View Full Version : Will it get better?

03-07-2014, 06:53 AM
Hello, I was on SSRI's for 5 years before coming off them back in October and my doctor put me on Adderall. In February I finally decided the Adderall was doing more harm than good for my panic disorder, and told him to put me back on Celexa 20mg. It has been a week since I have been back on the Celexa but I am living off my Xanax this past week. There is this constant nervous feeling that starts in my stomach then goes throughout my body and it feels like it will never go away. Is it just that the Celexa needs more time to kick in? If not what do I need to do to get rid of this feeling? Any thoughts would be great, thanks! :)

03-07-2014, 07:27 AM
It will get better! Just let the Celexa do it's thing. Gonna take a couple of weeks to start to notice benefits.

Take the other stuff to get through as you need it.

Be kind to yourself and ask questions or vent here! Many many caring, supportive and knowledgeable people here!

Hang in there, you are going in the right direction!

03-07-2014, 07:39 AM
Thank you Pam! It does help just coming here and venting and hearing from other people that it will get better. You would think after over 10 years I would know this myself, by as we all know, once anxiety takes over the mind it consumes you and your normal thinking!

03-07-2014, 09:14 AM
Hi Confidential Just keep moving as much as you can. Just posted in the :( thread about this too if you would like to read it. I'm on the app so I can't link the thread. Just a sad face. Hope it helps. If you're on PC Pam maybe you could link it here please?

Frankie, would love to help you out here but I'm on the app too right now. If I remember....I'm the one with the brain like a sieve and the attention span of a gnat.....I will link it when I get home if you don't first.

BTW - are you feeling any better?

03-07-2014, 09:15 AM

03-07-2014, 09:16 AM
Thank you Pam! It does help just coming here and venting and hearing from other people that it will get better. You would think after over 10 years I would know this myself, by as we all know, once anxiety takes over the mind it consumes you and your normal thinking!

It has been the better part of 25 yrs for me and I still need help from these great people once in a while. Don't beat yourself up over it....we are here to help!

03-07-2014, 09:19 AM

Thanks jess, now I can free up the space in my brain I was using to remember that.

03-07-2014, 09:23 AM
I am feeling better because I took a Xanax at 7 and then 11 but also because I am at work which is keeping me distracted, its waking up in the morning with the thought of facing the day that gets me the worst, even though the day comes and I'm fine! Its so ridiculous I know. But if I dont keep up with the Xanax the anxiety rush feeling just keeps hitting me, just cant wait for it to stop, a friend of mine takes Nexium for stomach issues, should I perhaps ask about getting that for now?

03-07-2014, 09:25 AM
Hm...................... you will get better eventually ..........
Jesse I am not sure.........