View Full Version : So ironic i had to laugh

Niicole Lynne
03-03-2014, 05:40 PM
Now if anyone has been following my posts... I am very afraid of death and it is the trigger to my anxiety. I don't like being around conversations and discussing it. Which leads into my story

So I'm at the salon getting my nails done and I'm the only one in the salon
Eventually a lady comes in and starts saying that her mother passed away and she has the memorial on Saturday and that's why she is getting her nails done... I don't panic because I assume that's all she is going to say about it right?.... Not!!!
This woman sat there for the ENTIRE hour and a half that I was there talking about this person dying, that person dying, how death is forever, and how she had to say goodbye forever etc etc etc

I was like r u kidding? This wud only happen to me. Of all people, she had to come in sit right beside me and go on and on about death lol

I almost had to laugh it off because if there is such thing as fate or karma or whatever out there... Well played, well played lol

03-03-2014, 05:51 PM
But I have to ask the important question..... Do your nails look gorgeous?

Like how you can look back on it and keep it in perspective!

Well done!

Niicole Lynne
03-03-2014, 05:58 PM
But I have to ask the important question..... Do your nails look gorgeous? Like how you can look back on it and keep it in perspective! Well done! Cheers! Pam

Haha they do look quite great :)
Haha thanks :)

03-03-2014, 06:32 PM
I was like r u kidding? This wud only happen to me. Of all people, she had to come in sit right beside me and go on and on about death lol

I almost had to laugh it off because if there is such thing as fate or karma or whatever out there... Well played, well played lol

That made me laugh so hard!! Even though it's awful! Some people...

I went to the dentist a while ago... I have a lot of anxiety about paperwork and completing all the forms I need to fill out, etc. So I'm there with my mouth open, getting my teeth cleaned, totally no chance to escape or speak - and guess what the very slow-working hygienist wanted to talk about? Her husband's taxes and PAPERWORK, and how she can't find half the paperwork, and it's so much work to gather up all the papers and files and receipts and the stress of it all... OMG - on and on!! Forget dental anxiety - now I have hygienist anxiety! :)

Glad your nails turned out well, and I'm glad I got a good dental report :)

Niicole Lynne
03-03-2014, 06:38 PM
Lmfao! Omg you just made my day. Lolol
Terrible yet hilarious!
Oh boy lol