive . I would love to train in it but as i said i would have to deal with people :) Send me your email in a pm and i will send you something that will help .


They are poisons , they are all side effects , good and bad . I am not saying that you should not use them but meds fix nothing and you never know what is meds and what is the problem .

If you use meds which i dont think you will then use , and get off them . There are too many people that are on meds long term and only a few need them for that . Most need to change their life and they would be better .

Most of all learn to care for yourself , your mind and your body and you will live well . Remember the saying shit in , shit out . This is what illness is .

Good information as always!! Great site.

I was wondering if this even can get fixed. I wouldn't be b*tching about it if I could fix it. I'd do anything to get rid of this. But I actually thought that you can't fix it. I thought I only could make it a little bit..."better".

Yea, I guess I have to be optimistic right now. It'll go away or I'll get used to it.

I'm trying everyday to just walk away and forget about it. Easier said than done :|

Yeah, I'm not planning on taking any meds. I know I'm going to regret it. I think it's better if I solve this without them.

Once again man, great post really. This gave me hope, I almost lost it. Thanks!

03-09-2014, 04:12 PM
you listen but u never really listen to me man.we have the same shit pretty much. i told u to be hyperactive man and that is what u should have done and do.i believe in you.dont fight it just let it there.let it sleep and when it wakes up just learn how to ease the beast.i swear yesterday i wanted to go to the ER but i said to myself it is the samw situation.control it now or loose this fight forever.i gained ny strength and held on till the morning.i had an amazing time and i rewarded myself for what i had done.this is what u should do.dont be lazy

It's not easy man. I was exercising and everything, but when I got sick, high fever, nausea + all anxiety symptoms, it litterally f*cked me up. + I'm not in school very often. I only go to school tuesday and wednesday, that how my schedule is right now. It's because I'm done with everything lol. My gf is working and studying and she only comes over when I need my dose of: "you-know-what"

03-09-2014, 04:15 PM
You have still come sooooo far bruh,...I don't really have the answer to the stopping dp/dr that I haven't already posted in the past but if you can overcome this, you're a powerful young man to say the least.. Wish I didn't have to take so many damn meds, but it is what it is....and I feel great even though my body and mind are a shit pile..trainwreck, mess, with diseases....:)

Have a good day Elias!

Enduronman.. :D

You have no idea how much you've helped me man. Really appreciate that :)

So.. why aren't you an action figure yet?

03-09-2014, 04:32 PM
You have no idea how much you've helped me man. Really appreciate that :)

So.. why aren't you an action figure yet?

Once I get back into weight training maybe I'll have an action figure made just for fun!!.. It's been 20 months since I've trained and I think I've been here about that long too as my anxietttyyyyyy wasssss highh for good reasons.
I'm glad that you're feeling better, that makes us allllllll feel better too.

Enduronman.. :)