View Full Version : Would you say these are perfect ingredients for a panic attack?

03-08-2014, 05:08 PM
First thing, I didn't have a good sleep last night, I kept waking up, my sinus infection is not helping to sleep better either, but I couldn't find a really comfy position on my bed.. keep tossing turning, waking up in weird positions, remembering my dreams.. I got up after 3 hours at one point, felt like shit, so decided to go back for a bit more.. then I woke up finally after that, feeling bizarre, kind of spacey, like my eyes couldn't focus on much..

I was hungry so, I ate, but still felt drowsy/spacey and anxious, so I decided to go for a walk, see if that would help.. When I got back from the walk, I seemed to have felt worse than ever, feeling very tired and panicked.. little things like sounds were setting me off and making me feel dread, I couldn't make sense of what was bothering me in particular.. I've been feeling this rotton all day, and finally I took my Zoloft, hoping I can calm a bit, but I don't know why I was hit with all this, and don't know what is going on with me.. :(


03-08-2014, 05:08 PM
As for sleep, it's not like I didn't have ANY sleep, or didn't get enough.. I had enough, so what gives?? :(

03-08-2014, 05:18 PM
As for sleep, it's not like I didn't have ANY sleep, or didn't get enough.. I had enough, so what gives?? :(

You're in a self defeating cycle. Break the cycle. Stop thinking about the bad. Get a grip. Stop whining and do something about it!

03-08-2014, 05:24 PM
Wow, rude much? If you have nothing helpful to offer in an answer, ignore my question. Simple.

03-08-2014, 06:07 PM
First thing, I didn't have a good sleep last night, I kept waking up, my sinus infection is not helping to sleep better either, but I couldn't find a really comfy position on my bed.. keep tossing turning, waking up in weird positions, remembering my dreams.. I got up after 3 hours at one point, felt like shit, so decided to go back for a bit more.. then I woke up finally after that, feeling bizarre, kind of spacey, like my eyes couldn't focus on much.. I was hungry so, I ate, but still felt drowsy/spacey and anxious, so I decided to go for a walk, see if that would help.. When I got back from the walk, I seemed to have felt worse than ever, feeling very tired and panicked.. little things like sounds were setting me off and making me feel dread, I couldn't make sense of what was bothering me in particular.. I've been feeling this rotton all day, and finally I took my Zoloft, hoping I can calm a bit, but I don't know why I was hit with all this, and don't know what is going on with me.. :( *ingredients

I get a lot of those feelings too. Every single one you mentioned. Feeling weird when waking up just to turn or use the bathroom, remembering weird dreams, waking up for the day feeling spacey and off. The weirdest things can also give me that gloomy, dread feeling too. Sometimes it can just be seeing one of my daughters toys on the floor or something and I just get this wicked doom feeling in the pit of my stomach. Also some sounds like you said can do that to me.

I just always chalk it up to my non stop anxious mind. I hope you feel better.

03-08-2014, 06:23 PM
^Thanks. Anxiety flare ups have been super bad the last few weeks. During an attack, I can overanalyze a peanut butter sandwich, and freak out..lmao, no fun at all. I think these a-hole trolls have actually raised my anxiety up, I have tingling going on in my face right now.

03-08-2014, 06:35 PM
^Thanks. Anxiety flare ups have been super bad the last few weeks. During an attack, I can overanalyze a peanut butter sandwich, and freak out..lmao, no fun at all. I think these a-hole trolls have actually raised my anxiety up, I have tingling going on in my face right now.
Show them to granma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I going to kick all the trolls out of forum , you will lead the pack fruity

03-08-2014, 06:51 PM
*ignores comments by two trolls above me*

Anyway, still not feeling I'm really over the afternoon attack yet. *sigh*

03-08-2014, 08:32 PM
Hey Frankie F*** the fruity, shaking hands we both are sock puppets (sock fetish) and trolls
Oh i feel good I feel mighty gooddddddddd nowwwwww;))

03-08-2014, 08:48 PM
She must REALLY need help Dahila. No one can behave this way if they're not imploding. The few trolls that have been here lately have bugged me because it gets you wondering you know. The whole Kyle thing made that pretty bad. But to have it in your head that maybe 20 of us are all the same person must mean she is highly disturbed :( I would hate to be so paranoid and delusional.
It is kind of scary, is it not?